If you did a deal with a new partner, would it be for fewer episodes?
Yeah, the new venue would be an opportunity to adjust how many episodes we do. I would love to do 9 or 10 as opposed to 13. It feels so digestible. Tightening up the story and shoring up the narrative by three episodes is exciting. It can make things tighter and move quicker. At the start of Season 3 we had a couple of episodes that were very ponderous and intentionally so to put the audience in the characters? shoes and allow them to feel the grief of the Season 2 finale and the separation of the characters. We wanted to make sure you were feeling what the characters were feeling. And that required certain poetry and handling how Will Graham was going to react after surviving the Red Dinner and where Hannibal was with the abandonment of his friend. It really allowed us to be aggressively character based. Some audience members were upset that nothing was happening in the first two episodes. For me, that?s what the story was demanding.