Green Monster Games - Curt Schilling


This goes hand in hand with all participants, but I find this quote especially spot on considering how opinionated we make ourselves to be.

"No matter any of that, to be a published writer is to know with certainty that no matter what you accomplish, no matter how you touch some people, there will always be plenty of people out there more than happy to tell all the world how much you suck." - R. A. Salvatore


Ngruk said:
Anwyay, I enjoy the give and take of forums where informed opinions are backed with facts and stats, not sure that"s completely the case here because I think facts would hose alot of you guys trying to defend your arguments
You can keep your facts. We"ll do just fine with baseless speculation.


Golden Squire
Ngruk is/was his characters in EQ/EQ2. Granted, any idiot could have made the account but I"m sure Requiem could let us know if the IP is coming from where it should be. Which at the moment seems to be Baltimore.

Aethn Anvel_foh

Havelock said:
I"d be convinced if I saw a "Fuck you Utnayan" sign in the Sox dugout.
I would donate $100 to the charity of Schillings choice if he was able to get that sign or one similar on TV. Thats a serious post btw, id even post the receipt for it on this thread.


Trakanon Raider
I"ll toss in $500! And yeah, I"m serious. So long as the charity is tax deductible, anyway.

And if that"s really Schilling, I recind my comments about McFarlane in case he shows up too. We cool right man? The Calgarian thing, I was just kidding. I know you own part of the Oilers, you"re my man bro!


F16 patrolling Rajaah until he plays DS3
<Gold Donor>
Hah Christ.

And I"d have something very similar at the Metrodome on the 50 yard line. Maybe a shout out to all my haters whose lack of common sense can be heard from Voyager 1.

PS: If that is really Schilling, I"ll trade up field passes to any Vikings game this season for your freebies if your family doesn"t come and you play the Twins in the post season. Just don"t stick me next to Al Newman"s wife in Section 124. She"s a bitch.


Ngruk said:
Wow, this is some good stuff. Just so you guys know, and I am pretty sure I don"t have to worry about this, but this is Curt Schilling and I was pointed in your direction for some quality reading.
You didn"t disappoint.
Anwyay, I enjoy the give and take of forums where informed opinions are backed with facts and stats, not sure that"s completely the case here because I think facts would hose alot of you guys trying to defend your arguments
Anyway I am looking forward to a healthy exchange of ideas around here and serving up some verbal abuse.
Ut I have heard that you are the one to seek out if one is looking for a verbal sparring match with zero chance of winning over the opponent..
Get yourself traded to the Mariners please Our pitching rotation needs help!

That being said, it"ll be hilarious to watch if you start posting here, considering your previous history with SOE and that you"re a "notable" figure. It"s exactly the sort of fodder that Utnayan /drools/ over.


Molten Core Raider
I never miss a chance to recomend good fantasy books to complete stangers , so may i recomend you Bakker, R. Scott - [The Prince of Nothing ] - The Darkness That Comes Before , The Warrior Prophet and The Thousandfold Thought. Excelet writing style, refreshing settings and charachters, great villans, no one-dimensional characters, just amazing.

Edit : And thinking about it , he would be so much better in lieu of that R.A.Salvadore character, writing a MMO. Hell just base the mmo on the Prince of Nothing universe, you have a magic system in place , magic schools, factions , artifacts and even whores. Its perfect.


But will there be magic whores?

Seriously, I can"t think of anything negative about more creative talent being funneled into the mmorpg market. Even if squandered at the worst case scenario, it"ll unveil more ideas and takes on current systems that will only lead to more innovation and a better play experience. The best case scenario is we all end up playing their game because it"s superior. Thus: Win/win.


Salvatore has written some magnificent books.

I love practically every book except the whining about wulfgar. Never liked that character. I loved the hunters blades was Drizzt at his best and i adored ivan and Pikel Bouldershoulder.

I was completely overwhelmed by the promise of the witch king. A story after servant of the shard where jarlaxle and entreri team up. The sarcasm between the 2 ...the cold blooded but somehow more humane artemis, the ever witty and cunning jarlaxle made for a book i rampaged through because it just pulled me into the story and never let go.

Looking forward to book 3 of the sellswords


Yes, I know these are forums that can bring out the best and worst in people. After playing 9 years in Philadelphia, 3 years in Boston, and interacting with fans on the internet, I"ve heard it all. There"s nothing here I haven"t heard or been called that I haven"t run across before.

The hope is that this will become one of many forums I can participate in a healthy exchange of ideas from future customers and others with creative input and ideas.

I won"t get caught up in flame wars, that"s for you guys to do and me to check in on and laugh.

However I will respond when I can to questions and ideas as they pertain to Green Monster Games, the Industry and our goals as we move forward. I won"t promise timely responses by any stretch, but in those times when I can surf around and check in I will try and be as up front as I can about things I can answer to. I won"t lie, I certainly won"t have the answers to all the questions, but where I can I will find out what I don"t know and pass it along.

I"m pretty fired up as things begin to steamroll here and ecstatic about the talent and passion GMG is bringing to the table.

Our website will be up and running when we feel it"s ready to present to the public, as will our community forums for industry wide threads and then the title specific site will make it"s way to the public arena when we feel it is ready.

Nothing will move as fast as I"d like, but my community guys are sticklers for detail as well as being industry veterans in this area.

Look forward to having some fun around here the next few years.



The Dirty Dozen For the Price of One
<Nazi Janitors>
What"s going on here! Is Curt Schilling really posting on


Golden Squire
Gladeous said:
Schiling posting here...ya thing you know Salvatore and McFarlane will pipe in too...suuure.
Yes, because we certainly don"t see any Producers or Presidents of successful MMO publishing companies posting here. At all. Ever.