Green Monster Games - Curt Schilling


F16 patrolling Rajaah until he plays DS3
<Gold Donor>
Ngruk said:
The talent we had was good enough to get us 4.5 games up. We are where we are because we played like crap and we had an incredibly bad run of injuries and bad breaks, and the Yanks played their butts off.
You are forgetting the Twins. You would have a shot at the wild card right now if it wasn"t for that. Unfortunately Liriano is out, Radke may or may not make it back, and all we"ve got is Johan Santana. Silva is hit or miss these days. Not bad for a very young team though.

If you can sweep this series against us starting tonight, your playoff hopes are still alive considering the sox are playing detroit.


Golden Squire
Ngruk said:
Let me add that for every person in this forum calling RA a hack, or Todd whatever they call him, I"ll defend either of them as 10 times more talented than anyone posting here and most likely two of the more talented people on our planet at what they do. Like or dislike their work I don"t think you can deny that both of them are incredibly talented at what they do.
Nope, will never deny that. You have to have talent to end up as the big names they"ve become.


Ngruk said:
They tried to make a deal. The major deals they were involved in were for some big time talent but the price tag was too steep for Theo to move on.

The talent we had was good enough to get us 4.5 games up. We are where we are because we played like crap and we had an incredibly bad run of injuries and bad breaks, and the Yanks played their butts off.
What do you think of the Mariners, if you can say?

I"d love to hear your thoughts on the team, if you can give them, from someone who faces them on a semi-regular basis.

PM is fine if you don"t want to post openly.


Man, I make no apologies for being a baseball fan. I like baseball much more than MMORPGs, and how many opportunities like this do you get!

If he doesn"t want to answer, he doesn"t have to. So, in summation: STFU!


Let"s see, the Mariners?

Love parts of their rotation, can"t go wrong with an ace who"s what? 15 years old? He"s going to be a stud.

They have a stud closer as well.

My main concern is that it seems as if alot of their makeup is kind of smashed together, if that makes sense. You can"t go wrong with Sexson, love him, and Lopez has turned out to be a player. I think they have the makings of a very very good team with a HOF"er at the top of the lineup, and in the AL West right now you are talking about teams only being a player or two from contending each year.


King Felix is the only part of their rotation I love. Putz was a great surprise this season. And, of course, I love Ichiro!, Lopez, and Betancourt (kid can pick it). You can"t have any of them!

Other than that, the rotation is very, very shaky. I"m hoping to see them make a move or two this offseason to help shore it up.

The team (in my opinion anyway) has been pretty poorly managed this season, which I think helps lead to what you talk about about the makeup being "smashed up". Players are hitting in lineup spots that don"t really match their skills, used in ways that they aren"t well-suited for (lots of bunting with slower hitters, etc).

I had a chance to go to a talk that Bill Bavasi gave this past offseason, and he came off as a smart, knowledgeable baseball guy. I have a good bit of faith in him to put together a better team next season, especially considering the parity in the AL West that you point out. However, he"s also heavily beholden to the management group, which probably hamstrings him on some things that he"d LIKE to do.

But once you get into the playoffs, anything can happen!


Not a bad outing last night, Curt, sorry that it didn"t result in a win for either you or the team. Minnesota is a good team, and you have to give them credit for the incredible second-half of the season (pretty much since we were there in June.)

Do you think the time off had played into your higher-than-normal pitch count by the end of the 5th? You"re usually so very efficient, but even with 7 hits over 5, the Twins took you pretty deep in the count often off to get your count up.

Of course, at this point sadly there"s certainly no reason to risk any of our pitcher"s (or player"s) health.

Angry Amadeus_sl

So. As to the breadth and depth of "the game" - and realizing this is still about as early as you can get into development - have you done any brainstorming sessions, held meetings where ideas were thrown about regarding "the game" (or "games" as it were), or generally done any other meditating on what you"d like to produce.

As far as fantasy goes, it seems you are generally interested in high fantasy as a genre. Is this the route that you"d like to take? Have you given any thought as to how you might deviate from the run-of-the-mill fantasy MMO"s which are already currently available or in the works?


PS - I kicked your dual-wielding ass with my level 7 swashbuckler.


Angry Amadeus said:
PS - I kicked your dual-wielding ass with my level 7 swashbuckler.
I spent about an hour the most recent time I reactivated EQ2 just killing Curt over, and over, and over again...

They made the mob way too easy, truth be told. But it"s for a good cause!


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Angry Amadeus said:
So. As to the breadth and depth of "the game" - and realizing this is still about as early as you can get into development - have you done any brainstorming sessions, held meetings where ideas were thrown about regarding "the game" (or "games" as it were), or generally done any other meditating on what you"d like to produce.

