Guild Wars 2


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
What game has ever released that has 6 months of content without a grind? Sounds like people are shifting more and more towards wanting a sandbox game like mine craft. I still don't understand why people "quit" gw2. Just stop playing for awhile and come back for content patches. There is no sub fee.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Just about every game since WoW has been designed to be "won" inside the free month or soon after.
I don't think it's that MMOs have been designed to be beat in a month, but that MMOs have spent so long conditioning us that you need to race to the end before you get to participate in the "real game". That makes it hard for any other developers to try to break the trend, because it's very difficult to change that mindset. GW2 tried to combat that by disconnecting content from level, so that it didn't matter if you raced to get to 80, you still had the entire world to play with.

Unfortunately, that hasn't worked out as well as it sounded on paper. I think the main problem with that has been that by separating the content from the level, they needed to come up with a loot system that wouldn't unfairly reward low level players nor punish high level players. So, we've ended up with this drop system where everything is completely and utterly random. There really is very little to work for as far as loot goes, because there's really very littlewayof actually working towards something. Even champions, which were a good idea, have been mostly trivialized by the fact that they mostly give the same sort of junk loot that you'd get killing a deer or crab.

We can go back to the old fallback of "risk vs. reward". The game's loot is really too random to ever really do anything overly challenging to get it, and this ultimately has created a situation where there really aren't many goals in the game to work towards. I can't really say as I miss the loot treadmill, but there needs to be more things for me to feel like I'm progression towards. (Incidentally, I think that's why I haven't spent as much time in sPvP as I figured I would. There's really very little as far as rewards go for it.)

Though, in all fairness, Fractalsdoesseem like a step in the right direction.


I think GW2 will defintly my game for my winther gaming session , i only have a lvl 20 Guardian though!


Well from a Vizunah player perspective, know that if you come on our ladder, you will play against our doors, we have no way to match your primetime, and we won't try. On the contrary, expect bad games as we can't compete, we will do everything in our power to get you bored as it's our only weapon. We would have loved big international fights in one ladder, Anet decided otherwise, so NA coming to our ladder is bad shit as we can't compete against you when we are asleep. We will fight you with boredom and I know a big part of my community feels the same, and will do the same as I'm part of a big alliance of guilds and follow the daily exchanges of our leaders.

I have great respect for FoH community as I followed it since EQ1, but the "coming to EU ladder" is a no no for us. RUIN got bored, so players who know how to play well will get even more bored. Good luck to you guys if you come visit us I may come /wave in front of you before I alt+f4.


Silver Squire
Frankly the game is stale and boring as is (regardless of server) and I'm not sure what the better option is regarding winding down in a game. Pushing until there is no one left to push and not being able to do anything else because if you do the WvW match will go tits up. Or enjoying smaller skirmish combat as the night wears on and we get out of our prime time (Usually around 1am EST) not having to worry about everything going to the other color if we don't have all hands on deck for our map. I'm not convinced the end result will be any different, they both end with people not logging in.

Regardless its not like transfers cost anything or Anet has a clue about how to keep people actually playing their game. Its pretty much turning into a ghost town everywhere. Its not even Christmas time yet.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Speaking of WvW,culling was changed some with this week's match:

For the matchup starting on December 7th we'll be testing out a new culling methodology. This is an interim change to the system which is intended improve player experience while we work on a more comprehensive solution.Under this new, interim system we handle culling of allies and enemies separately which should cut down on the instances of running into a group of completely invisible enemies. This is accomplished at the cost of having a lower maximum on the number of allies that players can see.

Again, this is an interim solution while we work on a longer term change. We'll be trying out the new system for the duration of the matchup starting on December 7th and then evaluating whether we want to keep it in place until our more comprehensive solution is in place or roll back to the existing behavior. Toward that end we're very interested in your feedback about the experience of playing with the interim system.


As of late my game has been crashing randomly, it happened twice tonight while doing Fractals, and that is pissing me off because we have to restart. Anyone having similar issues? or know what I could do to fix it?


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>




Molten Core Raider
How can people not see the attraction of an EU server? This week in T2 SFR are fighting a German server and a Spanish server.

ANet had planned to have Italian servers but they couldn't get reverse gears attached to siege.


Trakanon Raider

Wintersday is coming and along with all the other goodies there will be a few updates to WvW. Some of these changes are the result of forum feedback while others are part of our longer term plans for WvW. Here's a quick preview of what WvW will get for Wintersday:

Advance notification of new builds
In order to allow WvW players to make good decions about siege placement, assault timing, etc. we're adding a new build pre-announcement. This will be in the form of a message broadcast to all players some time before the current build expires. Because this notification is tied to one of the final steps in our build process, and those final steps take a variable amount of time, we won't be able to say exactly when the current build will expire. Instead, the message will provide a window of time in which the new build will become available.

Alt+F4 is no escape
If someone that you're fighting disconnects during combat (via Alt+F4, killing the client process, etc.) their character will be instantly killed, death penalties will be applied, and XP & loot will be handed out as usual.

No more insta-build walls & gates
Destroyed walls and gates will now rebuild when they reach 10% health rather than on the very first repair. This means that when attackers down a wall or gate defenders won't be able to instantly rebuild it. Walls and gates which are destroyed can still be damaged if they have any health.

Breakout events
We've added a new event type to WvW called Breakout events which trigger when one or more teams have been pushed completely out of a map. They're designed both to help players break out of severly camped portal keeps and to provide assistance in establishing a foothold in each map. Here's what designer Matt Witter has to say about them:

Break Out Events are special WvW events that will happen when a team has lost control of all defensive structures, not counting supply camps. An NPC commander will appear in the team's start area and an event will start that prompts players to gather around. Once enough players are in the commander's presence he will summon his trusty dolyak to give all allies in the area full supply. He will then lead the charge to the nearby objective and give players protection and assist with building siege to assault the objective with. Those benefits, along with a defensive boon that he applies to all nearby allies, makes the attacking players a force to be reckoned with. Defenders will have their work cut out for them, as once the gate or wall piece is destroyed the commander will move to the tower lord inside and attack anyone in his path.

These changes are just a small part of what the WvW team has been up to lately. As you may have already heard, we're hard at work on some larger updates that we plan to deliver in February. We're not quite ready to talk about the details yet but as February gets closer we'll start to reveal more of our secrets.

Happy Wintersday and we'll see you on the battlefield!
Don't really care for the changes, but at least they are finally going to add something I guess.


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
Seems like good changes. The breakout system seems like less work than adding rudimentary rewards for WvW and will accomplish less, but whatever.


Lord Nagafen Raider

works well, put up an lfg a bit ago and got a tell within 5 minutes.
Haven't given it a try myself, but the people on Reddit have been speaking really highly of it. I think it's one of those things that only works if you have enough people trusting it, and thanks to Reddit, it's gotten a lot of visibility. Hopefully Arenanet sees that people find this tool incredibly useful and make an in-game tool like this a priority.