Guardians of the Galaxy (2014)


Life's a Dream
Edward Norton's Hulk was cool. I'm not sure why Stan Lee hated it so much.
Actually, it's because Norton spit in Marvel's face. He refused to promote the movie, which is why he was replaced with Ruffalo. He actually disowns it all together.
The issue is, Norton wanted a "Softer side of Hulk" to be shown in that movie. Focus more on the love story and less on the Hulk rage. They edited a large chunk of his sappy shit out of it, so he cried about his ruined performance, and hated Marvel as a result.


Golden Squire
Yeah, Norton went in and started making changes to the original script. Feige didn't like that so much.


<Silver Donator>
Planet Hulk into World War Hulk would be amazing.
You are singing to my soul with this.... I would love it.

But also not only is there the problem of an "all Hulk, no Banner" movie, there's the fact that to really do Planet Hulk and WWH right you would need to have Tony Stark, Reed Richards, Prof X, Dr Strange, and others all in on it effectively IMHO.

Now, I do think they need to work in a stand along Ruffalo Hulk movie. Depending on the status is RJD and what they plan on doing with Stark (i.e. replace with another actor) you might be able to pull off Ultimate Human. I'd love to see a movie showing how he harnessed some of it ala what happened in my Ultimate U version, and if they could pull off the rights do Hulk v. Wolverine Ultimate U style.

Nerdist had a review of GotG which also mentioned that if they're serious about getting some racial/gender diversity in the line up they should use a stand alone Hulk movie to test the waters for a She Hulk movie.

Back to GotG - Nova Corps. Here's your easy work though. For GotG 2 or whatever.
Quill and crew are neck deep in shit. Suddenly walls are blasted open, bad guys are kicked around like hackey sacks, and it's by a guy in a powered up Nova style suit.
Helmet flips open to reveal our buddy John C Reilley. Quill's confused and we get this :
"Well, after what happened on our homeworld we realized we were pretty hopelessly outgunned. We realized the power we had were in our men, not in the spaceships. Once our former Prime retired we took a harder look and figured out enough from that infinity gem you dropped off to develop the basis of this armor and the power sources associated with it."
Whereas this opens up the problems potentially to reflect some plot point from SHIELD handling the tesseract. Later we find out they found and harnessed energy from another infinity gem. I'd say one particular color, but saying the purple gem is a "death gem" and the blue gem is an "energy gem" and the red gem is the "space" gem now means they're screwing with the traditional color assignments anyways....

As for quotes.. only one sticks with me as something i need to work into a work presentation. ... "pelvic sorcery"


<Prior Amod>
The fact that this was said in the Guardians of the Galaxy thread is awesome.
Guardians wasn't all CGI, World War Hulk would almost have to be. That's the difference. Also you'd need to bring in a lot of other characters from other series and it would confuse the shit out of people.

Phoenix Prime_sl

Easy to do Planet Hulk. Not so much WWH. Planet hulk starts by Ultron tricking Hulk halfway through Avengers 2 and sending him to deep space like what was said earlier in the thread.

You go through the story with Planet Hulk storyline and change a few things obviously but he ends up free. End with hulk/Banner coming to terms with each other and remaining on the planet. Cue Gotg 2 with lead in's to Thanos stealing the gems. Quill realizes he needs the heroes of earth help to stop him. So they head to earth. Cue credits scene where they stop for fuel. In walks banner and says he overheard earth and wants to bum a ride.

Works for me.


Gunnar Durden
You are singing to my soul with this.... I would love it.

But also not only is there the problem of an "all Hulk, no Banner" movie, there's the fact that to really do Planet Hulk and WWH right you would need to have Tony Stark, Reed Richards, Prof X, Dr Strange, and others all in on it effectively IMHO.

Now, I do think they need to work in a stand along Ruffalo Hulk movie. Depending on the status is RJD and what they plan on doing with Stark (i.e. replace with another actor) you might be able to pull off Ultimate Human. I'd love to see a movie showing how he harnessed some of it ala what happened in my Ultimate U version, and if they could pull off the rights do Hulk v. Wolverine Ultimate U style.

