Gun control


Lord Nagafen Raider
Yeah, that page I posted had a link with a prefab letter people can C&P and email to Sig, Glock, and S&W. I took 15 seconds and did it, and added a little personal flair to let them know who I was.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
Article should be titled "Small firearms maker that most people have not heard of decide to not sell to NY police as a means of free advertisement to boost sales".


Bronze Squire
So the democrats here in WA are trying to go full retard. They introduced an AWB that bans the sale of (and I am quoting the article here so I don't know the exact wording and if it applies to hand guns) "semi-automatic weapons that use detachable ammunition magazines. Clips that contain more than 10 rounds would be illegal."

That isn't even the bad part. The bad part is there is a provision that allows current lawful owners to continue to posses their weapons so long as they safely and securely store the weapon and no more than once per year allow the sheriff to conduct an inspection to ensure compliance. Yes, the sheriff would get to come into your home once a year, without a warrant, and poke around.

Sgt A. Capwn_sl

Wow, fuck that noise. Time to move out of WA if you there. Or just don't register your guns, the Feds can't hold onto your data for more than 24 hours after you do the background check (unless you fail it for whatever reason). They can't enforce registration of weapons anyways, how would they go about it unless they just start recording any sales after a certain date anyways
What's the long term plan with all these "keep your current guns but new ones are illegal" legislation?

They want to wait for current owners to die out then destroy the guns?


Bronze Squire
I think they are hoping for the "well as long as I get to keep mine, I don't care" vote/support. Or at the very least, apathy from said gun owners.


Registered Hutt
That seems like such a who fucking cares size of employment. We're a nation of hundreds of millions. 200-500 people or w/e is small potatoes. Meanwhile in important news, republicans have been trying to dismantle the third largest employer in the country, the USPS, by enacting undue regulations upon them. That employment is largely made up of ex-military and minorities.

the Postal Accountability and Enhancement Act of 2006 (PAEA), which obligates the USPS to fund the present value of future health care benefit payments to retirees within a ten-year time span ?a requirement to which no other government organization is subject. Thus, in addition to the weak economy and the diversion of mail to electronic means, the mandates of PAEA have had a considerable impact on Postal Service finances. In 2012, the USPS had the third year in a order of losses from operations, which amounted to $4.8 billion.

In June 2011, the USPS had to suspend its weekly payment of 115 million into the fund because it had reached 8 billion dollars in debt and the retirement plan had a surplus of 6.9 billion dollars


Bronze Squire
So Colorado shouldn't worry about driving several hundred jobs out of its state because of what the republicans are doing to the post office?


Registered Hutt
No, Colorado has over 5 million people, that's why they shouldn't care. I don't care because something far worse is happening everywhere, Colorado included.

This is like them regulating food to stop using X nasty additive and 3 bakers raising a fuss they can't keep poisoning people.


Registered Hutt
Psychological projection was first conceptualized by Sigmund Freud as a defense mechanism where a person subconsciously denies his or her own negative attributes by ascribing them to the outside world instead. Thus, projection involves imagining or projecting faults onto others.


Bronze Baron of the Realm
That seems like such a who fucking cares size of employment. We're a nation of hundreds of millions. 200-500 people or w/e is small potatoes. Meanwhile in important news, republicans have been trying to dismantle the third largest employer in the country, the USPS, by enacting undue regulations upon them. That employment is largely made up of ex-military and minorities.
Yeah let's compare saving a "business" that can't turn a profit even without a competitor for regular mail to one that's making money hand over fist and keeps several other companies going. It also matters that almost all of the money Magpul brings to CO comes from outside CO. I'm sure most states right now would love to have a company with 600 direct jobs that are good paying jobs that bring money in from the other 49 states. 600 people adds up pretty quick in one area with all the other people who have indirect jobs related to them.

If you don't think it's a big deal why do you think states offer huge tax breaks for companies of that size to move to their state? If you read the artciel they are the cornerstone of the polymer injection industry that has grown in that area. Here's how it works, Magpul leaves and a company that does 50% work for Magpul and 50% for someone else can no longer stay in business and they either shut down or leave. Several companies listed in the article are in that boat. Even if it's a relatively small amount of work you do for Magpul it could be your bread and butter that you really make your money on. My company only does about 25% of our work for Dow Chemical but we make about 80% of our profit on that 25% of our work.

Remington announced over the weekend they are looking at the possibility of leaving the state of New York.

I think people wildly underestimate how big of an issue this is to a lot of people. One of the contributing factors to the democrats losing the house in 1994 was the Brady Bill and Aassault Weapon Ban passage and those democrats living in rural areas having to go back and defend that vote, without much success.

There's already a big backlash going against CO in the wildlife and hunting community. Friday the CO department of wildlife said they were already seeing a reduction in non resident applications for hunting (deadline is approaching soon) and non resident monies generated from hunting in CO is a pretty big deal.


Registered Hutt
That's reasonable, but I don't think it should have a significant impact on public safety and constitutional rights. We've been laying waste to the tobacco industry mostly on the basis of their misinforming the public and their products creating unhealthy work environments. Gun companies don't face any liability for the danger of their products, and I'm sure some of them encourage or neglect to observe illicit sales of their products because it will never come back on them.

Now they're whining in the public about some stupid legislation just like Darden and Papa John's did about the ACA to win political power. It isn't about the jobs. It's about whether or not they hold the power or the state legislature does. They need to be kept in their place. If they leave the state then they're the assholes, not the elected representatives trying to serve the desires of their far more numerous constituents than the gun manufacturer's employees and those of its dependent companies.

And yes, I do want the democrats to leave gun safety issues alone. I said this near the beginning of the thread. It's territory rife with 100% stupid that will shock the "independents" and republicans out of their political apathy manifested by terrible administration and campaigning on the part of the republican party. This thread is a glorious example of that stupidity. I don't want the democratic party to poke that tiger right now over some emotional bullshit involving a mentally ill kid. We need to reform the financial "industry" before another clusterfuck happens. Dodd-Frank was chicken scratch. The political capital that has been developed for the democratic party in the last few years shouldn't be squandered on chipping away at the second amendment. It's a bad cost:benefit ratio.


Unelected Mod
I think the only thing you're going to get on guns is universal background checks this time around.
Probably. However, each day they wait the less likely it is to happen. Something like that would have passed immediately if they had put it up after Newtown. Instead they have wasted time with the AWB and people are caring about it less and less. At this point I would say we have a good shot of that not even passing.

Which is a good thing, even if you are concerned about gun violence. It is unenforceable without registration, so the only people that will comply are law-abiding citizens who aren't likely to be selling their guns to dodgy people. Meanwhile the criminal gun market will be pretty much unaffected.


Yeah. I don't know what the legislation would look like. It could be they are just talking about future sales which could mean anything from a five day waiting period to complete registration depending on the state. I'm not even sure if this Supreme Court would allow a national gun registry in the United States. Either way, any legislation may end up being symbolic only, or a first step in an effective long term solution.


Bronze Baron of the Realm
The CO magazine bill passed the house, apparently it was already a lock in the senate. Look for several companies to leave and then the bill to be over turned at a later date accomplishing nothing but driving out companies. I think democrats are going to be suprised at the number of gun owners who vote democrat and say stuff like "Yeah but the democrats won't come for my guns because they know it will be a dead issue".

All these states and local governments should look at Illinois and Chicago and see how much money they have had to fork out over the years because of gun contro measures that were over turned at a late date and they fought it.