Brahma, I've decided on what I'm spending dumb gift cards and points on, can you please window shop <~$350 on a new headset setup for me?
Right now I have onboard sound (RealTek) and I am going to return my 4th pair of G930s because I just can't stand the stupid things disconnecting anymore. Looks like options on the wishlist are sort of circling around 558s ($100), 598s ($150), modmic 4.0 ($55), SB Z series($70/$100), FiiO DAC ($100), GameZero ($250), etc.? Seems like saying 'screw it' and buying the GameZero would be the easiest... but least open to later upgrade/changes. I still have my Audio Technica reference set as monitors so I don't mind having a biased EQ for listening on this set.
Do you have the SB Zx or just the Z by the way? I'm not sure if that little audio control module does anything useful and some reviews mention that it actually hurts sound quality from the on-board amp.