Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 (2017)


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Lol, tell that to the one person in the office who -always- burns their popcorn in the microwave and stinks up the floor.

Indeed - its why I've taken to making sure we've always got cheese and crackers when the in-laws come to our home. Every fucking time they visited for the longest timeframe they'd opt to make themselves some popcorn to snack while here, and even with a popcorn button on the microwave that works beautifully, they'd still somehow burn it. Thank god they prefer cheese and crackers if I make it available though. They'd seriously set off the smoke alarm and shit in our home, on top of making it a choking/gagging hazard to be near the kitchen for quite a while.

Disappointing to hear the previews from folks here thusfar. Sounds like I'll just wait for digital release as current previews are sounding here.


Vyemm Raider
seeing this next sunday, so far i've liked all the marvel movies so if this is dissappointing, so be it, i'll probably still like it, would have seen the dbl feature thursday, but my wife and her coworker bff have a presentation to go to for a new pet - Something- drug, treatment, whatever- given at,,, i think this one is at Ruth's Chris --so she goes, gets free meal & wine (usually filet mignon) & dessert- occasionally i get to attend too, i go as a "tech"... hell i know more than alot of "techs" do about what is wrong with a dog or cat due to my wife talking about work for the past 22yrs.

as for popcorn- ya button = no burn but kids still burn occasionally for some reason, i also have one of the old fashion stovetop crank poppers, put in oil, half cup kernels (i tend to buy jiffypop or redenbokkers(or however you spell it) from the grocery store, after done, add in a bit o salt and sugar and real butter...


<Prior Amod>
Lol, tell that to the one person in the office who -always- burns their popcorn in the microwave and stinks up the floor.
That's microwave popcorn tho, where shit burns cuz the kernal soaks up so much oil it sticks to the bag, also microwave popcorn is disgusting.
i also have one of the old fashion stovetop crank poppers, put in oil, half cup kernels (i tend to buy jiffypop or redenbokkers(or however you spell it) from the grocery store, after done, add in a bit o salt and sugar and real butter...
try adding butter and salt before you pop, and really shake/stir vigorously to coat the kernel.

what happens is you have the regular "non flavored" outside and when you bite into it, the flavor pops from the middle, it's a lot less messier.

tho it's harder to "control" b/c the salt messes it up.

what i've done to counteract this is

butter/oil(i use coconut) mixture.

dump in kernels

coat/stir like crazy

wait a minute before popcorn begins popping (if you use stovetop, you know what your batch is gonna bust)

then pour in the salt on top of the kernels, unpopped, but still coated with butter/oil mixture.
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FoH nuclear response team
I had a roommate in college burn cup ramen

That ain't shit!

Back in my teenage years when we had all this hand me down shit, we rocked this microwave that would randomly flash fry something. I had that microwave boil the entire water content out of the bowl and melt it until it caught on fire in under 3 mins. It was quite impressive and we ended up throwing it away right after fearing it would melt our brains.

I have a video but I'd rather not post it here.


Potato del Grande
<Rickshaw Potatoes>
Just seen it - standard Marvel fare although there was no tie-in or contribution to the wider Marvel universe plotline - was essentially a stand alone movie.

I go and see every Marvel film at the cinema, at one point I actually got my phone out and felt like seeing if I had any messages or notifications - never done that at any film before. Admittedly I was at a 120pm showing and the cinema was empty but still - it wasn't a bad movie but it's not one of Marvels best efforts
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Molten Core Raider
Movie was ok. As said, standard Marvel.

I doubt they'll ever be able to top Iron Man 3, so I don't have super-high expectations. Works fine if you like the Marvel humour and stuff.


Potato del Grande
<Rickshaw Potatoes>
I doubt they'll ever be able to top Iron Man 3,.

Eh? That was one of the worst Marvel films - wasn't that the one where Stark spent most of the time without his suit? I definitely had no desire to watch that one again
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Silver Baronet of the Realm
they fucked up Mandarin and gave Gwenyth Paltro superpowers so she could be the hero. Movie was awful, made Thor 2 look like a masterpiece


That guy
I think he meant he doesn't think they'll ever sink below Iron Man 3. Shitty wording yo.
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Buzzfeed Editor
Disappointing to hear the previews from folks here thusfar. Sounds like I'll just wait for digital release as current previews are sounding here.

