Guild Wars 2


I think the game has quite a few flaws, but it's still the best MMO I've played in years.

Please list these failures.
My biggest gripe with the game is the lack of small group fun for me in both dungeons and PVP. It is not a very good 'grouping' game. I like the combat systems, but I dislike the skill one. I really dislike the instanced PVP. I also have issues with the world goals and off hour WvWvW setup. There needs to be better carrots and also more of a battle feel in WvWvW.

The Yak nerf sucked, also.

Although I made it to 80 and enjoyed the PVE, and like the design, the overall feel of PVE was very repetitive. I was essentially doing the same thing at 20, 60, and even 80. The level curve is pretty easy, but even with that I was very bored at times with PVE.

I haven't played in a bit, but I despised the dungeons.

Kudos for Arenanet for having a 180 day refund program. I'd consider taking them up, but as I enjoy GW2 a fuckton more than Pandaland after making 90 there, then I think I'll keep it around when I have the itch.



I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
- The PVP is the biggest joke I've seen out of any MMO. I'd rather do WoW Arena.. No I'd rather play fucking huttball in SWTOR than do the retarded dance of running up to a door and attacking it until it dies. Either that or if someone's defending then just leave and go somewhere else.
Haha what a noob.


This is stupid. The game was fucking awful yes, but begging for money back because YOU didn't like it is fucking stupid, if you're hurting that badly for 60 bucks you shouldn't be spending it on video games.

List of failures? Sure!

- You get every spell you'll ever use halfway through your level progression which makes the game completely bland.
- Different weapons give the illusion of different playstyle when in fact the real difference is you're fucking brain dead for not using the best one.
- The PVP is the biggest joke I've seen out of any MMO. I'd rather do WoW Arena.. No I'd rather play fucking huttball in SWTOR than do the retarded dance of running up to a door and attacking it until it dies. Either that or if someone's defending then just leave and go somewhere else.
- The classes are completely imbalanced, one spec/weapon combo to rule them all while the rest are garbage.
- No mounts
- No healers
- PVE dungeons were made by Requiem and Tyen massively long dungeon with almost no reward and the biggest trololol fights ever (pull in one shot instantly no way to avoid it, bypasses LOS).

The game was just straight bad. Not even comparing it to any other game it was at its best not enjoyable.
You are either making all of this up or you are just over dramatic. Case in point "No Mounts" "No Healers". Lol.

The game was just straight bad. Not even comparing it to any other game it was at its best not enjoyable.
Generally speaking, this seems to be the most common response. Clearly people come into these games expecting it to be like wow and when it isn't like wow they freak out and quit and on the other hand if it is like wow they freak out and quit. Do us all a favor; stop. playing. mmos.

Nice post, though, will read again.


So, Toxx, you ever gonna answer my question about whether GW2 is better than TOR was when you were white knighting the fuck out of that long after everyone else realized it was an awful game?


Generally speaking, this seems to be the most common response. Clearly people come into these games expecting it to be like wow and when it isn't like wow they freak out and quit and on the other hand if it is like wow they freak out and quit. Do us all a favor; stop. playing. mmos.
Or they could just play WoW.


So, Toxx, you ever gonna answer my question about whether GW2 is better than TOR was when you were white knighting the fuck out of that long after everyone else realized it was an awful game?
I just skim over your posts, you've never said anything of note.

This is the only response you get and even then I'm wasting my time. How does it feel to plague these boards with your worthlessness and over exaggerated negativity? I pity you.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
Or they could just play WoW.
Exactly. If you want a game like WoW go play WoW. People bitch about WoW because it's popular.

I still can't get over the fact that so many WoW players can't handle GW2 dungeons. The crying about it being over tuned is fucking funny. WoW heroic dungeons are harder then anything GW2 has to offer.


I just skim over your posts, you've never said anything of note.

This is the only response you get and even then I'm wasting my time. How does it feel to plague these boards with your worthlessness and over exaggerated negativity? I pity you.
Confirmed butthurt when someone doesn't like what he likes!


Exactly. If you want a game like WoW go play WoW. People bitch about WoW because it's popular.

I still can't get over the fact that so many WoW players can't handle GW2 dungeons. The crying about it being over tuned is fucking funny. WoW heroic dungeons are harder then anything GW2 has to offer.
No dedicated tanks / healers confuses them.


Trakanon Raider
I played GW2 to 80, played at 80 enough to get around half Exotic gear (so not a huge amount).. I didn't really enjoy my time playing it. I'm not going to try to get a refund though, I knew what I was getting when I bought it.

The game was very dry and uninteresting to me. The character design is fairly boring especially after just playing TSW, your character is basically finished at like level 10 and the other 70 levels are moderately pointless. I didn't like the zergy RvR. The instanced PvP was nowhere near as fun as SWTOR's BGs. The instances weren't fun for me as there is so little control. Every fight it feels like I have no control over the outcome. The game has appeal to plenty of people I know (most of my guildies love the RvR) but it's not for me.


Avatar of War Slayer
So, Toxx, you ever gonna answer my question about whether GW2 is better than TOR was when you were white knighting the fuck out of that long after everyone else realized it was an awful game?
I'll answer for him Duped.



Yeah I agree with that. I don't think that's necessarily a bad thing, though. It is different and people don't like different.

edit ~ why do I keep having this gigantic space after my posts?
Exactly. If you want a game like WoW go play WoW. People bitch about WoW because it's popular.

I still can't get over the fact that so many WoW players can't handle GW2 dungeons. The crying about it being over tuned is fucking funny. WoW heroic dungeons are harder then anything GW2 has to offer.
WoW heroics these days are retardedly faceroll easy, so that says something.


Buzzfeed Editor
<Rickshaw Potatoes>
I'm assuming it shuts down your account/characters if you get said refund?