Green Monster Games - Curt Schilling

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EQ in a browser wait time: ____
I think 38Studios is taking the best approach they can, a cautious one, and features, game design, and game elements (as well as audience) need to be firmly decided on. Problem is, we"re still rabid fans hoping for something of an improvement, and we like even a small amount of information.
Couldn"t agree with you more~


2 Minutes Hate
He"s not trying to sell you anything, but he most likely thought it would be cool if he showed you some more concept art to take a look at.

It"s just that simple. Stop with the dramatic heroics. Devs just continue to laugh at you.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Yea, they"re just mmorpg philanthropists chatting it up here randomly on one of the most viewed mmo forums simply because they *truly care* about your opinions in helping create their game.

"hai guyz heres sum kewl concept art not intended to create buzz about our upcoming title. Everyones valuable input will of course win FoH posters a free copy of Copernicus when the game comes out. We"re not shills, honest."

PS. Suck more dick please Draegan


Bongk said:
Gonna show my age here, but if you ask what are some of the best games I have ever played the lsit would be Ultima 4 and 5, A Bards Tale (original version), early might and magic series games (world of xeen), Diablo 1 and 2, Warcraft and so forth.

Now ask me some of the ugliest games I ever played, you would get the same list. All anyone cares about anymore is art and graphics. I may be old and in the minority but graphics have never made a game funner. It may catch my eye and make me oooh and aaah for an hour or two but thats about it.

Now don;t get me wrong, very badly done art and animations can be a hinderance to a game, but just average art is fine and dandy to me as what makes the game fun is not how many pixels it shows but system and functions of the game.

I am gonna pull numbers out my ass here and guess, but I would have to assume back in the 80"s and early 90"s graphics were a MUCH smaller portion of the budget and more was spent on actual gameplay. Now days it seems all anyone cares about is how pretty it is and gameplay be damned. (looking at you oblivion and the like)

I would prefer text muds to shit like VG and most of the current crop of MMOG"s. It is why games like D2 that look like complete ass are still played by more people than msot current games. Gameplay is king and graphics dont mean a damn thing in the end, but noone seems to get that anymore.

I have never and will never get excited about concept art or screenshots, because they tell you NOTHING about how fun or lasting a game will be, but yet eat the largest part of the budget (according to what I read), yea that make sense... it is why the game industry is going down the shitter IMO, But noone seems to get that except blizzard.


2 Minutes Hate
Genjiro said:
Yea, they"re just mmorpg philanthropists chatting it up here randomly on one of the most viewed mmo forums simply because they *truly care* about your opinions in helping create their game.
Actually, If I had to guess, I"d say places like, TenTon and IGN get a lot more traffic than this place. I doubt it"s the most viewed at all.

Also in a recent post from Curt:
hehe, no matter how the conversation goes here, or on FOH, or any board for that matter, the same things are going to happen.
1) Danuser and Roberts are going to wince up until, and sometimes after, reading my posts.
2) A sect of people are going to hammer whatever I say
3) A sect of people are going to be excited about what I say
4) A sect of people are going to utter a quote almost exactly like this "Shut the hell up. You talk talk talk and haven"t shown us anything, don"t tell us anymore until we can see a full blown live playest on youtube"
5) A sect of people are going to say "Ya but I hate R.A., he"s a hack and he sucks"
6) A sect of people are going to say "Ya but Todd McFarlane is involved, it"s going to suck suck suck.."
7) Two sects of people are going to oppose those in points 5 and 6
8) Someone is going to give me 733T PWN U business advice in one of the following quotes:
A) Don"t publish your game until it"s finished (as if I didn"t already know that)
B) Don"t have quests, they suck, Exp sucks, everything sucks but especially WOW, don"t make it like WoW, or EQ, or EQ2, or AOC, or etc. etc.
c) Take my advice, hire the folks on this board, we are so much smarter than the people in this industry it"s funny
D) Don"t try and beat WoW, you will screw up if you do
E) Don"t make another fantasy MMO
etc. etc.

All of that will in some form or another, continue to happen as I interact in these forums.

