Health Problems


Musty Nester
If they see something strange (nodules) on a scan they will always say "might be cancer." Damn well could be cancer, but that doesn't mean that it is or has to be.

There are other things that nodules in the lungs can be. Maybe you just have TB!


A Mod Real Quick
Olebass I'm going to give you the same prescription Gravy got when he was in the hospital, you are now required to check in with us once a day


> Than U
If they see something strange (nodules) on a scan they will always say "might be cancer." Damn well could be cancer, but that doesn't mean that it is or has to be.

There are other things that nodules in the lungs can be. Maybe you just have TB!
Ya exactly and keep in mind I do work in construction and went ill during a hardwood refinishing job where I had issues with respirators( in the home improvement thread ). It's possible it is collection of chemicals/dust bad things we are not supposed to breath.

Starting to see some swelling on right leg again today. Everytime I've had swelling them it went away is when I had breathing issues.
Since these doctors said take Lasix as needed and at certain times, I'm going to restart that tonight after I do the Lovenox injections.


> Than U
I slept and survived. That is important because I really haven't slept much lately and I still didn't what I needed. Still get that feeling I am sinking/falling after I fall asleep a short time and it startles me awake with a racing heart.
I think since the Metoprolol is dropping my heart rates my body has never been at really when I wake up and startles me the literally jump from 70 to 125 bpn causes adrenaline and stuff to go haywire.

I am not getting as out of breath as I had been past 2 weeks so far today but my chest/lungs feels like they are taking more effort to use but nothing I would classify as tightness yet.
Spo2 levels every 2 hours of the night were typically 92-98% and BPM heart 78-90. blood pressure roughly 100-107/63-72 last 5 times every 2 hours each.

Swelling is returning to right ankle still, left leg I had spasms in overnight. I still think some of the clots came from the left even though right is swelling. Would be a pretty determined clot to form at this point.


Just a Nurse
Just because you may be on anti coagulant therapy, doesn't mean it is impossible to get clots. There are lots of factors that can increase the risks.


> Than U
Just because you may be on anti coagulant therapy, doesn't mean it is impossible to get clots. There are lots of factors that can increase the risks.
Yes, I know, they mentioned as much and said the main worry right now is the right side of my heart is working way to hard along with the sudden rushes and the nodes in my lungs ( both of them ) if cancer will just be a clot making machine.
In fact I felt a elevated tube down my left leg awhile ago I am pretty sure is another clot, so I am watching that.

Also I hadn't noticed it but I just went out to Home Depot and this was the first time in about 10 days I had been anyplace at all and I noticed I have become a real asshole in public both to other assholes and especially in traffic.
Not sure which medicine has made me angry but I almost enjoyed it.


Musty Nester
Might just be the stress of it all rather than any particular side effect.

This shit is stressful. It's fine to be a little bit of an asshole. Anger can be theraputic. Maybe not in this case with making your heart race and your body flush and all the whatnot. But, you know, it's better than holding it all in.

Just don't go getting in no fistfights or car wrecks being a DUMB asshole.


> Than U
Might just be the stress of it all rather than any particular side effect.

This shit is stressful. It's fine to be a little bit of an asshole. Anger can be theraputic. Maybe not in this case with making your heart race and your body flush and all the whatnot. But, you know, it's better than holding it all in.

Just don't go getting in no fistfights or car wrecks being a DUMB asshole.
Ya I asked Shelly, she said I haven't changed I just don't appear to give a shit anymore. Lovely.
Anyways I messed up today on the sodium thing, so that 2k thing will be a 4k thing today but I always wanted a damn Firehouse sub and had been driving past it 6 months now without stopping.
Anyways before the sub and after it I've done well today, with exception of one thing. This is something that has occurred in past and has especially been a issue since the PE's.
If I lay down, regardless how much I prop myself up, lay on back, side, face, head or with 3 hot blondes in bed, my Spo2, blood pressure and pulse will appear pretty consistent and fine but suddenly I can feel my heart splashing around in my chest and it feels all out of whack, offbeat and it's scary as fuck. If I sit up to a full sitting it goes away. If I stand it goes away. Soon as I try to take a nap again, its Finding Neo in a pump playing in my chest again.
It is terrifying me to try and sleep and have been days. Wondered if anyone especially Gravy knows what I am talking about


Mr. Poopybutthole
Ya I asked Shelly, she said I haven't changed I just don't appear to give a shit anymore. Lovely.
Anyways I messed up today on the sodium thing, so that 2k thing will be a 4k thing today but I always wanted a damn Firehouse sub and had been driving past it 6 months now without stopping.
Anyways before the sub and after it I've done well today, with exception of one thing. This is something that has occurred in past and has especially been a issue since the PE's.
If I lay down, regardless how much I prop myself up, lay on back, side, face, head or with 3 hot blondes in bed, my Spo2, blood pressure and pulse will appear pretty consistent and fine but suddenly I can feel my heart splashing around in my chest and it feels all out of whack, offbeat and it's scary as fuck. If I sit up to a full sitting it goes away. If I stand it goes away. Soon as I try to take a nap again, its Finding Neo in a pump playing in my chest again.
It is terrifying me to try and sleep and have been days. Wondered if anyone especially Gravy knows what I am talking about
Wait, wait wait, Shelly?

You mean THIS Shelly?

J/K it's obviously not that Shelly and I'm gonna post one of her disgusting pics in the grown up forums. or anywhere


> Than U
Wait, wait wait, Shelly?

You mean THIS Shelly?