As far as fantasy goes, it seems you are generally interested in high fantasy as a genre. Is this the route that you"d like to take? Have you given any thought as to how you might deviate from the run-of-the-mill fantasy MMO"s which are already currently available or in the works?

Indeed. I"m also wondering how much of the talent you"ve hired (or are looking to hire) has notable experience at making successful games? Has the thought of perhaps designing a few single player (console perhaps?) games first entered the discussion? I mean, I wish you all the luck in the world, and hope maybe one day I"ll get down with some Green Monster Beta invites or something, but it seems to me designing an MMO is not an easy, or cheap, task.


EQ in a browser wait time: ____
Id rather see new talent instead of all old talent. Sure you can say you have this and that or everyone is going to bitch when you don"t have a A+++ team.

If you have a crew, whether rookie or not, it is all about the passion. Sure, the guys already announced are $$$ but if they hire some no name as lead programmer, or lead whatever, it"s not going to make me go "OMG WTF" and post some lame paragraph on FoH forums about how the game is going down the shitter.


Golden Squire
Curt, your first business in the creation of a new IP for an MMO is to go steal Gordon Walton from Bioware Austin. He"ll be your leader and his nickname is Tyrant. What more could you ask for?


Angry Amadeus said:
So. As to the breadth and depth of "the game" - and realizing this is still about as early as you can get into development - have you done any brainstorming sessions, held meetings where ideas were thrown about regarding "the game" (or "games" as it were), or generally done any other meditating on what you"d like to produce.

As far as fantasy goes, it seems you are generally interested in high fantasy as a genre. Is this the route that you"d like to take? Have you given any thought as to how you might deviate from the run-of-the-mill fantasy MMO"s which are already currently available or in the works?


PS - I kicked your dual-wielding ass with my level 7 swashbuckler.
The only thing I can tell you with regards to your questions is that yes, we are way way WAY past the brainstorming sessions. There are still many to be had for sure, but it"s way past the "Dude, how cool would it be if we did..." stage.

At the moment the finalists for the lead Studio position are being interviewed and looked at. Combined they have shipped over 100 titles, with many handling every aspect from putting a team together to dropping the CD into the box.

The only thing I can assure you of is this. I would consider myself to be a hard core MMO player, since the early days of UO. I"ve enjoyed the Alpha and Beta test phases of 7 different MMO"s. RA is a hardcore MMO player as well.

We know what"s out there from a content and gameplay standpoint, and we know that what we plan to bring to the table is something pretty special. Our goal is not to make "our game", or make a game to address what we think is wrong with games we play. While we certainly don"t want to reinvent the wheel where it currently has proved itself to be working, we do want to add things to the MMO space that we know for a fact don"t exist, or we believe were done poorly.

The goal is to create a company that creates titles that reflect our core values and beliefs to our customers. Titles that make people look at us and understand that we aren"t three rich kids lording over a bunch of people saying "make it do this" or "Make the game do that, cause that"s what I like".

Green Monster Games is my company. I started it alone and in doing so I envisioned the first title and what I thought would be a dream team. That"s where RA and Todd came in. RA has signed on with GMG to be the Creative Lead, Todd the Art Director, for this first game only. My hope is that it"s a partnership they will want to be involved in after this first game ships and succeeds, but when it comes to the bottom line I am the one responsible to the employees of GMG, the customers of GMG and the products GMG produces.

We are looking at a game right now that could potentially have a 50+ million dollar pre-launch budget, and understanding that if we achieve the vision we have set forth, we will change the landscape of this industry game wise, and company wise, forever.

The talent is falling into place in every aspect of this company, and the passion to do this is company wide and only getting stronger.

It"s a pretty exciting time but we all understand that the road ahead will offer some major bumps and bruises. If we don"t lose sight of the vision, the end game and our goals, we"ll arrive, and we think you"ll all be pretty fired up at what we end up with.

One more thing. We three understand this much. Todd can draw his butt off, RA can create the most epic thing you"ve ever wanted to see and be a part of, and I can lead until the cows come home. But if the game sucks, the game sucks. It is now and will always be that way. It will always come back to the game, regardless of the GREAT story, or epic art, it"s about the game, period.


Curt, I give you a hint and it"s absolutely free: If you want to be successful, don"t follow the mainstream opinion that"s based on Koster"s Theory of Fun. The worst thing you could do is to make another EQ2/Vanguard clone.

P.S.: If you need an outstanding artist for your character models, sign Sceleris from this very thread.


These guys have the guy that made Spawn, I"m pretty sure they will have a different direction in their games. Atleast I hope so =/.