Guardians of the Galaxy (2014)


Avatar of War Slayer
They made the planet Hulk animated movie. Don't expect a "live action" version.

Story wise it would be easy enough. the main issue would simply be, do you want to set up World War Hulk, and have the "Illuminati" be the idiots? Probably not worth it. More so, since movie Tony is even more understanding then comic Tony with Bruce. As forced as it was in comics, after Tony and Bruce in Avengers, it would be even more silly in the movie-verse.
Then the next problem is 100% cgi main character. lol nope. thats not happening. so it would end up being rewritten so hes in and out of being Hulk still.

Woefully Inept

Ssraeszha Raider
Was it the Old Man Logan story that Bruce had Hulks strength while in Bruce form and could change into Hulk when he wanted? It has been quite a while since I read that. Maybe they could mix that feature in so it wouldn't be 100% Hulk. Hulk up when the shit hits the fan.


Blackwing Lair Raider
I liked the movie, they covered a lot of Marvel territory, but they took some creative license with a few things that just make you scratch your head.

With Drax, I was expecting a fight between him and Ronan that would like Superman versus Zod in Man of Steel. You'd expect that from Drax, in the comics, he was programmed to kill Thanos and ignore everything else.

They didn't need to have the Nova Corps in there, if they were going to make them non powered.
That would have ruined the movie. One of the reasons this was such a good movie is it didnt go to the formula of "Now we have an epic battle where I throw you through buildings and you hit me with Mount Everest so hard I travel through the planets core and out the other side" like Superman. Or the generic "Fight the Giant Robot" like Iron Man or Thor.

They are seemingly taking the standard Anime/Dragonball whatever power up approach to these movies. Nearly everyone is way underpowered. Nova Corps are space cops, Drax and Gamora are moderately stronger than Jean Claude Van Damme in Bloodsport.

If Drax is Thanos killer out of the gate there's no place to go. And again it kills what this movie was: FUN. There is plenty of action, character depth too, but the movie is supposed to be fun in the way an Indiana Jones or even Star Wars was. Not to mention they covered a shit ton of ground in those 2 hours. Celestials, infinity stones, Kree, Xandar, Nova Corps... that's a ton of exposition considering they had all new characters to introduce and we have had only terrestrial stuff so far in Avengers and all the stand alones.

Superman/Zod fight is fine but we've all seen it 100 times. Drax is ready for his level up after Knowhere Celestial Hot Tub dunking. Nova Corps is now set up for a big power boost as well after that defeat and the responsibility of protecting the stone.


Molten Core Raider
WTB Thanos & Adam Warlock team up in 2020. The little series where Thanos is sort of a good guy was fun.


Confirmed Beta Shitlord, Fat Bastard
Thor 2 and IM3 both had significant depth in their plot, just not much in the way of character development. What this movie, Winter Soldier, and (to a lesser extent) Avengers had over all the other MCU movies is varying degrees of character development. Ruffalo steals the show in Avengers because you see him embracing his nature over the course of the film. You see Cap struggling with the nature of the modern world and asserting himself by the end of Winter Soldier. And all of the GotG characters went through some degree of character development over the course of the movie (except perhaps Groot, which is another thing that made him stand out) that just made the movie really fun, overall. Thor 1 had some character development (in both Loki and Thor), but the plot was super thin. You kind of need both elements to push a movie into that next level.


Eeyore Enthusiast
<Gold Donor>
I don't think the character development in GotG was very good. They made friends way too conveniently.

But it was good in most of the other movies. That's largely what they've been about. IM2 tried to have a plot and just sucked. Character development is largely independent of plot. You can have a very thin plot with a lot of character development, or the opposite, or a lot of both or little of either.


Golden Baronet of the Realm
Comic book movies need to have a strong + charsmatic villain as much as the hero. The enemies in IM2 and IM3 were weak versus Loki and Hydra for Avengers and Cap 2 while Thor 2 split the difference and had Loki in the middle.

GotG worked because even though most of the audience had no idea who the heroes, villains, or third parties were they all had presence and everything they did on screen felt like it mattered. But for the Iron Man movies there was Tony, Pepper, and Rhodey. You didn't care past them.


Vyemm Raider
just saw this again for the 2nd time with the family, my wife and i both liked it more the second time around due to being able to hear ALL the movie(theater was maybe 1/5th full- we went to a 5pm 2d showing) including some snappy one liners that previously were drowned out by laughter.


SW: Sean, CW: Crone, GW: Wizardhawk
just saw this again for the 2nd time with the family, my wife and i both liked it more the second time around due to being able to hear ALL the movie(theater was maybe 1/5th full- we went to a 5pm 2d showing) including some snappy one liners that previously were drowned out by laughter.
Speaking of hearing things, what did Drax say just before he
ripped the black guy's circuits out of his head?

I saw it twice, and both times I couldn't make it out. Something about a metaphor?


Eeyore Enthusiast
<Gold Donor>
Yeah I missed a lot of dialogue during fights, there was a fucking screaming child in the theater.

I missed what Drax said and I missed what Nebula said just before she cut her hand off.


Golden Baronet of the Realm
From imdb:
Drax the Destroyer: "Finger to the throat" means "death".
Drax the Destroyer: "Metaphore".
[looks at Star-Lord]
Peter Quill: [shrugs his shoulders] Sort of.


Well worth watching at the cinema (speaking as someone who has no knowledge of gotg), my only gripes are:-

Gamora needed a bit more "living weapon" about her.
And if you are going to do a cut scene at the end of the credits make if worth while.


El Presidente
Well worth watching at the cinema (speaking as someone who has no knowledge of gotg), my only gripes are:-

Gamora needed a bit more "living weapon" about her.
And if you are going to do a cut scene at the end of the credits make if worth while.
The cut scene is worthwhile but not for Howard the Duck!


Blackwing Lair Raider
End credit cut scene
There was lots of love for Howard The Duck when I was a child and it will forever be beloved in my mind (that's why I refuse to watch it as an adult because I hear the movie was in truth bad.)
One of the reasons why I dislike the reveal of Howard, is that he looks FUCKING STUPID. His banana-foot head ruins possibilities for him having a movie in the future.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
End credit cut scene
There was lots of love for Howard The Duck when I was a child and it will forever be beloved in my mind (that's why I refuse to watch it as an adult because I hear the movie was in truth bad.)
One of the reasons why I dislike the reveal of Howard, is that he looks FUCKING STUPID. His banana-foot head ruins possibilities for him having a movie in the future.
So you hated the movie and you're upset that Howard the Duck won't get his own movie? I just want to be 100% clear before I disregard every opinion you have from now until the end of time.


Blackwing Lair Raider
End credit cut scene
There was lots of love for Howard The Duck when I was a child and it will forever be beloved in my mind (that's why I refuse to watch it as an adult because I hear the movie was in truth bad.)
One of the reasons why I dislike the reveal of Howard, is that he looks FUCKING STUPID. His banana-foot head ruins possibilities for him having a movie in the future.
It is bad, but it is an awesome bad, like starship troopers. Most cult films are "bad". You should really watch it again, it is both awesome and bad. And you'll notice all the adult themes you missed as a child.