Green Monster Games - Curt Schilling


Trakanon Raider
You know, I really hope you include the little green monster guy in your game somehow.

Maybe he can be your Fippy Darkpaw.


Angerz said:
You know, I really hope you include the little green monster guy in your game somehow.

Maybe he can be your Fippy Darkpaw.
Personally, I look forward to clubbing a mockingly-derived avatar of A-Rod/Jeter into an alternate dimension known as "Sronim Eht".


All right our old budy the spinmeister Moorgard.

Can"t wait to see how he spins this game, sure fed everyone a total load of crap for EQ2, though some saw thru his bull and called foul....


Haven"t been a fan of Moorgard since the monk nerf and his obvious blind spots. Blackguard seems a decent enough fellow for a pissy gnome.


Molten Core Raider
Sony would be crazy to let Gallenite go. He"s the biggest positive they"ve got atm and I hope they treat him as such.


Cadrid said:
Can we expect anyone other than close friends and SoE employees to join the GMG team?
In a company that will number well over a hundred plus employees I think it"s safe to say the answer is yes.
I would also say that I knew all of the initial hires much less as close friends and more as talented people with a passion needed to create something special.
You don"t walk into a potential multi-billion dollar venture worrying about giving beer buddies a spot in the company, not if you are serious about doing something special anyway.


Time will tell but to me that list is not impressive. While I have not played eq2 lately I did in the past and all I hear now is how much better it is. Hopefully it was mitigating circumstances and not the fault of these guys. Hell I gave Raph Koster a second chance on SWG, lol. But I do seem to recall alot of bitching about the eq2 community reps, not sure if it was about Moorgard.


Molten Core Raider
You should try and still some people from CCP. They"re easily the best MMO company in the industry atm and set the benchmark for how a company should operate.


I"m not sure i"d say CCP is the "best." EVE has it"s share of problems. But CCP certainly seems like the most passionate, and perhaps most willing to take risks.


Ngruk said:
You don"t walk into a potential multi-billion dollar venture worrying about giving beer buddies a spot in the company, not if you are serious about doing something special anyway.
Nothing wrong with hiring this drinking buddy to work on mitigation tables.


Gaereth said:
Haven"t been a fan of Moorgard since the monk nerf and his obvious blind spots. Blackguard seems a decent enough fellow for a pissy gnome.
Like to hear why you stopped being a fan of a guy because a design team "nerfed" monks.
Love to hear and see details of his blind spots as well.

Blackguard is a newb, that much I would agree on....


Utnayan said:
But a nice launch doesn"t mean going out of your way to become unethical. So what you are saying is we will have to wait to see if Blizzard becomes unethical with this latest expansion and as time goes on?
In the end you are still butt hurt about having to camp Ragefire for 70+ hrs... admit it.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Ngruk said:
Like to hear why you stopped being a fan of a guy because a design team "nerfed" monks.
Love to hear and see details of his blind spots as well.

Blackguard is a newb, that much I would agree on....
Moorgard would talk about raid content and game mechanics and have no clue what he was talking about, and this was before he even got promoted, still shake my head at that one. Once he started posting outside of his blog section on the EQ2 forums, he made himself look foolish talking about something which he knew nothing about or apparently had any hands on experience with. Gallenite and Blackguard are great guys though, seriously, I think Scott has more of a clue than about anyone in the industry right now.

Look for people who have experience in the high end spectrum of gaming as players, it worked out pretty well for Blizzard. It was sad, as my time as guildleader of Ardent Legion in EQ2, we would do some beta testing of xpacs and find first hand how completely clueless some devs were about raiding and high end content. The guys like Rob Pardo (warrior in LoS/lead producer of WoW), Tigole, and Furor, those guys have basically seen most of everything out there that raid content has offered. When designing new dynamic content, would you rather go to someone who punched in 1s and 0s for a living with no practical firsthand experience (our experience with early EQ2 testing)? Or would you rather go to the guys who have seen it from thegamers perspectiveat the highest level, to come up with new ways to develop challenging content players have not seen before?

It would be like asking who has more insight into the game of baseball, someone who played the game for 20 years or some sports writer/statistician who has only seen the game from the bleachers. Same problem is going on with Vanguard development right now, you have someone like Jerrith (who is an experienced gamer) as the bright spot in a sea of incompetence with respect to guys like Talisker doing the class design.