GW2 is a strange game, for all intent and purpose once you're 80 and in exotic gear you are pretty much done as far as character progression goes. And getting to 80 and getting exotic gear is very easy. Everything else is pretty much just playing the game for the sake of playing the game. It’s not like WoW where you’re on an eternal gear grind for progression.
HoT maps are required if you want to do season 3, as you’ll need some HoT masteries for it like gliding up to updraft at least, mushroom jumping and the nuloch travel. You can get experience and mastery points for HoT masteries in the season 3 maps btw as they are considered HoT maps...but way more fun. But if you want to skip season 3 then I think you can skip HoT stuff altogether. In the first map of Path of Fire i haven’t seen anything that requires HoT masteries, not sure if that changes but I doubt it since HoT isn’t required for PoF.
Your black lion salvage kit, only use them on exotic or better gear, do not waste them on yellows or lower.
Crafting is nice to gear craft yourself exotic gear with stats you want some of it is no drop I think and cannot be bought like the more advanced one like assassin, viper etc. If you don’t like crafting and are fine with the basic stats sets you can buy them pretty cheap on the auction house. Crafting at this point is really for ascended to be honest.
Ascended gear, this is a big materials grind, but it’s something that can easily be done just playing the game for the most part. Crafting it is expensive if you buy mats, but you can farm everything solo. Some of the insignias for some stats need to be bought from some merchants in HoT zones which include the season 3 zones btw. The big thing with it is that you’re limited by some stuff you can only craft once per day. I think it takes like close to 30 days to craft a full set if you have everything. So if you want that then it will take a while, and can easily be done as a side thing while you do something else. It is really not required though, exotic is fine for just about everything.
As far as advice as to what to do exactly, I won’t be much help except to say...do what you enjoy obviously and just try to focus on 1 or 2 thing at a time. If you try to do too much you'll probably get frustrated or bored. Want to do story, complete maps, achievements, crafting, dailies, etc...it’s all fine, everything is kinda meaningless but don’t try to do it all at once or it’s gets overwhelming.
If you want to buy PoF at some point to get the elite specialization for your thief, you'll need 250 or so hero points. You can probably get those in PoF itself, but that means you'll only fully unlock the specialization toward the end of the expansion, if you want it while you're doing the expansion, then farming hero points might be a good objective to have. That means map completion, well not necessary completion but might as well do it if you go around to get all the hero points.