Raw garlic up the ass, black garlic smeared on your eyelids. Cures anything.I think we need Lumie to weigh in on this first.
Raw garlic up the ass, black garlic smeared on your eyelids. Cures anything.I think we need Lumie to weigh in on this first.
Don't let them lie to you.I love garlic but have never had black garlic. What does it taste like?
It's like the roastiest of roasted garlic flavor.
Hey Chef, What Can I Do With Black Garlic?
You won't find black garlic in your average grocery store, but it's well worth seeking out. The fermented allium delivers the molasses sweetness and soft fudgy texture of roasted garlic, with a gently pungent funk.www.seriouseats.com
The fermented allium delivers the molasses sweetness and soft fudgy texture of roasted garlic, with a gently pungent funk. As Lower48's chef Alex Figura puts it, black garlic "has acidity, a very funky smell, and almost a charred flavor to it. If you can imagine puréeing shitake mushrooms with soy sauce, it would be that same intense flavor."
Sounds like some yuppy shit thats either too expensive to buy or not worth to make.
sure dude, hit me up if you got any more questions. Admittedly i don't make char siu bao b/c i hate folding and shit (dumplings, etc), i'd rather just get it at a chinese grocer, they even have decent frozen options.Thank you based chinaman
sure dude, hit me up if you got any more questions. Admittedly i don't make char siu bao b/c i hate folding and shit (dumplings, etc), i'd rather just get it at a chinese grocer, they even have decent frozen options.
i mean, it's just not worth it to me, you can get "acceptable" dumplings with this thingAlso, dumpling forms are like pasta. Making some malformed little blobfish of a pork dumpling may be just as much sacrilege to a native as using spaghetti instead of elbows in a pasta and cheese; but it'll still taste damn fine (taking into account possibly different cook times for different sizes and shapes).
So if you don't want to pinch fold 15 crimps x 30 dumplings for a fucking midweek dinner, don't. hamhand it with 3 total folds, break out a fork, or turn it into a bao, or even break out a ravioli roller-cutter; whatever man.
Buddy of mine just linked me this, figure people here would like to drool over it as well. Guess at this point you have to basically win the lottery to get one as he can't pump them out fast enough. They also start around $5k and just go up from there.
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I really want to try some blacksmithing and make some knives. Not expecting to put out stuff like these guys do, just find the whole process interesting and a possible good hobby to get into.