Green Monster Games - Curt Schilling


The Dark Tower series was fantastic. I don"t know if that classifies as fantasy though. I think it deserves its own designation as "fucked up." I loved S.R. Donaldson in his Thomas the Covenant the Unbeliever though. I don"t think he would translate well into a MMO though.

Aethn Anvel_foh

Utnayan said:
Put them back down. RA Salvatore has been a sell out for the last few years.

I wish Schilling luck though. Hopefully he will understand what needs to be done in this genre.
Utnayan hasnt had anything to bitch about for a few weeks, this should keep him happy until the next round of expansions are released next week and he can feed is imaginary ego trying to tear them down.


Vyemm Raider
If i was going to get a writer for a fantasy OR scifi mmo, i"d try to get David Weber.

one of his series - atleast the first book(mutineer"s moon- you can read it for free on i heard- is going to get animated for a miniseries.- it was going to be a full series, but the anime company that wanted to do it, wanted to change too much of the story for Mr. Weber to sign off on- he wants it to remain fairly true to the story.

the man writes decent/good fantasy and does VERY good Sci-Fi.(most of his sci-fi ends up on the NYT best seller"s list)

another person i"d consider for a sci-fi type mmo would be john ringo. i don"t think he has written much fantasy- though he does have one book series that is mostly fantasy, but it"s a futuristic sci-fi type (science with body mods, shape shifters, elves, etc. it is a what happens if the "power" gets turned off type of story)
Best SF author I ve read in a while is Vernor Vinge, highly recommended.

As for MMO suitable "settings", well Shadowrun and Battletech are the top ones I would pick.


Kreugen said:
George R.R. Martin"s setting would certianly work.
I would pay out the nose for a Martin-setting MMO. It would almost have to be PvP / territory control based, which is not normally my thing, but I would play it anyway. I might be way off in thinking this, but I think that Age of Conan is a "litmus test" for how well a Martin themed MMO would do; the settings are sort of similar, with the lack of normal fantasy races and the emphasis on PvP.


Faltigoth said:
I would pay out the nose for a Martin-setting MMO. It would almost have to be PvP / territory control based, which is not normally my thing, but I would play it anyway. I might be way off in thinking this, but I think that Age of Conan is a "litmus test" for how well a Martin themed MMO would do; the settings are sort of similar, with the lack of normal fantasy races and the emphasis on PvP.
personally i see Martin"s world as more of a RTS or turn based strategy type game. It would kick some serious ass, especially with politics/diplomacy angles for working towards winning the throne.


Salvatore has alot of other really good books not dealing with Drizzt you know. He didn"t really have a choice, Wizards saw the money and made him keep writing about Drizzt, i"m glad they let him write about Artemis and Jarlaxle some more and next month the 3rd book of that series comes out. The Cadderly 5 book series is also really good. War of the Spider Queen series is really good too though Salvatore doesn"t have much more than an advisory role.

As for other authors, well most are just as guilty as Salvatore. Eddings has done much the same and Jordan has been dragging his series on since like Book 5.

Only authors that I have liked everything they have put out is Weis/Hickman, Richard Knaak (especially Legend of Huma), and Douglas Niles.

As far as authors being sell-outs, they are going to do whatever their publisher pays them to do. Just like you do what your boss tells you to at work. Money talks.


Frax said:
This is his second game company, he is a major partner in a company called Multi-Man Publishing that makes addons and scenarios for Advanced Squad Leader.
WTB ASLSK#3 and The Devil"s Cauldron PST.

Oh yeah, And Fire in the Sky, Nobunaga, and Feudal Lord


Kreugen said:
George R.R. Martin"s setting would certianly work.
This setting would definitely require permanent character death and the ability to be 1-shotted by anyone, regardless of level. Oh, and all NPC"s must occasionaly just switch factions without warning.

Awesome books though, once you realize nothing positive is going to happen for about 3000 pages.


Golden Squire
A couple of years ago I was in the process of submitting a proposal to WOTC for an Open Call they held (Maiden of Pain book, guy who got it wrote complete shit that I wouldn"t press upon my worst enemy). Part of this had me browsing their book forums and getting the lay of the land, as it were. One post was talking about the most annoying characters you"d run across in an FR novel. One guy said it was the two dwarves in the Cantical series (Ivan and Pikel). Bob popped in a couple of posts later, dropped a couple of lines of emo and then left. The next two pages of posts were basically of people going "WTF?". Asking around with a few people who"d been there a while basically summed it up with "Bob doesn"t take criticism very well". I hope in the intervening years since then that he"s been able to temper that a bit. Criticism in the MMO industry is thick enough to slice off and serve to your house guests.

Salvatore used to be good. He used to be very good. I read everything he wrote, Forgotten Realms or not. However, the turning point for me was the 3rd book in the demon series. The one where half the time it"s Pony doing the Drizzt emo bit and the other half was Elbryan doing the Drizzt emo bit. Right...
I personally thought Salvatore"s best book (at least concerining Drizzt) was the one about Drizzt"s youth and exile (forget the trilogy"s name).

aSoIF has been considered for mods for Rome Total War.. in fact, with Medieval 2 Total War not too far away, and the improved engine and similar setting, I see it coming soon.


a Song of Fire and Ice MMO would involve you hitting level 60 and being instantly killed out of nowhere, and the character deleted.


Murder Apologist
Kuro said:
a Song of Fire and Ice MMO would involve you hitting level 60 and being instantly killed out of nowhere, and the character deleted.
Only after being gangraped by swarthy unwashed vagabonds with filed-down teeth.

But HEY, it"ll have faceless men rogues, the tank classes will be unsullied eunuchs and NPCs that give quests involving incest or prostitution or both.


Khorum said:
Only after being gangraped by swarthy unwashed vagabonds with filed-down teeth.
Hey, at least that only happened once or twice! Just think, in a Terry Goodkind Sword of Truth MMO, that would be the primary form of questing/levelling. Manginas beware!


Wow, this is some good stuff. Just so you guys know, and I am pretty sure I don"t have to worry about this, but this is Curt Schilling and I was pointed in your direction for some quality reading.
You didn"t disappoint.
Anwyay, I enjoy the give and take of forums where informed opinions are backed with facts and stats, not sure that"s completely the case here because I think facts would hose alot of you guys trying to defend your arguments
Anyway I am looking forward to a healthy exchange of ideas around here and serving up some verbal abuse.
Ut I have heard that you are the one to seek out if one is looking for a verbal sparring match with zero chance of winning over the opponent..


I"ll bite.

Ngruk said:
Anwyay, I enjoy the give and take of forums where informed opinions are backed with facts and stats, not sure that"s completely the case here because I think facts would hose alot of you guys trying to defend your arguments
Facts would be good, but it"s probably way too early for you to give out even a little bit of substantive information. Given the folks you hired I"m guessing you"re going to work on a fantasy game based on original IP. Can you give any broad outlines in terms of design philosophy you"ll be following, along the lines of Sigil"s original Vanguard FAQ?

Anyway I am looking forward to a healthy exchange of ideas around here and serving up some verbal abuse.
Ut I have heard that you are the one to seek out if one is looking for a verbal sparring match with zero chance of winning over the opponent.
The relentless negativity of the Boston media is probably solid preparation for dealing with the haters on this board.


Ngruk said:
Anyway I am looking forward to a healthy exchange of ideas around here and serving up some verbal abuse.
Good first post.

Even if whatever game you put out turns out to be solid gold, I guarantee 90% whiner/hater frequency, just because it"s MMO-land and it"s kewl.