Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
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bleh dp.You can't zerg the dungeons, but they're so gimmicky it's more annoying than anything. The tank-heal-dps paradigm is much better than what they made.
bleh dp.You can't zerg the dungeons, but they're so gimmicky it's more annoying than anything. The tank-heal-dps paradigm is much better than what they made.
What gimmick? Do you even realize what they made?You can't zerg the dungeons, but they're so gimmicky it's more annoying than anything. The tank-heal-dps paradigm is much better than what they made.
My only issue with dungeons is that the bosses take too fucking long, fighting a boss for 5+ minutes, the last dude in CoF p3 10+ minutes gets rather tedious, because you can't really go all out with your dps to get his HP bar moving. As someone who mostly just pugs, no trinity makes that thing rather entertaining. They should probably buff the combo system though, dungeon run is basically you + 4 dudes, you don't do anything different depending on the other people. Otherwise I'd say the variety is pretty good, sure most of the stuff that replaces your skill bar could be considered gimmicky, but I don't think they are overdoing it.What gimmick? Do you even realize what they made?
I think they could make 100% maps more rewarding, like if you complete a map, you get to see all events active on the map.While I am largely fine with the outdoor event layouts, I'm also looking forward to them reworking the existing zones to make them attractive for more then leveling. Since the only thing motivating players is loot, I guess they'll rework the rewards for larger events and chains to Rares/exotics (ascendeds? They plan to make them available outside of fotm), maybe throw in some more events to increase coverage and more of the "hey, over here" npcs that direct you somewhere. It feels much better then an orange blob on the map for me, and they could place npcs that foreshadow events further away so players have time to head that way. Lots of things they can improve even without actual new features.
To those that played GW1 for years, did they introduce many new features or gimmicks outside of the campaigns like hard modes, mercs(heroes), play-as-monster, hot zones and so on in other games, and if yes were those good lasting additions or more feature-of-month stuff that was just added but quickly forgotten about and never improved upon? I'm wondering if we're likely to get meaningful additions or just something to buy 3 months of time until they find a new thing to extend interest with. Kinda like fotm might stay interesting if expanded upon, or will probably get pretty boring if it stays at those 9 small instances forever.
Is this where you spin your hipster bullshit about how "You just aren't cool enough to understand how like...dynamic this is!"What gimmick? Do you even realize what they made?
You make awesome points that I really can't argue against. I think the problem people have with the PVE and dungeons of GW2 is that they either do them in pugs, or do them with people who have no idea wtf they are doing. That fight you mention I can do in 5 minutes tops. This really isn't possible in a pug group. I think the majority of my frustration with this thread is that Anet did something different and people are either too set in their ways or unwilling to adapt to not having the trinity. The majority of the anti pve comments are simply just fucking ignorant and not a matter of opinion.My only issue with dungeons is that the bosses take too fucking long, fighting a boss for 5+ minutes, the last dude in CoF p3 10+ minutes gets rather tedious, because you can't really go all out with your dps to get his HP bar moving. As someone who mostly just pugs, no trinity makes that thing rather entertaining. They should probably buff the combo system though, dungeon run is basically you + 4 dudes, you don't do anything different depending on the other people. Otherwise I'd say the variety is pretty good, sure most of the stuff that replaces your skill bar could be considered gimmicky, but I don't think they are overdoing it.
Outdoor events suffer from their mantra that anyone can participate, it's difficult to design an interesting boss fight where a mechanic can't be abused to make the fight harder. I have no idea how to solve that actually, one option could be to make sub-events for limited amount of people that are much harder and their outcome affects the big event, but how do you stop people from trolling those...
Your build and weapon set has a huge effect on your success. GW2 is not based around unavoidable damage. That is why you don't need a dedicated healer. I'm sorry but agro isn't really mysterious in this game. The majority of bosses and mobs agro on the person with the highness toughness or proximity. Trust me I get it. It's easier to just throw around terms like hipster and poo poo someone instead of trying to understand something. Give me one fight, one boss, one dungeon that is either overtuned or gimmicky and I will give you strats and builds on how to beat it.Is this where you spin your hipster bullshit about how "You just aren't cool enough to understand how like...dynamic this is!"
