Health Problems


Molten Core Raider
For people suffering from allergies: highly recommend investing in a good home HEPA air filter. It's night and day for me, and especially important for sleep. Put that sucker 5 ft from your face and enjoy pollen-free air.


> Than U
So posting this from my hospital room which believe it or not I may get to go home in 24-48hours.then again I been here that already.

Sooooooo I had no water retention,no infection,no lupus. I had what they think was 3-5 decent size lung killer clots. The cat scan showed multiple clots per lung mostly lower some mid one was still in leg.was put on heparin Iv two days then switched to Coumadin with a bridge clot med in between. When in was brought in days ago I was unconscious and unable to get air sufficiently.heart was 160 saturation 70s.

I was also put on oxygen. They ran cat, 3 ultrasound,echocardiogram,and drew blood for over ten panels. I can't imagine this cost but I will post the bills later for the fuck me but in also I lost weeks work and probably our rental home.I feel damn lucky to be alive however. Got some sick pics for when I get home again.A's in I look pretty damn sick literally

Woefully Inept

Ssraeszha Raider
Uhh you should go buy some lottery tickets because you are one of the luckiest motherfuckers alive to survive that shit. I had one clot pass into my lungs and I was told I was lucky as hell.


> Than U
I was told 1 in 6 per so ya.sad thing is now I know what I had weeks ago. That obviously was one as well.For some reason I can't get my oxygen high enough or 92 without 2liter per minute boost.


Musty Nester
That's how strokes happen. And heart attacks. It actually goes heart attack, stroke, PE for leading causes of (cardiovascular) death. And PE's themselves can cause the first two.

Dangerous as fuck. You're in the right place, don't treat it lightly. Do what they tell you to.

fred sanford

<Gold Donor>
About 2 years ago I had two small clots in my lungs. I was kept in the hospital for 7 days and checked myself out, they wanted to keep me a few more days. I can't remember how much I paid out of pocket but on my insurance claims the bill was $71,000. Going through something like that changes you, I mean it hits home when you realize "I could have just died at 34".


Just a Nurse
I thought I asked you a few weeks ago if they had ruled out DVT? Sounded like classic embolism. Shocked you didn't actually die. -.- Glad to hear you're doing OKish now. Keep us updated.


Just a Nurse
My issue is that he has a hard time breathing which made me immediately think he has a pulmonary embolism. That's why I was concerned if it might have been a DVT. Hopefully they get it figured out.
Yep...I'm really shocked they didn't see that from the symptoms you provided.


A Mod Real Quick
I think Olebass doesn't have insurance if I remember and was probably not taking care of it like someone who did have insurance would, if I were to guess anyways


> Than U
Ya I didn't have insurance and went to the RN/whaatever she was instead who said it was a infection and to just take saying you need tests or it could be clots or anything. The entire staff at the hospital is blown away about that rn. Not sure but I'm pretty sure she may be in some shit between this and some things I heard.


> Than U
Pretty sure they throwing me out today or tomorrow.They took me off heparin last night and I been doing lovenlox and Coumadin even though I have diminished breathing still ,I am way better than when I came and since all the thinners except Coumadin are considered therapeutic levels no additional treatment can be done. They are also very aware I am self employed,without insurance and the proud owner of a now overdrawn bank aaccount..I. Would make a Elysium comment,but these people have gone way and above imo what the law says they had to.


> Than U
It has mostly been had and will be corrected but it is much more complicated for me than most who just clicked some buttons and done.


> Than U
I was in process of being discharged when for 6 secondsnmy heart jumped to 166 bmp and I didn't even notice it

In addition cat scan showed nodules in both lungs in addition to clots. So I get to stay and a bad situation is now worse.


> Than U
Ya I am hoooooooooooome! Bad news about that is if a new clot forms and gets to lungs or head, chances are I don't get so lucky forever and die especially with existing clots being still broken down over time. I am much better though.
Good news is that with 3 different thinners in me ( initial was a IV, then I am doing injection to bridge and finally coumadin ) , beta blockers, so much hydration and other shit in me, it is unlikely a clot could form, unless it is the existing one still in leg.
So not out of the woods yet, but can't spend forever worrying about it.

