Green Monster Games - Curt Schilling


I"m curious..have you had a chance to play Darkfall yet? I would love to hear your take on it. Personally I feel its a little rough around the edges(although I play nightly) but the core design is fantastic for someone who enjoys competition.

The mount combat system and how mounts aren"t attached to players adds a new level as well.


2 Minutes Hate
Wuzit said:
I"m curious..have you had a chance to play Darkfall yet? I would love to hear your take on it. Personally I feel its a little rough around the edges(although I play nightly) but the core design is fantastic for someone who enjoys competition.

The mount combat system and how mounts aren"t attached to players adds a new level as well.
This thread actually had some good discussion in it and you had to go and interject Darkfall into it.


column said:
So are those oblivion people making this game now,because FUCK THAT!
Big Huge Games still exists in Maryland, and while we don"t know exactly how things might shift around, I believe it"s safe to assume they will still be working on their own titles as well. It doesn"t mean that the entire company is now working on Copernicus.

As for the "Oblivion people", that game was made by Bethesda. As far as I know only the Lead Designer of Oblivion is on board at Big Huge Games. Sure, that game had some major design flaws, but I"m sure he learned a lot from community feedback. Particularly, just looking at what mods people created to "fix" the game likely gave extremely significant insight into what players actually wanted from that type of game.

No reason to freak out over it.


column said:
So are those oblivion people making this game now,because FUCK THAT!
Ya, you caught us! We spent 3+ years and umpteen millions of dollars creating an original IP, and then handed it off to 70 some odd folks to ruin....


Molten Core Raider
Look on the plus side, maybe we"ll get a nude mod within 2 days of the game being released as well as no less then 30 modders working on various "realistic nipples" and "sexy panties" mods.
Is it too early to ask about your publishing model? There seems to be three main models at the moment (in the monthly subscription area anyway) :
  • SOE/CCP/Square type where one company runs the whole shebang worlwide and shared servers.
  • The Blizzard type where they run everything, keep the codebase etc but roughly seperate the continents into their own server farms but generally use the same promotions around the same timeframe.
  • Lastly the Turbine/Mythic (At least in the DAOC era, not sure if WAR does the same) model where they effectively franchise the game and the local operator prices, runs and even modifies the codebase to their own needs.
I hope you don"t go for option 3, playing a game that can sometimes be a couple of major patchs behind as they are still translating it into Hungarian etc is annoying as all hell nowadays. Especially when they have completely different pricing, incentive models etc as is the case currently for LOTRO and seemingly will be the same for DDO.

I know I touched on this a long time ago but Copernicus will probably be promoted slightly differently on this side of the pond? I presume Curt wouldn"t be too upset to know I had never heard of him when this thread was first posted but that would be the same as me listing a string of Premiership footballers (it"s not fucking soccer damnit!) which most of this thread wouldn"t have heard of either. Ask the average Brit to name a baseball player and you might get a few to say Babe Ruth or possibly Ricky Vaughn I"ve heard of Salvatore obviously, anyone reading this forum will almost certainly have done but that"s also more of a niche thing so over here it will be more of a mystery product and *gasp* will have to seduce on it"s gameplay merits (as it should be ) instead.


I think it"s pretty safe to think that while the industry tries to reinvent the wheel in some places, on how to monetize customers or make as much as you can in each instance, the basic subscription method works where CCs are a viable option.

If you provide a kick ass customer experience, and a kick ass game, your "model" is about 400th on the list of things people will complain about.

Because make no mistake, even if you do provide both of the above at a WONDERFUL price, you"re going to have people that don"t like you


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
What?!? Your model is my #1 concern! How can you expect me to play Copernicus when you aren"t franchising your IP? This is a ridiculous slap in the face.


Any chance you have a "weather" team? Id sure like to see thunderstorms building in the distance complete with thunder and lightning and then move in to certain areas, among other things. Can that be done yet or are we still like a decade off ?

Also, the WoW model but with realistic graphics will be the next big thing.
Ngruk said:
I think it"s pretty safe to think that while the industry tries to reinvent the wheel in some places, on how to monetize customers or make as much as you can in each instance, the basic subscription method works where CCs are a viable option.

If you provide a kick ass customer experience, and a kick ass game, your "model" is about 400th on the list of things people will complain about.

Because make no mistake, even if you do provide both of the above at a WONDERFUL price, you"re going to have people that don"t like you
400th? Reading the european forums when DAOC was still somewhat viable as an mmo choice would rapidly disprove that. It was sometimes several major patchs behind, when you see other territories playing whats supposed to be nominally the same game but has what would be perceived as more/better/fixed content, that can and did cause friction. If however you don"t stop people signing up for whichever region they wish to, it"s not so much of a biggie indeed. Maybe I read your response wrong but I wasn"t making a complaint , even if you are a Liverpool supporter, was just curious as I hadn"t seen any mention as yet.

If you do indeed provide kick ass experience and game, it would be higher than 400th anyway as the usual complaints wouldn"t apply

As you didn"t give any detail though I"ll presume it"s something that is still under discussion and drop it for now, just wanted to ask as some industry business methods are pissing me off at the moment


Cowbell said:
Any chance you have a "weather" team? Id sure like to see thunderstorms building in the distance complete with thunder and lightning and then move in to certain areas, among other things. Can that be done yet or are we still like a decade off ?

Also, the WoW model but with realistic graphics will be the next big thing.
I think what your talking about can be done by splicing in different skyboxes. For instance as the sun comes up for all the normal days if its going to rain you merge in the cloudy skybox. That way by about 12pm gametime you have half a sky with dark clouds then trigger rain. I thought Vanguard did this but maybe I"m wrong.


Avatar of War Slayer
Cowbell said:
Any chance you have a "weather" team? Id sure like to see thunderstorms building in the distance complete with thunder and lightning and then move in to certain areas, among other things. Can that be done yet or are we still like a decade off ?

Also, the WoW model but with realistic graphics will be the next big thing.
"realistic" graphics for an mmo is a terrible idea honestly.

The pitfall is "realistic" falls behind the graphics curve with modeling.
While using strong illustrative principles is timeless.
if an mmo is intended to have a 10 year cycle, you need graphics that can be still good looking 10 years from now.
What looks better to you today? Streetfighter 2, or mortal Kombat?

Gaming has often been lightyears behind the illustrative field in terms of its art design. there are principles of storytelling, character design, etc, that many companies have ignored in the past, or the tech wasn"t there to really use any of the methods that have been around since the beginnings of animation and before.

This is not to say "realistic" games can"t exist. It works fine for splintercell, etc.
But others, like TF2 are superior visual storytelling. Silhouettes, color constrast/use, contours, volume contrast, detail contrast.
As an art designer you have the ability to control everything that is seen, and by doing so, you can define the experience and tailor it much more then when simply trying to make a point for point recreation of what is real.