J/K it's obviously not that Shelly and I'm gonna post one of her disgusting pics in the grown up forums. or anywhere

No,but really she actually looks good for 52. Not that it matters.
I tried to take a nap and boom that whole startled snap awake thing again. It did this before but it is WAY worse now. I feel it is tied to the pulse dropping down to the 70's then boosts to 100ish when I startle awake every few minutes.
I'm pretty sure my heart was always 90ish at rest before. I also noticed again when it gets down to 70s bpm my spo2 drops into 80s and when I get the surge back to 100 bpms it shoots it back to near 99%.
I've read people with sleep apnea post something like this, but until I get back tuesday to one doctor or the cardio doctor on 10th I'm afraid to go to sleep. Literally.


> Than U
I fucked up again tonight I think. I still don't know what I suffered and suffering and if I should worry about it.

So about 9ish I went to Meijer cause I was needing some things and I had been able to move around the house pretty decently today and I wanted to see what sort of foods I could find within reason.
So I get to store ok and I start up front grabbing some peaches, oranges, bananas, banana chips and some mini blueberry muffins.Felt pretty good about that as all it combined together was only like 500 mg sodium for EVERYTHING.
Sadly despite looking in the store for 35 minutes more I was never able to find anything without sodium.

Anyways I was taking my time walking down isles and reading everything I liked and I felt pretty good when all a sudden in the very back of the damn store I felt extremely weak and light headed. I wasn't really breathing heavy and NOTHING like I had been last week where even just standing up put my into heavy breathing conditions but I noticed shortly before a pain in center, center right and lower left chest briefly.
I pulled out my pulse oximeter thingy put it on a finger and rested on the shopping cart. I felt uneasy I guess is the best way to describe it, almost like anxiety, like I was just going to pass out, except I couldn't figure out why I would, I was not that out of control.
The spo2 was reading 88% 120's heart which was low and high no doubt but I was getting that reading without being out of breath or labored which seemed odd to me.
After about 2 minutes it was to 95% and 100ish and I felt a bit better. I took 2 steps and it all returned again.
At this point I figured I am screwed, but after a few more minutes I was able to make it to the front of the store, checkout, out to van and home. Once home I over did myself again getting the stuff in.
After I was able to finally get things inside and to my office my BP was showing 107/65 and 74 bpm rested with 96% saturation. Head was and still is even now 2 hours later feeling weird.
I thought about stroke, low blood sugar( although I just ate and it helped a bit but not a ton ). Shelly only offered I shouldn't have gone but then again she was only with me in the hospital for 14 of the 96 hours too.
At a loss really, seems like it was exactly last week except instead of lungs, the brain was unable to get the blood it needed to function( but the rest of the body was ). I may be very horrible at describing that, but it is the best way to put I know how.

Also have tried AGAIN to sleep even sitting up, everytime I get close to getting asleep I jolt awake with a rush of adrenaline. Shit's getting old. Monday is too far away!


Mr. Poopybutthole
For the sleep thing have you been tested for sleep apnea? I mean with all this other shit going on you may not want to get tested for one more thing, but my test is coming in a couple days which is why it came to mind. Apparently spiking you awake with adrenaline is one of the ways your body keeps obstructive sleep apnea from killing you.


> Than U
For the sleep thing have you been tested for sleep apnea? I mean with all this other shit going on you may not want to get tested for one more thing, but my test is coming in a couple days which is why it came to mind. Apparently spiking you awake with adrenaline is one of the ways your body keeps obstructive sleep apnea from killing you.
Ya I already pretty much figured out I had it years ago before the saturation tester, then both confirmed it other day needing testing but it was pretty much assured based on ekg of my sleep and whatnot from 4 days of info they had.
The thing is and it was mostly always this way, it is spiking me while I am still awake as I enter sleep.
The Metoprolol should have helped but I think it made it worse. I do know I need to get all these levels balanced out and off and stablize some of these drugs.
Going to try to sleep , just got a bad feeling about tonight, hopefully it was all anxiety.


> Than U
Olebass, you may have supraventricular tachycardia whenever you lie down.
What can you do at home to prevent SVT?
You can try some things at home to help prevent SVT by avoiding the things that trigger it. Examples of things you can try:

Limit or do not drink alcohol.
Don't smoke.
Avoid over-the-counter decongestants, herbal remedies, diet pills, and "pep" pills.
Don't use illegal drugs, such as cocaine, ecstasy, or methamphetamine.

Of those I only ever did 2 things. I was a heavy smoker and I used to buy Tylenol Severe Allergy by the bottles of 100.\
Don't do either anymore but for sure something I'll bring up to Dr Fitts


Just a Nurse
Honestly, I thought the Lopressor would have fixed it, at least to some extent. Have you seen your cardiologist yet?


> Than U
Honestly, I thought the Lopressor would have fixed it, at least to some extent. Have you seen your cardiologist yet?
Not since I left the hospital. My lab is tomorrow to balance off the Lovenox. Internal medicine doctor is Tuesday the 2nd. Cadrio is 10th and Pulmonary doctor is 17th.
Obviously I can't keep this up till the 10th. I used to have these feelings as I went to sleep all the time. It occurred usually once and boom I could sleep 8 hours like a baby.
It's been over 2 weeks since I had more than 3 hours sleep at a time now.


Bronze Squire
I've had that sleep thing happen to me after having major health issues like you are having, and it COULD be just plain old fashioned panic attacks. Sub-conscious fear of sleep/death thing. Definitely should ask your doctor about it, because you need sleep, especially now.


Silver Squire
I'd seriously consider getting yourself an AED and get in touch with your Cardiologist ASAP with this new information. Anxiety stuff can be dealt with for sleep if that is the cause but if its something more serious he needs to be brought up to speed on it.


Mr. Poopybutthole
Yeah having your sleep constantly interrupted/sleeping poorly contributes pretty directly to mental instability.