This is all I can really tell you. As a gamer, I am in no way different than many of you. I am deeply passionate and deeply devoted to playing and enjoying MMO"s. I"ve been playing them since the early UO days so I think I know a little bit about the genre and about what"s been good and what hasn"t, it"s not really rocket science to see how many people are playing what games. I have been adamant since day 1 and told this to anyone that will listen. I am NOT making MY GAME. With that being said I am not throwing my cash on the table and telling a group of people I didn"t know "Go make a cool game" either.

You have no idea how much I want to share right now about what we are doing. I have however, been taught by the Danusers, Roberts, and others of the world what can happen if i don"t listen to them in crucial spots, and believe it or not I KNOW I am nowhere near the smartest guy in the room (except when it"s a 1-1 with Danuser).

My family here has achieved, they"ve produced, most more than once. I trust them and I think they trust me to lead them. Leading them is about creating an environment that facilitates them doing way more than they ever dreamed they could, and from a first hand source I can tell you it"s happening.

Yes that"s a tease, and for now that"s all I have for you. I won"t and can"t tell you how our class/race/skills/world/PVP or any of that is working or thought of because there is a TOTAL NO WIN in having those discussions with people that aren"t "eyes on" this stuff 24/7.

There will soon come a time when people outside this studio will lay eyes on our product to begin giving us vital objective feedback and we have industry studs to organize and oversee that process.

At the end of the day someone here really did put it best. I"ve been blessed enough to be in position to go from thinking about making a game, and talking about making a game, to putting my money where my mouth is and actually create an IP that has its core focus as an online Fantasy MMO, and damn if that isn"t cool as hell.
So which group of forum idiot do you fall into? You"re probably 4 or 8.

I think guys like Curt and Blackguard post here because they are gamers and like discussing shit with like minded gamers. They probably also like showing off any part of their work they are allowed to because they are excited about their own project. They leave the shilling to much more exposed websites.


Registered Hutt
I"ve done 2, 3, and 5 though I don"t hate R.A., I just condescend to those who like his work. That"s a funny post. I"m glad he can handle the pressure. Being a pro baseball pitcher must be rough.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Draegan said:
slurp slurp slurp
You are either incredibly naive, stupid, or both. I"ll have to go with option C. By the way, I saw someone on your AoC guild roster named Moorgard.

Must have just been a coincidence and in no way related to your 38S cock slurping. I think that makes you option 8 though .


Genjiro said:
You are either incredibly naive, stupid, or both. I"ll have to go with option C. By the way, I saw someone on your AoC guild roster named Moorgard.

Must have just been a coincidence and in no way related to your 38S cock slurping. I think that makes you option 8 though .
Moorgard was in the guild, but he played very little from what I remember. Blackguard was in it too, OH NOS CONSPIRACY!

Seriously though, I"m all for pointing out hype machines, but I really think Blackguard just posted the link to another piece of concept art because most of us hadn"t seen it, and it"s cool. Someone even asked earlier in the thread where the 3rd piece was since it was mentioned but not showed.


Molten Core Raider
Shill or no shill, who cares. 38S published something and one of their staff linked it here. The majority of folk will want them to keep doing it so we can see it and know about it.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
You played past a beta Woad? Wow, I"m truly shocked

Anyways, I was just pointing out that to say someone who works for a company putting shit on here about their game without some ulterior motives and for gosh golly gee wiz the "love of the gaming" is naive. My original point wasn"t even that it was posted, but that there isusually little to be gleaned from concept artand then Draegan got all uppity about it protecting his boys. You go girlfriend.

Vanguard had concept art from fantasy legends like Jeff Easley on their website which looked absolutely nothing like what ended up in game. Performance will dictate how much or how little things will look like "concept art". Shit some of the Blizzard artists I played with in LoS had concept art for WoW we saw well before WoW was announced or came out that wasamazing, but it only looked vaguely like what ended up in game. And my original point stands, there"s no point getting excited about it until we have actual footage showing good frame rates and real playability. Until then, its all hype, period....end of fucking story. Until they show something meaningful, it"s all Curt gushing over how great the team is, and this or that. He might be right, but its pointless to keep telling us how incredible it is then to say "we cant give you any info".

I"d love a great game to play, and hope they make one. But in this day and age people are understandably jaded.
Oh noes I"m back to shill for 38 Studios again. And by shill, I mean post a link to some art that I think is really cool that my friends drew.

