Obi-Bro Kenobi-X
Get the 598's and a ZXr, or 598's and a Schiit stack. Fiio is perfectly fine, and to be honest at that 100 dollar range they all sound the damn same. Especially with entry level headphones. May as well get something that looks good on your desk.Brahma, I've decided on what I'm spending dumb gift cards and points on, can you please window shop <~$350 on a new headset setup for me?
Right now I have onboard sound (RealTek) and I am going to return my 4th pair of G930s because I just can't stand the stupid things disconnecting anymore. Looks like options on the wishlist are sort of circling around 558s ($100), 598s ($150), modmic 4.0 ($55), SB Z series($70/$100), FiiO DAC ($100), GameZero ($250), etc.? Seems like saying 'screw it' and buying the GameZero would be the easiest... but least open to later upgrade/changes. I still have my Audio Technica reference set as monitors so I don't mind having a biased EQ for listening on this set.
Do you have the SB Zx or just the Z by the way? I'm not sure if that little audio control module does anything useful and some reviews mention that it actually hurts sound quality from the on-board amp.
You will be hard pressed to find the Schiit stack used. So get the 598's used/refurbed via Amazon and you are within your budget. (Refurbs are like 80 bucks. Cant beat that) Sennheiser HD 598 Special Edition Over-Ear Headphones - Black: Electronics Magni 2 Headphone Amplifier: Electronics Modi 2 USB Digital/Analog Converter: Musical Instruments
I have the ZXr. The pod on the ZXr is useless. Just trash it. You can't even use it for a volume knob it's so bad. But the card IMO is the best bang for the buck, with a quality DAC and amp. The drivers are solid. Especially from Creative.
As for mics, that mod mic is the same as any 10 dollar clip on. Just more convenient, in that you can swap it with a couple headphones. It definately isn't worth 60 bucks sound wise...even though my dumb ass bought one.
I'm now a DAC/Headphone guy for gaming. So I would lean the Schiit stack. You really can't go wrong with either choice, nor the choices you listed.