Greece - A New Hope


"White" is shorthand for "Germanic extraction, protestant, male, middle class, straight". If you don't tick all the boxes, you don't get your Privilege Card.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
"White" is shorthand for "Germanic extraction, protestant, male, middle class, straight". If you don't tick all the boxes, you don't get your Privilege Card.
JACKPOT! I win! Wait, fuck, I was raised Catholic! No wonder my life isn't perfect.


Musty Nester
Nah man, greeks are still stinky brown people.

I've had my privilege card since the 80's. It only cost me a buck, and Stang himself signed it.


I have a hot greek female friend who was a Navy corpsman so she has seen me naked but in a purely professional way. Later she asked if I wanted to take salsa classes with her and I was deploying so I had to say no.

Now I am not so sure where I stood with her ....


Murder Apologist
You've been fapping to Greek chicks this WHOLE TIME:


Running Dog_sl

Seems this thing isn't quite over yet after all

- Germany has reportedly drawn up a paper suggesting Greece could temporarily exit the eurozone, "to general disbelief"
- Italy to tell Germany: "enough is enough" - we need to stop humiliating Greece, and find a deal and common ground for good of EU
- Finnish TV is reporting that the Helsinki government will not support a new Greek aid package "Finland's alex stubb's hands tied, soini will bring down govt if finland agrees to any more gk funding"

Greek debt crisis: Finland opposes third bailout; Italy to demand action - live updates | Business | The Guardian


Murder Apologist
Keeping the Greeks in the EU __IS__ the asshole option.

Schaeuble's idea of a 5-year EU grexit combined with a humanitarian goodbye bailout is actually the most sensible one.It wasn't floored during the eurozone meeting though, since that meeting was mostly the Northern Europeans finance ministries shitting on the French-backed Greek proposal.

A highly-structured 5-year Grexit would allow real economic restructuring outside of the euro's valuation and without the massive debt servicing costs. It would allow the Greeks to restructure with the drachma or whatever currency they come up with. The 5-year plan would provide real milestones for the Greeks to meet the standards of a modern economy and have real goals to work towards. Most importantly it would set transparent standards for the Greek economy to RE-ENTER the EU---this is important because it would dispel once and for all the spectre of illegitimacy that still lingers around Greece's admission into the EU in the first place.

There's no legal framework for a temporary Grexit, but it's something Tusk and the EC can put together with the executive commission. It'll be useful as a framework for future instances of member states coming into a similar economic situation too.

The alternative---which actually WAS mentioned on the floor---is having EU "economic inspectors" in situ verifying that the Greeks are actually following through with each detail of the bailout! The image of bronzed aryan finance-gestapo tromping around Athens looking over every banker's shoulder is soooooo lulz:

Guardian EU Editor Tweet_sl said:
if gks hated troika before,it can only get worse.germans demanding guaranteed outside vetting of tsipras reforms - source
Anyways as of the end of the first day it's looking like a non-starter:

Telegraph_sl said:
A eurozone official has told AP that creditors want "more specific and binding commitments" from Athens that it will carry out its promises to overhaul the economy.
The official said there's a general feeling in the room that the Greek proposals are "too little, too late" and as such, more proof of the government's commitment to follow through is required.
The source added the reforms do not "necessarily have to be austerity measures."
The Greeks simply have zero credibility among the creditor states and even less among their poorer neighbors. The referendum fiasco and the default that followed has actually pushed THIS YEAR's GDP projections from a 3.5% growth track to a -3% contraction, and it'll get worse by Tuesday. By Wednesday Greece will need 140+ billion instead of 76.


Eeyore Enthusiast
<Gold Donor>
What am I even supposed to be getting out of that? That they need a New Deal? I'm not sure what the other comparison is with 1933 US.


Eeyore Enthusiast
<Gold Donor>
I've had my privilege card since the 80's. It only cost me a buck, and Stang himself signed it.
Haha, I made the same comparison the other day. Privilege is basically Slack turned into an academic theory.



Bronze Baronet of the Realm
"White" is shorthand for "Germanic extraction, protestant, male, middle class, straight". If you don't tick all the boxes, you don't get your Privilege Card.
Religion is not a determinant of race and you need to use the same definitions as the people you're support politically.

That means Asians are white as well unless you wish to stop supporting the SJW nonsense coming out of San Fransico.


What am I even supposed to be getting out of that? That they need a New Deal? I'm not sure what the other comparison is with 1933 US.
That the overall recession in Greece has become worse than the US one post '29 and that's saying something. But, hey, let's flog Greece some more and demand more austerity, more taxes, more government spending cuts while the budget was *already* balanced, oh and also deny them any sort of debt relief, gotta have our pound of flesh and our money bitches. Why settle for -26% GDP when you can have -36%..or -46%? We'll blame the losses on Greeks for not implementing vague structural reforms that shouldn't have had any impact for years anyway and for not paying taxes, even though they paid the double amount in %GDP of the US the last year. Also, how, how dare they call a referendum to reject our wise policies. More punishment should be in order.


I think he missed a chart:

US had its own currency and monetary policy obviously. Greece is trapped in the euro and an exit would quickly add another sharp drop of 20-25% GDP on top of the previous one. At this point i am thinking this should be the better option..reboot and restart.


Murder Apologist
That's always been the best option. Greece ALREADY defaulted to the IMF, may as well go whole hog. Instead of begging for debt forgiveness, you defer debt servicing indefinitely and the weaker drachma would instantly boost tourism and exports in Greece. Previous default models have shown to be too pessimistic anyway.

It's going to be hard for the Greeks for a few years, but it will be hard for the greeks with whatever the Troika comes up with tomorrow anyway. With its own monetary controls Greece would become an irresistable trading port---and since the Greeks are the world leaders in shipping with over 17% of the global merchant fleet and proximity to the Suez, that's practically a done deal.

The only reason to stay within the euro is PRIDE. And so yeah, Greece is fucked.


Also Germany wants Greece gone now. The Greek Parliament passed the terms which the Eurozone demanded yesterday, and the response so far has been "Meh. Not good enough". Add to that the fact that it needs to be passed by all other Eurozone countries (i.e. everyone basically has a veto) and at least one country isnevergoing to agree* and it's done.

And then the predators will move their focus to Portugal, and this starts all over again except now with precedent that countriescanleave the Euro, the ECB isnotthe ultimate guarantor, and some countries actually just don't give a fuck about the Eurozone all protestations to the contrary. So it happens quicker.

Germany is going to wake up one day not so long from now and wonder where their pre-made marketplace went and why nobody wants to do business with them any more.

*Not Germany, surprisingly. Ze Krautsmightbe bought off eventually; the problem is Finland. To pass, it needs approval in their parliament and one of their far right parties is currently operating under the manifesto of "Burn the Eurozone to the ground and fuck everyone non-Finnish" so vetoing this shit is actually directly in their (short term) interests.