The paradigm they tried to get away from was a good idea in concept, but they completely failed in the implementation of it. Fights tend to just be a complete mess of dodge rolls, blinds, and other stupid gimmicks to get around the fact that you have no real tanking or healing mechanics. It's like one giant QTE and it completely misses the mark.
The problem with GW2's PvE is it is just too fucking easy and there are no rewards.You make awesome points that I really can't argue against. I think the problem people have with the PVE and dungeons of GW2 is that they either do them in pugs, or do them with people who have no idea wtf they are doing. That fight you mention I can do in 5 minutes tops. This really isn't possible in a pug group. I think the majority of my frustration with this thread is that Anet did something different and people are either too set in their ways or unwilling to adapt to not having the trinity. The majority of the anti pve comments are simply just fucking ignorant and not a matter of opinion.
I really can't argue with what you say. The problem is that all I have heard on these boards, the HARDCORE MMO PLAYER BOARD. Is that it is too hard, gimicky and needs to be zerged. Is the MMO player base saying that they need easy content that is mouth breather status to be good?The problem with GW2's PvE is it is just too fucking easy and there are no rewards.
Somebody tatoo that on every fucking mmo dev's forehead. And then make sure they brush their teeth every morning. Idiot loser mmo devs get lost in mindless stuff like gear repair, crafting useless item no. 20002220001, creating raid hoop jumping contests only a robot could love (FUCK WoW), and selling slot machine chests on the auction house so they can pay their idiot mortgage on a house even a hobbit would laugh at.
If devs had a clue then they would ALL be fucking billionaires because we would be pouring our paychecks into their bank accounts for all the cool content they were creating. Instead they follow the fuckwit forumula EQ/WoW created and fail, over and over again because we were tired of it a decade ago.
The reason Tuco called dungeons "too gimicky" is because they are easy and stupid (at least that is how I read it).I really can't argue with what you say. The problem is that all I have heard on these boards, the HARDCORE MMO PLAYER BOARD. Is that it is too hard, gimicky and needs to be zerged. Is the MMO player base saying that they need easy content that is mouth breather status to be good?
Ok so I've only done a few dungeons, but every encounter I've seen is "figure out the comical nature of the boss and how to dodge their silly attacks and either attack them or perform the puzzle". I got tired of that in WoW raiding.What gimmick? Do you even realize what they made?
You are cheating yourself by not doing more dungeons. Isn't all Pve figuring out the mechanic? I really am confused about the overall response by this community. As a whole I see people crying for challenging content but then crying that something is over tuned and too hard! I'm positive that Tuco not only has a higher IQ then me but smarter then me. I have no problem with this. I am just curious what you want from PVe?Ok so I've only done a few dungeons, but every encounter I've seen is "figure out the comical nature of the boss and how to dodge their silly attacks and either attack them or perform the puzzle". I got tired of that in WoW raiding.
Since when does a fight being beatable make itnotgimmicky? Just because I candefeata boss, doesn't make the strategy or hoops I have to jump through to do so any less of a pile of bullshit. I understand that there are ways to get agro, keep agro, etc. What I'm saying is that removing the "trinity" and replacing it with what they replaced it with completely missed the fucking mark. They replaced one stupid, annoying, gimmicky system with another one. Yay? Maybe that just means the nature of these games is gimmicky. Maybe that's where the genre is at now, I don't know. It just doesn't change my opinion on it not being any fucking fun.Your build and weapon set has a huge effect on your success. GW2 is not based around unavoidable damage. That is why you don't need a dedicated healer. I'm sorry but agro isn't really mysterious in this game. The majority of bosses and mobs agro on the person with the highness toughness or proximity. Trust me I get it. It's easier to just throw around terms like hipster and poo poo someone instead of trying to understand something. Give me one fight, one boss, one dungeon that is either overtuned or gimmicky and I will give you strats and builds on how to beat it.
I think most of it is that I'm just burned out on instanced RPG pve content. And when I say instanced it's mostly highly structured, highly scripted and often gimmicky.You are cheating yourself by not doing more dungeons. Isn't all Pve figuring out the mechanic? I really am confused about the overall response by this community. As a whole I see people crying for challenging content but then crying that something is over tuned and too hard! I'm positive that Tuco not only has a higher IQ then me but smarter then me. I have no problem with this. I am just curious what you want from PVe?