
Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Buddha definitely gets salty over some silly stuff, but he typically ends up calling his own salt and making fun of himself. Everyone get's salty but there are different levels and different ways of handling the post salt high come down.

Either way the storylines are coming down pretty nicely, and even if some people are brute forcing into em once it settles and they have some growth I'm sure it will be all mostly entertaining

Stories are getting much better. Kiki playing Harold's mom yesterday was absolute gold. The LBI insurance that the Leanbois are running is a great idea, but they just don't have the patience to play it properly. They really need to get that business into someones hands who they trust, and is willing to be squeaky clean. Separate themselves from the business, and then do what they do best. Create business for LBI.

Police just added several more IRL police officers as well. That shit is about to go next level as far as policing goes on the server according to Fincone. Good stuff.


Vyemm Raider
several of the RPers play from a Win strategy over RPing. I think the system could really benefit from more reasons to RP. all the non-cops want to get $$, and stay out of jail. getting caught means sitting in jail for a while and losing viewers. if there was an alternative, parole work, i can see several benefits. RPers wouldn't be so bent on getting away (thus no RP'ing w/ cops). While doing parole work, EASY RP potential. WOuldn't need any code. just someone to RP a parole officer (think sleazy CO from Orange is the New Black) and the RP'ers working off jail time on a chain gain. RP picking up trash while walking down the street, orange vest, etc. All other RPers on the server could stop by and heckle, etc.

guess i'm salty when I watch Eli or another cop when they're they only officer on the server and they race back and forth across town to robberies and no one there. gotta assume the person doing the robbery is meta gaming and knowing the lone cop is too far away to catch them.


Golden Knight of the Realm
The things I'm enjoying most on the server....1. Eli of course - it's a lot of the same, but he's so fucking good at his job and it brings him in contact with everybody on the server. 2. Harold - I like him more and more every day....he's just great. 3. Classy - This guy is REALLY talented. I've only just started watching him, but it's pretty amazing. He doesn't mind if a character dies, in fact I'm sure he banks on him a reason for a new creation. The music he adds as he's RPing is just awesome. 4. Zoe - I've only watched just a little of her, but I really like her.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Classy could RP on the server by himself, and pull it off. Just on another level.



Marine Biologist
<Bronze Donator>
If anyone missed the leanboys armor car robery that the admins set up for them, go check out tonys, peters or langs stream from today. Holy shit classic leanboys.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
If anyone missed the leanboys armor car robery that the admins set up for them, go check out tonys, peters or langs stream from today. Holy shit classic leanboys.

Saw it. I love how they plan things out for an hour, and proceed to go off plan a minute into the job. An absolute cluster fuck yesterday, and hilarious at the same time. Peter not doing the one job he had, keep eyes on slow ass armored truck, in his turbo charged Mercedes, that was plated to him. Then the entire group outside of Lirik's brother trying to find the truck again. Instead of canvasing the map with multiple vehicles they stay in a convoy searching for it.

Then when they do finally find it, knocking it off the overpass with a semi was epic. Disabling the armored car, great! Tony, and Lang reach the armor car only to have Peter run over and kill Tony next to the truck, and then Nino spook an AI vehicle when he pulled his gun on the armored car , and proceeds to run over and kill Lang who is standing in the middle of the freeway. Fucking gold.
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Vyemm Raider
saw that too, hillarious to watch the cluster unfold. the day before, leanboys hit the bank w/ full intention of killing the cops that came. got 2-3 of them, died to the last one. so they all got huge sentences, and logged off.

what I don't get, is the baby rage in every chat, "police state", whining that the cops are f'ing w/ the lean boys streams. Eli gifted them the armored truck. and outside of yelling and maxing when they lie, most seem to get along. feels like more rage comes from different chat groups than any of the streamers.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
So Leanbois robbed a bank, and ambushed officers that arrived on scene. Eli, Bucky, and Doyle went down. Lang was only Leanboi to go down. Doyle cliff hung his stream on a possible perma-death. Eli went bat shit crazy in character, and roasted all the Leanbois after he recovered. Pretty intense stuff as Lang could get the 9's/ Death sentence if Doyle dies.
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Silver Knight of the Realm
Listening to Classy talking about Doyle, he thinks Finkone should go with the Perma as it would probably cause a massive upheaval. It would push Eli onto the warpath and possibly spell the end of the Leanbois, would make for some really good RP.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Yeah I hope FinKone kills off Doyle (he can do another cop and go through the academy right?). I think they were close to doing the canine unit again and those were good. We could get retribution Eli and the Leanbois on the run. I mostly watch Eli and Buddha but I somewhat miss the Dante/Ella/Shaggy stuff now n then. At least Ssaab has the cringe mantle atm.

Edit: Not sure about this now. This might be too serious RP and end up not being fun to watch. It is interesting to see where it goes but not sure for how long.
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FPS noob
i haven't followed gta rp in a while, is permadeath a thing you choose or if you get shot too much do you perma die?


Shit Gamer
By the looks of things: If you're a cop, its a thing you choose. If you're anyone else its a thing imposed on you by power-gaming admins who also happen to be cops.


Marine Biologist
<Bronze Donator>
i haven't followed gta rp in a while, is permadeath a thing you choose or if you get shot too much do you perma die?

Ya it's pretty much the players choice, they can role play getting "grazed or knocked out" or some do perma. Classy does perma all the time but he's a strait up RP god so it's easy for him. Harder for the others.

Leanboys are fucked. Eli is going to 9999 all of em unless they spill the beans. The shitty thing is if Lang would have fucken stayed in cover and not gone down, the crime would have gone off perfectly and they all would have gotten away.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
I think Doyle is doing this as a wake up call to the Leanbois. Nothing else seems to get through to them. They have zero patience. I don't think he will die in this case. Just going to sweat them a bit.

Outside of some time in jail, and hefty fines there really was no consequence at taking pot shots at police. That just changed in a big way.

They either get their act together as criminals, or go straight. They better be prepared to lose their beloved characters, and as Kiroy brought up, Classy can RP like a boss, and write a character off on a whim. Buddha, from the few times he's run an alt, was pretty weak.
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Silver Knight of the Realm
I love how Eli called out how dumb it is that so many people are lying to the cops after being seriously injured and needing medical attention. Getting beaten down to the point you can't get up and then saying 'Oh I tripped and fell' is weak, but I guess people are so terrified of being labeled a 'Snitch.' Course 99% of people don't even use the term snitch correctly to begin with.
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