Greece - A New Hope


WoW Office
<Gold Donor>
There's a lot you can't fix--but there is a lot you can, too. Some of Greece's corruption is just lazy, an outside audit could easily wipe it out. I mean some of it is really just extreme, we aren't talking the national pride in avoiding taxation ect. We are talking whole agencies that don't exist and just collect money.
I think a comment like this is ignorant of how pervasive corruption can be in third world countries. Life styles are literally set up in a way where wiping out corruption would cause huge issues with society itself. In highly corrupt countries, nothing happens without expected payouts, and because of that- people are paid and society functions with the idea that these payouts will happen. To change deep seeded corruption, you have to change society itself- which an audit can not and will not ever be able to do


Maybe we should crowd fund us some money and buy some Greek artifacts before they get stolen/destroyed in the upcoming fallout.
Sorry, we got there first:Elgin Marbles - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia



Mr. Poopybutthole
To change deep seeded corruption, you have to change society itself- which an audit can not and will not ever be able to do
So what you're saying is it's our duty as patriotic Americans to give Greece the same kind of freedom, liberty, and democracy we gave to Iraq?

Frenzied Wombat

Potato del Grande
Make Greece fight ISIS in return for debt forgiveness. Let veterans emigrate to Texas so I have a decent Greek joint to go eat at. Problem solved.


Buzzfeed Editor
I think a comment like this is ignorant of how pervasive corruption can be in third world countries. Life styles are literally set up in a way where wiping out corruption would cause huge issues with society itself. In highly corrupt countries, nothing happens without expected payouts, and because of that- people are paid and society functions with the idea that these payouts will happen. To change deep seeded corruption, you have to change society itself- which an audit can not and will not ever be able to do
I think you might be misunderstanding what an audit like this entails. We're not talking about some accountant peeking through your books; we are talking about a super state institution with legal authority to view information, remove individuals from office and prosecute crimes. Audits in the U.S. that the IRS/Dept of Justice (ect) does are conducted with the FBI in tow. You're not going to be able to change various monopolies or cartels, or other economic irregularities that have cropped up in the economy, thanks to decades of malfeasance ingrained in the culture, no. But if a bunch of Germans, with legal authority, and the ability to use the states monopoly on violence, descend to audit Greece? They will fix quite a few long standing issues (After a period of suffering). You're silly if you don't believe so. (Though, to add, my original statement other nations would be able to implement deep structural and institutional changes, which would be based on the audit/investigation).

The issue is, unlike, say, the the Federal government descending on a small town to take over the government, audit it, remove it and rebuild it? No Greek is going to want to cede their states authority to an outside power; where in the U.S. states and municipalities are compelled to do just that. I mean, there is a reason why it's the FBI (Or more importantly the IRS) which rooted out organized crime and not local city cops; because the people doing it need to be removed from the influence of the corruption. (And even then, they are subject to it--it's just more difficult.)...Now, it's possible for such an organizational level to itself be corrupt (Defense spending! Katrina!) but in this case, they would clean up a good chunk of the local corruption before the fat began to roll in. Greece would still be corrupt, mind you--but some of the more outrageous stuff would be gone.


He called the other side terrorists, and plenty of other terms. He was more infatuated with his persona/image than to get anything done. Also, he wasn't asked to quit, he was asked not to be at the negotiations. He quit because he was shut out due to his own bravado/agenda.
He was calling it like it was and thus was too confrontational for the "other side"'s tastes. He was asked by Tsipras to step down as a sign of goodwill so a deal could be reached. And yes, what happened last week was terrorism (or bullying, blackmail, whatever) - of the "vote yes or else" variety - and the worst moment in the history of EU. I am living in Greece and i couldn't believe this was happening and in a such blatantly open way. A lot of people switched votes from "Yes" to "No" only because of this.

On a lighter note:



Make America's Team Great Again
<Gold Donor>
Probably a dumb question, but why is that greek video in english?


Murder Apologist
Pretty sure that's a German video actually. If those were greeks they'd have been elected into their politburo by now.


Make America's Team Great Again
<Gold Donor>
OK, then pretend I asked the same question but said "german" instead of "greek".


Murder Apologist
Oh they're prolly trying to go viral with it. Seems like it was produced for the web and they'd want to maximise reach. Rumor is the next season of Deutschland83 will be mostly in English for similar reasons (it's doing really well in UK and Sundance channel) but then it'll be based around West berlin.


Trump's Staff
<Gold Donor>
(or bullying, blackmail, whatever)
Those three words have three very distinct meanings. The guy tried to play the victim card and it failed. Good luck getting a better deal now.
This truly is the Blazing saddles scene.

The problem with greece is not the government, but its people. Just start paying taxes (like the rest of the world) and things will be better.


WoW Office
<Gold Donor>
The problem with greece is not the government, but its people. Just start paying taxes (like the rest of the world) and things will be better.
Dont try to short change greece's issues. Both are pretty fucked up.


I think a comment like this is ignorant of how pervasive corruption can be in third world countries. Life styles are literally set up in a way where wiping out corruption would cause huge issues with society itself. In highly corrupt countries, nothing happens without expected payouts, and because of that- people are paid and society functions with the idea that these payouts will happen. To change deep seeded corruption, you have to change society itself- which an audit can not and will not ever be able to do
Are you talking about America or Greece?


WoW Office
<Gold Donor>
Are you talking about America or Greece?
Which is a third world country dumbass.

You have no idea what corruption is if your experiences are limited to america. Sure there's corruption here, but it pales in comparison to the system corruption that some countries have from the ground up.


America dwarfs every other country in terms of corruption, and it's not even close. America is so corrupt that normal notions of what constitutes 'corruption' can't even apply. I actually had a brief email conversation with Chomsky about this some months ago (he actually replied like three times, surprisingly).

Greece is conspicuous in theirs: bribery, tax evasion, etc. It's so cute, so honest comparatively. America's corruption is in the tune of multiple trillions of dollars, defrauding the entire whole of the American populace at once and dispossession on a nationwide scale. It's so absolutely absurd, so completely dwarfs what normal corruption is that we need a new word for it.