Bad news is they didn't tell me until leaving today about all the bad shit they found. They started yesterday then realized I had a Tach heart event of 166/6 seconds and sent them all in a frenzy for hours.
Turns out something on my blood work confirms CHF. I see a cardiologist Tuesday along with internal medicine followed by next Friday pulmonary doctor about the nodes in my chest regarding possible lung cancer.


> Than U


Get in line behind me for a full body replacement. I hear beta testing starts soon.
Best part was all the education on every damn drug I was being given and all the dietary shit.
After the 2k sodium bitch left, the doctor looked at me and said never proved, however it doesn't mean be a idiot. Most people average 5-6k sodium a day. Stay under 3k and you are good. Forget the 2k bullshit. You won't die cause that piece of bacon wants to murder you.
^ Possibly 2nd best heart doctor ever.


Bronze Squire
Best part was all the education on every damn drug I was being given and all the dietary shit.
After the 2k sodium bitch left, the doctor looked at me and said never proved, however it doesn't mean be a idiot. Most people average 5-6k sodium a day. Stay under 3k and you are good. Forget the 2k bullshit. You won't die cause that piece of bacon wants to murder you.
^ Possibly 2nd best heart doctor ever.
From my personal experience, if I stay under 2k sodium, my weight stays the same each day. If I go over, and haven't taken the proper diuretics, the fluid builds in my lungs and around my heart eventually causing irregular heart rhythms and left unchecked causes my defibrillator to discharge. I do NOT recommend that.

My doc wants me to stay around 1500 sodium, which is god damned near impossible. It can be done, but enjoyment in life diminishes quickly. CHF is no joke.

BTW, sure, you can have that piece of bacon, and I do occasionally, but I limit myself to two slices (sucks), but I still get some delicious bacon love every once in awhile.


> Than U
From my personal experience, if I stay under 2k sodium, my weight stays the same each day. If I go over, and haven't taken the proper diuretics, the fluid builds in my lungs and around my heart eventually causing irregular heart rhythms and left unchecked causes my defibrillator to discharge. I do NOT recommend that.

My doc wants me to stay around 1500 sodium, which is god damned near impossible. It can be done, but enjoyment in life diminishes quickly. CHF is no joke.

BTW, sure, you can have that piece of bacon, and I do occasionally, but I limit myself to two slices (sucks), but I still get some delicious bacon love every once in awhile.
I can agree with that. I think his point was most doctors in his field and all the dietrcians or whatever they were called they kept sending in all use the exact same number and he was saying I don't have a number pre-printed on a piece of paper. The woman was literally trying to tell me I could never have biscuits, bacon, chips and shit again and he came in at the end of it just shaking his head.

I slept some last night being home, probably 6 hours total which I swear is about as much as I had in the hospital combined all week.
Some things I noticed about my new friends and meds. I have about 30 bruises on me. I typically have 1 bruise a year max normally. You could hit me with a bat and I'd give it a 50/50 to bruise. Now I just bruise cause my skin is insulted.

When I sleep my heart rate/BP drops to levels I never had.
I have BP/SpO2/Pulse monitoring machines ( I HIGHLY suggest the Omron 7 series at stores/amazon. It has 6k reviews for a reason and only like $50 ) and have had them for years. Normally I am 115/73 average BP at rest awake for awhile and 109/64 while rest but previously sleep. Pulse is normally 88 rest/83 deep rest.
With all the Metoprolol I was put on my sleep rest BP is now ranging 98/57 and pulse rest 76.

That is huge considering I NEVER have heart rates that low. I've been charging myself with caffeine and nicotine and shit for 30 years. While probably much healthier, the down effect is if I stand up, sit down, roll over too fast I feel like I feel 10 feet from the sky into a ditch.

If shortness of breath and pain is any indicator I think I picked up a new lung clot last night, but seems this morning I can breath better so a few more of the old ones must have cleared out.