Health Problems


So I'be been having pains in my right kidney on and off for the last few years. Nothing major, just a burning pain that would come and go, last no longer than 10 or 15 seconds and when it did, it would do it on and off throughout the day and usually go away for a few months.

I brought it up to a doctor once and he didn't seem too worried about it, as I had no other symptoms.

Well fast forward a few years and like a month ago it comes back but its hitting me every few minutes and does it for like 6 days strait. Concerned I go to urgent care and they tell me I have blood in my urine and it's probably a stone. I get my primary to schedule a CT and today I go in for results, but also to get some eyedrops as I had a sinus infection go into my eyes. (super crappy thing top happen by the way)

So I ask about my CT and it goes like this...

Doctor: Well your right kidney (where my pain is) seems to be okay, its operating at a 97-101 and that's as good as it can do. The fact that you still show blood though is concerning so we should get you in to a kidney doctor.

Me: I see, okay.

Doctor: AS for your left kidney, that one is of course absent.

Me: *blink* wait...what? Well, where did it go?

Doctor: You mean it was never removed?

Me: Uh, no.

Doctor: Huh, well I guess you were only born with one kidney.

Me: How am I almost 40 years old and I am just now finding out about this?

Doctor: -shrug- usually don't know till something like this happens in people your age.

So yeah, i found out I only have one kidney and all those years I was taking 4 Tylenol at a time and I'd get yelled at and respond with "I have two kidneys, It'll be fine" seem to came back and slapped me in the face.

Anyways, my wife is going to see if she can get me into her Kidney specialist at UofM (university of Michigan) and see whats up.

Have you ever vacationed in an Asian country and woken up in a strange place in a bathtub?
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<Prior Amod>
No, but I did joke with my mom after I found out that whoever she sold my kidney to as a child did a wonderful job as there wasn’t even the slightest scar visible. Lol
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<Prior Amod>
No, but I did joke with my mom after I found out that whoever she sold my kidney to as a child did a wonderful job as there wasn’t even the slightest scar visible. Lol
i learned a few years ago about the fact that when you get a donated kidney, they just slap that sucker in you and you still keep your old kidneys (i don't know if they make it not work?), i remember asking why don't they remove it, and i think the answer was, any surgery is trauma and removal is turnt up to 11, so just have mo kidneys working or not.

Only 4 ppl would qualify for my kidney, my mom, 2 sisters and wife (of course when we have kids too, even if it's a little shit).


A Mod Real Quick
So after my diarrhea/fever episode I took immodium. Wore off after a few days and the diarrhea was still kind of there. So I took a second dose. Wore off today and it's back.

Looks like I'll be talking to my doctor this week. No pain at all and not crazy frequent but enough to concern me. Worried for the worst - fissures, fistulas, CANCER, PARASITES


Just a Nurse
Did they give you a couple of containers to put stool in? Any recent use of antibiotics? Are you taking probiotics? Try taking Metamucil.


A Mod Real Quick
No since it occurred yesterday my doctor's office isn't open. It seemed to go away as soon as it started so I'm going to monitor it tomorrow and see if it happens again

Not taking anything outside of my diabetes meds


Just a Nurse
Metamucil is just a healthy longterm laxative that can assist in bulking when you have diarrhea and help you go when you're constipated. Do what you want, though.


A Mod Real Quick
Sorry I wasn't responding to the metamucil comment. I meant currently I'm not on anything outside my meds but I'll look into metamucil.


A Mod Real Quick
Yeah I dunno had diarrhea twice yesterday now it's gone. No idea what's going on. I'll feel better when I shit out a turd loaf

Frenzied Wombat

Potato del Grande
Synj Synj

So are these butt pellets and/or the HCG shots supposed to make me pack on ten pounds of water weight? I've lost a belt notch and my face has become visibly fuller, despite not eating any more than usual. From what I'm reading it looks like it can be caused by estrogen production, but I don't have any other symptoms. I have my 4 week follow up blood test next week, but man I feel like a swole fuck right now.
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Musty Nester
Is it androgens in the butt pellets or something? I thought it was testosterone. But I didn't read it real close. I just saw butt pellets and giggled. Estrogen can cause water retention.

Talk to your doc next week, maybe he can give you a diuretic or something.


Dystopian Dreamer
<Gold Donor>
Synj Synj

So are these butt pellets and/or the HCG shots supposed to make me pack on ten pounds of water weight? I've lost a belt notch and my face has become visibly fuller, despite not eating any more than usual. From what I'm reading it looks like it can be caused by estrogen production, but I don't have any other symptoms. I have my 4 week follow up blood test next week, but man I feel like a swole fuck right now.

Excess testosterone can be converted to estrogen if you have too much aromatase activity. Testosterone and estrogen are almost identical except test has an extra methyl group that can be cleaved by aromatase (enzymes) that convert it to estrogen.

Dosing can be adjusted or you can try DIM supplements, or aromatase inhibitors (anastrozole) or just wait it out. Your doc should be able to help you figure it out.

My first month I gained about 10 pounds water weight but that went away.


The Scientific Shitlord
Excess testosterone can be converted to estrogen if you have too much aromatase activity. Testosterone and estrogen are almost identical except test has an extra methyl group that can be cleaved by aromatase (enzymes) that convert it to estrogen.

Dosing can be adjusted or you can try DIM supplements, or aromatase inhibitors (anastrozole) or just wait it out. Your doc should be able to help you figure it out.

My first month I gained about 10 pounds water weight but that went away.

Next week is butt pellet day. Whee! I think they got the dosing right. Was at 489 week before xmas. They have me going in every 4 months.
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<Prior Amod>
So theres something wrong with what I now know to be my only kidney. Not sure what it is, but the pain in it is around an 8 or so and while it used to pulse in and out of that range now its staying there. I had to go in for an ultrasound of it tonight (mainly for pain management meds) and much like my CT i had of it, nothing shows out of the ordinary. My liver also tested high in a few categories. Tomorrow I go in to a kidney specialist to start the process of figuring out what is wrong, or if its not my kidney, just what the hell is going on.
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Musty Nester
stones maybe. You don't always pee out kidney stones. And they can get stupid big sometimes.

That tends to effect the bedridden though. so probably not. And it should have shown up on an ultrasound.

Hope it's nothing too bad. As in there's an affordable easy treatment for whatever it turns out to be.


<Prior Amod>
They looked for stones when they did the CT, in three different scans, no stones were shown and yeah, nothing on the ultrasound.

We will find out tomorrow what the scoop is I guess. (Hopefully)


<Bronze Donator>
My liver enzymes are high too. Doctor cut my chemo dose in 2/3 to see if it helps, CT scan in a couple weeks.
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