Planet Hulk into World War Hulk would be amazing.
You are singing to my soul with this.... I would love it.
But also not only is there the problem of an "all Hulk, no Banner" movie, there's the fact that to really do Planet Hulk and WWH right you would need to have Tony Stark, Reed Richards, Prof X, Dr Strange, and others all in on it effectively IMHO.
Now, I do think they need to work in a stand along Ruffalo Hulk movie. Depending on the status is RJD and what they plan on doing with Stark (i.e. replace with another actor) you might be able to pull off Ultimate Human. I'd love to see a movie showing how he harnessed some of it ala what happened in my Ultimate U version, and if they could pull off the rights do Hulk v. Wolverine Ultimate U style.
Nerdist had a review of GotG which also mentioned that if they're serious about getting some racial/gender diversity in the line up they should use a stand alone Hulk movie to test the waters for a She Hulk movie.
Back to GotG - Nova Corps. Here's your easy work though. For GotG 2 or whatever.
Quill and crew are neck deep in shit. Suddenly walls are blasted open, bad guys are kicked around like hackey sacks, and it's by a guy in a powered up Nova style suit.
Helmet flips open to reveal our buddy John C Reilley. Quill's confused and we get this :
"Well, after what happened on our homeworld we realized we were pretty hopelessly outgunned. We realized the power we had were in our men, not in the spaceships. Once our former Prime retired we took a harder look and figured out enough from that infinity gem you dropped off to develop the basis of this armor and the power sources associated with it."
Whereas this opens up the problems potentially to reflect some plot point from SHIELD handling the tesseract. Later we find out they found and harnessed energy from another infinity gem. I'd say one particular color, but saying the purple gem is a "death gem" and the blue gem is an "energy gem" and the red gem is the "space" gem now means they're screwing with the traditional color assignments anyways....
As for quotes.. only one sticks with me as something i need to work into a work presentation. ... "pelvic sorcery"