Got taken to an early screening. It's a good film, still in that "upper band" of Marvel. But its like "Ant-Man" upper band, rather than the top tier grand slams that are Civil War/Winter Soldier/Guardians 1/Avengers.

The problem is the plot is weak, and needlessly muddled. The first movie had a pretty weak plot too, but that was fine because the plot was extremely simple, so everything the characters did made enough sense to not question anything. The issue here is the plot holes make you question motivations for some characters (Don't want to spoil it) which is really the one damn thing the plot can't do in such a movie, and why stories like this are served by very simple plots. Just a few too many cases of dumb things happening because X aspect of the story needed to happen, rather than things just unfolding because it felt like all the characters would do exactly that.

It really felt like Gunn didn't give a shit about the story and just wanted to explain the characters emotions and relationships and goals. Which, I mean, that's the core of a great movie--and its why this is still a really good film. The issue is, what makes something a fucking great movie is when the story is satisfying right along with it--and the story isn't awful, bit it ain't great, either. Shit is just suffering from Darknight Rises syndrome, its being compared to near perfection, combined with sloppy story that affects the pacing and dings some motivations (A little too much for the interesting characters to cover up). But overall, it's a really good film. It's just not that lightning in a bottle they sometimes capture.

Can really see why Gunn cut Adam Warlock.
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Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Got taken to an early screening. It's a good film, still in that "upper band" of Marvel. But its like "Ant-Man" upper band, rather than the top tier grand slams that are Civil War/Winter Soldier/Guardians 1/Avengers.

Still sounds like video level for me - I don't bother seeing too much in the theater, pretty much just the best of the best.

But thank you for the review.


Avatar of War Slayer
certainly wasn't impressed with the story and the ending fight was mostly meh
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Potato del Grande
Just seen it, it's just as good if not better than the first. Very heavy on character development, story keeps you guessing and good bad guys.

The end credit scenes are funny but a let down other than the one out of the five which sets up the sequel with
Adam Warlock
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Vyemm Raider
I agree. I liked it a little more than the first one which was already very good. Lots of laughs like the first one, a lot of character development, Kurt Russel was a blast to watch. I'll watch more like this.
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Trakanon Raider
Enjoyed it. Story was a mess, much like the first one but it was a blast to watch. Drax & Mantis were the highlights, they were hilarious!
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I'm With HER ♀
<Bronze Donator>
Pretty good, although the story took a while to get going, felt a lot heavier on just character exploration and interactions. Really sweet to see a space opera setting done well, just weird that it had to be a superhero movie to do it. It went a bit too try-hard on cramming as many jokes as possible though, could have toned that down a tad.
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Lord Nagafen Raider
Completely forgettable music, story and pacing weaker than vol1, too much baby Groot for my taste. Otherwise pretty good, but still prefer vol1... Too much biggerer and betterer.
I can see myself watching vol1 another 10+ times, this one maybe a few more times. Music really is the biggest letdown for me in vol2.
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FoH nuclear response team
That's kind of a bummer, the music is what made the first so memorable in my eyes, I remember firing up the soundtrack on the drive home after I enjoyed it so much.


Trakanon Raider
"Dark Knight syndrome" is what i'm kind of expecting. Going this Friday. Listening to Gunn, I think he knew this going in and that's why he took the course that he did which will leave room for 3 to best awesome. He knew that no matter what, he wouldn't be able to capture vol. 1 so he took the time to give the characters their opportunity to make 3 more meaningful. That's all my perception going into this film. As long as it's middle tier Marvel, i'm completely cool with it.

As for Iron man 3. Still breaks my heart. The Mandarin should have been a homerun. I even felt they had the right actor and everything. I hope they find someone else and bring the Mandarin back in some way and completely eliminate everything 3 did but I don't think we'll see an IM solo film any time soon or at all.