12lb turkey just wife and me, 1 day brine, i'd say 10% saltier than i'd want it (cuz i ran out of kosher salt and tried to make iodized salt)
i mean it was still juicy and yummy, same as always followed alton brown recipe w/ tin foil boob protector
this time i changed it up a bit, i started with 500 boob side down, cuz i really wanted to sear and roast the skin, i didn't do vegs on bottom and used a rack. then turned it over for the boob side up browning. of course i knew there would be marks and indentations from the wire rack transferred to the boob, but that faded away after a while.
i was contemplating injecting the bird or not, decided not to, probably for the best.
then just lumpy mashed and corn bread pudding.
i have no idea why you white ppl love your cranberry sauce tho, jesus christ, and i've only ever had good green bean cassarole once and that was cuz a short super fat white lady brought it in, so i knew that was gonna be good at least.