I've seen zero evidence in game of any pay 2 win BS. Drops happen now and then, but they aren't game changing by any means, and its no sure thing you'll actually get the loop from them, or even if you do, you can easily be killed 5 minutes later.Anyone? My finger is itching on the buy button. How bad is the p2w/ingame purchase stuff?
Monetize energy/drink, so I don't have to worry about it so damn much or often. Jesus a nice little trek of maybe 1/2 a mile saps 30% of my Hydration/energy and its fucking raining. Hell I shouldn't even need a water bottle when its raining, let me open my mouth and drink and leave the water bottle for rivers or storing for later.I've made it to about 5 drops as they were coming down (paid for by someone else) and let me tell you, it's a complete shit show with people already there, dying to the initial explosions, tons of zombies kiting everywhere and nubs running around like chickens trying to arrow, stab or fist each other. At this point it's definitely not p2w because it's such a cluster fuck but once a decent group get's geared up and can control the airdrop with ARs and hunting rifles it might be a different story. Sounds like the chance for guns are pretty low but getting all those ingredients is a big deal (ended up snagging 10 fertilizer off one and got away). I think the biggest problem is no one will do airdrops cause it's not worth the effort for 5 bucks, so they'll monetize something else. Who knows what that might be.
You can pay to have an Air Drop, which can have weapons. However, the drop also attracts/spawns zombies - and most likely other survivors.So, is this as 'pay 2 win' as everyone has been roaring about it being?
I am tempted, but will pass if Jimmy241 with his Father's Credit Card can buy all the gear he needs to erase my hours of work.
Found a syringe in a apartment and extracted from a zombie. Also constantly find meds in apartments too ( like the 4 story ones in pleasant ) so it is probably close to being done.The injecting H1Z1 virus into you is an unfinished system. It was said that you could smell/sense other humans eventually as a trade off, but you have to find medicine for the rest of your characters life.
Temp is something that is still due as well. As well as stress/fear, but honestly those things might be removed or just on special hardcore rulesets.
Turns out while I was offline my door disappeared so he either was able to punch through it or otherwise break it down. Oh well.Was pissing around on a PvE server, built a shack + chest and some dude was poking around. He ran inside when I opened the door to let myself in and proceeded to grab all he could from my chest (which just had crap anyway), so I locked him inside. Now I have a Gimp.