Nerdist had a review of GotG which also mentioned that if they're serious about getting some racial/gender diversity in the line up they should use a stand alone Hulk movie to test the waters for a She Hulk movie.

Back to GotG - Nova Corps. Here's your easy work though. For GotG 2 or whatever.
Quill and crew are neck deep in shit. Suddenly walls are blasted open, bad guys are kicked around like hackey sacks, and it's by a guy in a powered up Nova style suit.
Helmet flips open to reveal our buddy John C Reilley. Quill's confused and we get this :
"Well, after what happened on our homeworld we realized we were pretty hopelessly outgunned. We realized the power we had were in our men, not in the spaceships. Once our former Prime retired we took a harder look and figured out enough from that infinity gem you dropped off to develop the basis of this armor and the power sources associated with it."
Whereas this opens up the problems potentially to reflect some plot point from SHIELD handling the tesseract. Later we find out they found and harnessed energy from another infinity gem. I'd say one particular color, but saying the purple gem is a "death gem" and the blue gem is an "energy gem" and the red gem is the "space" gem now means they're screwing with the traditional color assignments anyways....

As for quotes.. only one sticks with me as something i need to work into a work presentation. ... "pelvic sorcery"
Yeah this works, something like this. Just couldnt have the Nova corps be the end all be all to start because fuck, they are space cops in our fun movie.

Escalate through the series. Next movie nova gets a power bump to help fight the thanos threat. start making the enemies stronger, the stakes larger, etc, natural progression.

Easier way to do this, in GOTG make Thanos the villian. Show him as a goddamn wrecking machine. Somehow the GOTG stop him but learn his plan for the gauntlet. They realize they cant stop him alone, and that not only will he wipe out their space, but earth too. Quill decides they will need Earths help to stop him. Then Avengers 3 has both teams.

I think for a general movie audience Hulk cant carry a film now. 2 films "failed" but I really liked the 2nd. But hes too "simple" to carry a 2 hour film. I think hes just a Wild Card for the avengers going forward.


<Prior Amod>
The fact that this was said in the Guardians of the Galaxy thread is awesome.
Doubling down on a retarded post doesn't make it less retarded. Also they don't own the movie rights to everyone they would need to use to put into it anyway.


Blackwing Lair Raider
If they do go the route of Making Nova Corps super powerful Rocketeers, would they overshadow Iron Man? Wouldn't the Nova guys just be another, more powerful, version of Iron Man?
That could be the point: Phase out Downey and phase in Nova?


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
(on Hulk stuff)

They could do whatever the hell they want to make it work with what they have. They can follow the plot of Planet Hulk without it being note perfect with the comics. Hulk goes apeshit and Fury and Stark decide he needs to go, TADA! Oh man I'm a genius. Comic nerds would be mad they didn't have the Illuminati, but comic nerds will be mad no matter what so who gives a fuck?

Hulk would be CGI, but the aliens and shit would be mostly make up etc just like most of them in GOTG.

Just a poster of gladiator Hulk would put the movie over 200 million easily=P

I don't expect it to actually happen of course, but there's no real logistical reason they couldn't make both movies. They wouldn't be true to the comics but I don't give a fuck because they'renotthe comics. It's the CINEMATIC universe, not the comics. And they've shown over and over at this point that they will make it awesome.


I am a comic book nerd, and pretty much don't give a shit how they blast him into space, he could be hurled into deep space by a Thanos uppercut for all i care.

The biggest problem is, the hulk will be all CGI, no Banner(hi mark ruffalo only doing mocap.) and Hulk would be a thinking, speaking full sentences character. Comic book people know this can and in the past, did happen... Non comic book people want to see HULK SMASH! And not a big green guy using logic and pretty much being a big green banner. Non comic book people will not accept this version of hulk...

Whenever people ask me about hulk and i explain the many many transformations he had, wether it be color, or various levels of intelligence, they cannot wrap their heads around why Hulk being all intelligent is an awesome thing. Non comic book people like the hulk as this uncontrollable high risk powerhouse. It gives it a certain edge.


