Greece is what all of Earth will be like after civilization goes off-world. Right down to the last detail; shipping will be the only real industry.

Treaties are on the same level as other federal law and subordinate to the constitution. Congress could even unilaterally change a treaty (provided they can override) and US courts would have to uphold the newer law and disregard the treaty even if we were still bound to it under international law.They want it as an amendment to the constitution because it would encompass the full panoply of American legislative power. Aside from another amendment the only thing that would supersede it is a treaty ratified by both houses and signed by the President.
That'd be a really fucking short war. The turkish and greek stormtrooper would run through germany in a day as the not-nazis panic'd over how they thought they made violence illegal.
That silly ass comparison has been brought up a ton of times in this thread. The minute you see someone bring it up, it is a red flag that they don't know wtf they are talking about in regards to this crisis. It seems to be their last gasp after they have ran out of other "feels" arguments on the subject. Not shocked Flight eventually resorted to it.The whole "everyone canceled/forgot about Germanys debts after WW2" is pretty idiotic comparison. See WW1 reparations and being ruled by a brutal dictatorship if you cant figure out why.
Varoufakis Tapes: French government 'terrified' of Berlin's austerity drive - live updates | Business | The GuardianAround 12 minutes in, he talks about the major tussle between the European Stability Mechanism, European Commission, IMF and German finance minister Wolfgang Sch?uble.
"Wolfgang has quite clearly said to me that he wants Grexit. He clearly believes that this extend and pretend is unacceptable. This is the one point where we see eye to eye - I agree with him, but for completely different reasons.
The IMF does not want an agreement because it does not want to violate its charter again to provide new loans to a country whose debt is unviable.
The Commission really wants the deal to go ahead, Merkel wants this deal to go ahead."
Yanis Varoufakis went on to warn that the French government is ?terrified? of the austerity demanded by Germany. "The French are terrified. They are terrified because they know that if they?re going to shrink their budget deficit to the levels that Berlin demands, the Parisan government will certainly fall."
Varoufakis then explains how Wolfgang Sch?uble has outlined to him his plan to reshape the eurozone, to add more political union to make it sustainable. And, Varoufakis added, Sch?uble believes that a Grexit will equip him with: "sufficient terrorising power to impose on Paris what the French are resisting, which is a degree of budget-making powers from Paris to Brussels."
That silly ass comparison has been brought up a ton of times in this thread. The minute you see someone bring it up, it is a red flag that they don't know wtf they are talking about in regards to this crisis. It seems to be their last gasp after they have ran out of other "feels" arguments on the subject. Not shocked Flight eventually resorted to it.
Germany was also completely flattened and destroyed in the war, which seems like payback enough.You seem ignorant of the fact that Germany directly stole 100s of millions of marks from Greece during the war itself the vast majority of which were never paid back.
Not sure how I've rattled your cage but then you often resort to abuse in generally adult conversations. Maybe you're spending too much time in the Rickshaw and becoming a man of small wit.
What is your definition of austerity then? Wherever I look its cutting government spending to achive a balanced budget, and this is simply not being done right now. The US 2015 fedral budget is, from what I can find, as follows;He's wrong on the definition of austerity to begin with. Then he's wrong about passing balanced budget legislation being practiced "nowhere". Then he's wrong about about slashing government spending being "the rage".
Was the rest of Europe spared devastation?Germany was also completely flattened and destroyed in the war, which seems like payback enough.
Yes, yes. And of course Germany is not to blame for why was completely flattened and destroyed.Was the rest of Europe spared devastation?
Comparatively, of course, Germany and eastern Europe/Russia took most of the damage of the war.Was the rest of Europe spared devastation?