Golden Knight of the Realm
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- 31
Hah, yeah, good point.A big factor in the amount of cheating is opportunity. With some exceptions, MMO enthusiasts aren't known for having tons of loose women flocking around them.
Hah, yeah, good point.A big factor in the amount of cheating is opportunity. With some exceptions, MMO enthusiasts aren't known for having tons of loose women flocking around them.
I can grok this.I find my opinions on the subject change based on what works of literature I've read recently. When I was dating the married guy I was rediscovering Heinlein, which I think explains a lot.
Yeah, and going out in search of some strange is worse in a way than getting seduced by somebody in a weak moment. I just like it when some fat, toothless dude that hasn't showered in a week is all "Shame on you Brett Favre, I would never cheat on Lurleen". It's not really the same level of temptation.To be fair, according to the RL Picture Thread in Screenshots, there are a lot of people on this site that aren't basement dwelling mongoloids. With a couple exceptions I doubt anyone who posted a picture in that thread would have a terribly hard time of getting at least an average chick.
Of course, apparently everyone in this community is either a tranny or has ass burgers so maybe that's why we don't cheat.
Haha, well in my case peopledidwarn me not to do it but I did anyway because I thought I was so smart (and in love, don't forget that one). Looking back on it now, I have a hard time understanding how anyone gets married before they're in their 20's, at least 21 if not a little older. The scary proposition is how I'm going to handle that if my daughter comes to me at 19 saying she wants to get married.Yes, god yes. I only wish someone had been there to tell me what a moran I was for getting married so young. Not that I would have listened, but at least I'd know who had my back.
I agree with this.A big factor in the amount of cheating is opportunity. With some exceptions, MMO enthusiasts aren't known for having tons of loose women flocking around them.
I have never cheated, but I don't get too sanctimonious about it because at the risk of exposing myself as not being an international playboy, it's not like I have turned down a whole lot of free pussy.
I'd say that's more of an open relationship? I actually know someone who is married and set up like that. They seem to be very happy, and they are honest with each other, so I wouldn't say it's cheating. A core tenant of cheating, in my opinion, is tricking or deceiving your spouse/partner.Is it cheating if your partner knows about it?