You said you leveled your chars mostly through crafting, you don't care about PvE, and you're entirely ignorant of the state of PvE. Are you pretending to be a retard or were you always one?
You said I was "entirely ignorant of the state of PvE", not I.
Personal attacks aside, I actually liked the PvE in Guild Wars 2, especially the holiday events, Fractals, and other things but that's not why I am playing/played it nor is it why I would continue to play it.
In order for WvW to remain a competitive feature I would love to see the following (taken from the "how to save WvW" thread on guru):
Ditch the scoreboard - Instead, put up a Server War page ala: Camelot Herald style that provides all the great meta statistics one would want from a war.
Ditch resets - WvW needs to feel persistent and epic and this won't happen as long as there is a weekly reset. Server merges and battlegroups to accomodate.
New abilities based on WvW rank - Ever hear of realm abilities? New unlocked abilities that are granted after reaching a certain rank in WvW. These abilities are used and balanced strictly for WvW.
Orbs, orbs, and orbs - Swap the bonuses with the outmanned buff that these used to give and give the orbs what the outmanned buff gives. Double the effect and move these orbs into the Garrisons.
Kill spam - We don't need names but we do need a target and seeing who killed who recently and WHERE goes a long way.
Queues snooze - Ditch the queue system. This goes right along with the persistence of the world. Jumping in and out of WvW as you see fit.
Tyria Falls - Dungeon that resides under the entire WvW map that's connected to each borderland that offers up everything from traps to rewards to bosses to loot to jumping puzzles. It's only unlocked once a server holds the majority of the objectives.
Commander calls - Remove the gold restriction of the commander icon and place it on required WvW rank. Give elevated priviledges to the commander such as supply route placement, better identifiable waypoint and objective assignment.