There was no hyperbole and no finger pointing but since you brought it up, then it should come as absolutely no surprise that Anet doesn't like to talk about features that aren't fully tested and playable. The problem that they're up against is that if they don't throw a bone to their player base by mentioning what's coming to some degree (be it large or small) they stand a chance to lose more fans. Guesting is what happens when you promise a feature but don't deliver in time. But what does that mean for a game that has no subscription? People just don't log in? I don't claim to have a crystal ball so I don't know as to what degree the game is in need of saving but if they sold over 3 million copies then it's pretty obvious this is a success for them. Makes no difference to me as I haven't played in a couple weeks now, let alone stepped foot in WvW so I will be one of those that is waiting with unrelenting patience to see what is in store for Feb/March. Saving the game in this case means something completely different for me than it does to you, obviously.
Claiming why people are upset and making uneducated guesses as to what will fix the game is no worse than hyperbole. If you really had higher expectations then I don't think anything will save the game for you.
I couldn't give 2 shits about pve as I have 8 level 80's and did most of it through craftingsowhat's important to me is getting the WvW overhauledwhich I honestly don't see happening but I will take any small hope they want to throw my way and if in the end it doesn't work out, so be it.I wait for the "next big thing" to hitand I'm not out anything but my time and maybe a forum post or two.