Trakanon Raider
If they do go the route of Making Nova Corps super powerful Rocketeers, would they overshadow Iron Man? Wouldn't the Nova guys just be another, more powerful, version of Iron Man?
That could be the point: Phase out Downey and phase in Nova?
Interesting idea, but I think they can be in the universe together. This is the problem with mixing cosmic heroes with Earth heroes. You can try to make all of the general audience's favorite heroes powerful, but in comparison to most of the cosmic heroes they just aren't. Not saying there aren't some though.

I think there is enough differences between IM and Nova, and that RDJ has such a fanbase that there would be room for both. They could start Richard's story similar to Quills, something to set the stage and bam. Similar to if you started reading Annihilation without any previous knowledge of Nova.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Hm, friend at work mentioned that someone at ComicCon made an audio recording on the Avengers 2 trailier, with some descriptions of the action. The trailer supposedly shows Hulk getting smacked down by Stark's Hulk Buster suit.


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
This is basically exactly how I thought the Nova Corps would be received be non-comic readers, which makes me fucking angry.
If it makes you feel better, I'm a non-comic reader and the only gripe I had with the movie (didn't affect my enjoyment at all, I loved it) was that Xandar had no military to fight off Ronan's force. Instead they just had Merle and John C Riley (whom I both loved btw, and would watch a sequel starring those two characters in a story of an unlikely pairing who take on the cities worst criminals armed only with police intuition, rugged (very rugged) good looks and an OP arrow you whistle at).

At least with Avengers and other Earth-based superhero movies there's a token pair of F22's that fire a couple sidewinders to no effect and then the military immediately pursues the nuclear option.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Nova Corp
I didn't know them before the movie and I got them confused with pre-powered Silver Surfer's homeworld - what minor knowledge I had of it that is: A peaceful world that still needed lawmen, but fought with shields, nets, tractor beams, and other shackles.

Planet Hulk
This movie is possible. Ruffalo was great in Avengers. He and Hulk stole the show. Planet Hulk the movie is a movie; it can be changed however they want. Hulk doesn't need to be hulk all the time or CG. Have Ruffalo as human dude to give speeches to the aliens and do whatever else he needs and then hulk it on command as movie needs. For the sake of making a movie work, it can be done. As has been said in other veins, only the nerds will care and there are plenty more than don't that will gladly pay.

The movie kept hinting at his Dad being a shocker. I ended up going on wiki because I was unfamiliar with these heroes. The movie took ample liberties with Quin's character. And for the better. The story explained in his wiki was lame! and it didn't even mention his dad other than being some unnamed alien


Planet Hulk is pretty much perfect, not only does it progress the whole get Hulk off of earth because it's too dangerous story-line, but it is also a good way to introduce really strange characters like Beta Ray Bill.

Silver Surfer is not an option for Marvel so they replaced him with Beta Ray in the animated movie. Worked out fine.
Having Hulk earthbound is kind of broing anyway, I want to see a Hulk exiled into space, and has to claw his way to back to reek vengeance in World War Hulk!

It also allows him to guest star in GOTG film if they wanted too.

Only way I can see them not doing that is they need to include Hulk in Avengers 3 somehow to Fight with Thanos, but I'm sure they can figure something out.


Eeyore Enthusiast
<Gold Donor>
Okay here we go. This is how you do planet Hulk:

Hulk gets banished from Earth in Avengers 2, ends up on Sakaar as a slave. Sakaar's king can be either the Red King or another more interesting villain instead. (It'd be hard to be less interesting than Ronan or Malekith.) Whomever is Sakaar's king could be one of Thanos' lieutenants, making the slaves fight each other to see which of them is strong enough to serve in Thanos' army. After a seething Hulk kicks massive amounts of ass and draws the attention of the king, he is brough to Thanos who offers him his vengeance upon Earth for exiling him. Cue a long flashback sequence of Banner on Earth, detailing some significant event prior to being exiled, so Mark Ruffalo can actually be in the movie (add a few smaller flashbacks before and after as well.)

Hulk rejects Thanos' offer. Some monk-like character among the other slaves can help him learn to control his rage enough to become a leader, so he can lead the slave rebellion on Sakaar. End the movie with another Earth flashback as Hulk is crowned king of Sakaar, to be encountered again at the end of GotG2 heading back to Earth for Avengers 3.