Green Monster Games - Curt Schilling


That guy
bobyab said:
Sorry to diverge from the thread for a moment, but I just saw the news of Curt"s retirement from baseball. For anyone that knows the game, you know that when the stakes were the highest, Curt was always at his best. He is the best big-game/post-season pitcher ever... Period.

Thanks for the memories that will last a lifetime, Hall of Famer.
What you said. As a lifelong Braves fan I have a soft spot for pitchers, here"s to you and Maddux going into the hall together Curt! Still pissed that the Braves let Smoltz go.


Gratz on a great career Curt. Imo, you are a hall of fame pitcher and i hope you get there some day, you do belong there. Loved watching you pitch in your prime. I pitched as a kid, so i tend to like pitching battles over home runs. lol

Anyways, give us a kick ass game now. lol


Thought I"d drop by and say thanks for everything.

I think as long as I live I will remember that series against the yanks, bloody sock and the stories about guys playing drunk/buzzed. Believe in the curse or not but it sure took something magical to break the drought. (Ask cubs fans if they believe )
The debate about the Hall of fame will start and quite frankly would there even be a debate if you juiced or the other guys didn"t? Sorry and hope you get what you deserve.

While you might have caught alot of flack for it Curt, thanks for the big mouth. Saying what other people should have been saying all along. At least someone had enough balls, good luck man and thanks for the memories.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
I"m another guy for Mass, and Red Sox fans everywhere will forever tell the tale of the Bloody Sock to their little rugrats!

Of course, we"ve suspected all along that baseball was the hobby and gaming was your job!


Curt -

I enjoyed watching you play baseball the right way during your career, as well as cheering you on during the good and bad times. It is sad to see so many great players who played the game as it was meant to be played retire this year. As a member of the Red Sox nation (as well as a avid MMO fan) I strongly believe Lou would have been proud.

I wish you the best of luck in your future endeavors and can"t wait to play your games with you. Time for a 2nd childhood (or maybe even a 3rd... hell who"s counting...). Now I get to watch you compete again ... and that"s pretty damn cool.

So I guess I will end with this: Thank You for the memories, and I look forward to seeing you create more in the future for all of us.


Curt, congrats on a hell of a career and thank you on behalf of four generations of my family for ending an 86-year dry spell. May you be as successful in your new career as you were in your last.


Appreciate the well wishes.

First day of "retirement" was spent NOT trying to reveal anything at GDC, and I think I managed that. Hope the Q&A and discussion wasn"t boring, I enjoyed it.


Ngruk said:
First day of "retirement" was spent NOT trying to reveal anything at GDC, and I think I managed that.
Maybe we"ve already discussed it in the past (how old is this thread, anyways?), but what did you mean duringthis X-PLAY interviewwith Adam Sessler when you said the game was going to be "episodically driven?" (about 9:19 in).

And congrats on your illustrious career; may the nerd in you prove as successful as the jock!


/'?p??so?d, -?zo?d/ Show Spelled Pronunciation [ep-uh-sohd, -zohd] Show IPA
an incident, scene, etc., within a narrative, usually fully developed and either integrated within the main story or digressing from it.


My guess that there will be a main story throughout the game but will chunks of storyline "released" every couple of months, kind of like the Books in LotR. Granted that is just pure speculation on my part.


Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
<Gold Donor>
Quince said:
My guess that there will be a main story throughout the game but will chunks of storyline "released" every couple of months, kind of like the Books in LotR. Granted that is just pure speculation on my part.
It"s what came to mind to me, and makes sense with all the other stuff they want to incorporate along side the actual game.


I remember back in the EQ1 "good old days" the standard raid loot distribution would be DKP (you were awarding points for being present during raid boss kills, and could use those points to bid on pieces of armor you wanted). Recently in my WoW top tier raiding it was based on loot council (Guild leadership decided who got each piece of gear and gave it out accordingly.

My question is this. What type of loot distribution do you like better or think works the best? I ask this because it would be nice to have some sort of guild tools that allowed you to assign "points" within the guild under the UI and use them how you see fit. A simple command would be to give everyone in the raid X amount of points. Then if you use bidding etc you can simply delete those points and award the item.

If i remember correctly Vanguard was going to have some sort of tool like this on release, but you all know how that turned out. I would really like to see something like this implemented. You could even make it so you don"t get the option to do so until guild level X, and the guild leader could assign who can add and subtract points accordingly.