Why do I post here? Because this forum has taken a more active interest than any other. I know every single one of you who gives a crap about the game at all will find the concept art and anything else related to the game on your own eventually, I just jump in here and link to things that you might have missed for your benefit.

Posting links and information here doesn"t gain us any new eyes, because all the eyes on the FoH forums that could be on the game already are (and sane people who would be new eyes on our game don"t come here). If I really wanted to get new people, I"d be emailing the heck out of the major gaming websites where the normal people go, I wouldn"t be posting links in a thread of well-informed, if crotchety, MMO gamers.

I really can"t help reading these darn forums or liking the people on them, despite my better judgment. If you do want me to stop linking to new media and information about our game, I certainly can, I just like seeing the opinions of interested potential players.

Oh, and the shameless promotion piece that I came here to post... it"s just wallpaper versions of the concept art we"ve already released:
First Copernicus Concept Art Revealed!


They posted the last piece of concept art atTen Ton Hammer

"A quiet reverence hung within the grand chamber as the ministers of justice debated their verdict." Along with a brief interview with Todd McFarlane, IGN has revealed the final piece of concept art that we unveiled at Comic-Con. If you missed any of the other four pieces, you can check them out at Ten Ton Hammer and Zam.
Notice a difference? It"s more in how you say it then what you say. Shill away as far as I care, I know I would if it was me.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Sorry, that"s a bunch of bullshit Blackguard. Are you really that new here?

All you had to do was watch how many times and in how many places on a constant basis FoH forums were linked or discussed on other mmo sites, official forums, guild forums and pretty much everywhere else. Fact is, FoH is a large established hub of MMO discussion whose posters often times here have ties to guildmates and other gamers/friends going back well into the past decade. Other people understand that, just look at some of the banners you see and have seen here daily from major mmos--Eve, WoW, hell even fucking EQ2 has had ads on here previously, you know, the game you worked for? Apparently they are doing it for no good reason, and no new posters show up here on FoH in droves do they....oh wait.... I don"t remember the numbers, but Req said somewhere before the number of views/bandwidth FoH gets and it was massive. Other developers who have posted info here for their games and shilled them in the past were definitely doing it for the love of the game and not for word of mouth to get people talking!

You aren"t here just posting shit because "hey some friends of mine did this" as the sole reason, that"s such an unbelievable amount of bullshit it"s not even funny. Hell you even said, "I just like seeing the opinions of interestedpotential players". Anyways, if you are going to throw a crybaby fit of "I just won"t post here anymore", then grow some thicker skin. I don"t really give a shit if you shill your game here, it"s certainly not new to these forums, but to act like your job isn"t at least a large part of the reason you are posting in a thread about your upcoming title is complete bullshit (and if anyone believes that, like the guy on the Dukes of Hazard used to say, "I"ve got a whooooole lot of prime Florida swampland to sell you at a nice price").

Myself and many others would love to see this thread get bumped with actual info about your game, and relevant information to discuss about it.
My job isn"t a large part of the reason I post in this thread, it"s THE reason I do. You guys are a big chunk of the community that is currently interested in the game. I interact with the community by trying to keep it up-to-date and see what they (you) are thinking. That"s why you"ll see posts from me here, 38 Watch, and 38 Fans now and then.

My real point was that I don"t post here to try to get new people interested in the game, it"s to promote a healthy, fun community for our game.

Since part of my title is still Community Relations Manager, I like to hang out with the community. I do it because I like to do it, not because I have to, as I could always chop that part of my title away and remain a happy Game Designer. Also, I"m a bit of a fanboi of my own game, so you might see me revert to crazy fanboi mode at times.
Blackguard has the unenviable task of keeping lines of communication open at times when information about the game is slow or even non-existent. That"s a big part of being Community Relations Manager at this stage. We all know he has a vested interest in generating buzz and interest in the game.

I liked the concept art, and am looking forward to how that design will be implemented, though most of us are also looking for more about the game mechanics and design. The posters here also know all of that, as does 38Studios.

If Curt and Co. can deliver something fun, deep, and dare I say, different in some manner, more power to them. Product quality and accuracy of information about the game will be what will draw people, and everyone knows it.