Eh, fuck off. Far left extremists are quite capable of violence and have a far longer history of violence in Europe. Just a friendly reminder.Tread carefully, seeing as the only major disruption to the veritable paradise known as Norway in recent times has been an overly xenophobic right-wing extremist. Just a friendly reminder.
if one of this kids had a gun this would have never happened.![]()
Relevant image is relevant. Multiple wounded at a Connecticut elementary school.
Fixed for you.if one of this teachers had a gun this would have never happened.
An armed principal would have mitigated the damage and less people would be dead. It's because of people like you wanting to impose restrictions instead of seeking solutions that these attacks keep getting worse.just shut up faggot.
Welcome to America.Just want I want. Send my child to a school that has to arm the Principal.
No thanks.
Sounds like I get to still make decisions and have influence on gun-policy laws then. As I have never shot a gun, and as I assume you have never taught a class we are equally ignorant.In any business, and yes, education is a business, those in charge of carrying out the most basic roles are defined as technicians. As far as education is concerned, teachers are technicians. Their job is to carry out the every day responsibilities of education.
While technicians are the most essential part of any business, they're also the most adverse to change. They like everything to stay the same, they like being in a routine, and they hate when people stick their nose into the day-to-day. There's nothing wrong with this either, it's the way things work.
However, nothing ever improves unless the boat is rocked and the technician is ultimately annoyed/bothered/put out. So, to say that non-teachers should keep their noses out of education reform shows a misunderstanding of how a business, organization, operation functions. Teachers should definitely have input, as they have the most experience, but to say no one else should have a say is as silly as saying no teachers should have a say.
Both teachers and non-teachers alike should have equal opportunity to rock the boat. In our education system, the boat needs to be rocked.
You don't even know what the word "left" means.Eh, fuck off. Far left extremists are quite capable of violence and have a far longer history of violence in Europe.