Zeste said:
Actually, it"d be like finally getting to the hot girl and getting her naked, and a group of your guildmates come in and let someone else fuck her because "It"s better for guild progression."
And I did form a small guild with friends and we cleaned naxx out. I lost to the RNG for 10 weeks, and then half our raid decided they were "bored with the game" and going to quit... after they got geared up and I was still losing rolls to the other mage who now has 300 something more Spellpower than me.
It would be easy as having each boss drop a unique token for each person, and their regular loot. after a certain number of the bosses tokens are acquired, you can buy something off his loot table. That way, if you lose to the RNG 10 times in a row on Kel"thuzad, at least now you can buy that 1 thing you wanted that everyone else in your guild already has.
I like badges.
But yes, this is one of the good concepts behind rep, coins etc. that Wow tried on various occasions.
The RNG can be a pain and really kill the desire to keep playing, especially in a game with limited drop rates. I think raid instances giving 2 items per boss, with up to 10 bosses per week a poor choice as well.
But those rep, coin items give gear based on attendance, and above that killing trash. Killing trash should not be tedious. it should be rewarding, and fun in and of itself.
These rep/coin based gear can also be used to set the base line for any gear checks.
Back in the day, we were one of the first 5 guilds in the world to kill Nef in wow. I wanted that caster mace. I can"t even remember how many kills on him we had. Never got it. I got the mace from Naxx first. And in fact, I ended up using the mace from Cenanrian rep in AQ20, prior.
Killing these bosses is supposed to be rewarding. And theres nothing more annoying then killing a boss then dusting everything he has.
Thats also one of the main advantages of the end boss special badges, cthun eyestalk, nef/onyxia heads, etc.