Some people may like them, but I don't like the Transformers movies. First one was kinda-sorta ok, rest of them have been IQ black holes with no redeeming value. I've heard people speak favorably on the Planet of the Apes movies as well, but I just can't get behind the concept and suspend my disbelief.
Hercules, eh, might be OK, the Rock is usually good in this sort of thing, but not worth a theater trip. Lucy looks fucking stupid, like that movie Jumper with Anakin Skywalker, or Push with the Human Torch.
Ninja Turtles? Lol, yeah right. Doubt I'll even pirate that. Sin City? Eh, maybe, but that's an easy movie to fuck up so I'm taking a wait and see attitude there. Waiting 9 years for a sequel is usually a bad sign.