European no-gun country here. It's not actually no-gun but getting a permit here requires 1 year of active membership at a shooting range, and a thorough background check. You need two safes at home to store gun and ammo seperately. Police does random house visits to see if you're complying, at least yearly.
Kids accidentally shooting themselves with daddy's gun is unheard of. We have had only a
single mall shootingwith a licensed gun in the last 60 years, and that was by a guy with mental issues (including multiple suicide attempts) and a history of air gun incidents, whose permit should never have been issued. His parents actually asked the police to take his permit away, and the cops did nothing. I consider this a failure of law enforcement rather than a gun ownership problem.
I think it's hard to deny that adding some real responsibility to gun ownership works. That's nothing like taking people's guns away, and I'd probably like to see more private ownership in Europe than less.