

Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Also BoK or a single Truesilver is sorely missing. I get it, I tried to work in a Kezan (but not two, that's way overkill) for a long time as a tech decision. Its a hate card, we all hate secrets, but its just not efficient, especially with so many better proven options available to this deck archetype.

I say drop down to a single coghammer as well.


Mr. Poopybutthole
Just concede when you see a freeze mage, same as how I concede when I get matched against a warrior when im playing freeze mage. You can get another match or even two completed in the time it would have taken you to play out the freeze mage match, win or loss.

Grayson Carlyle

Golden Squire
Just concede when you see a freeze mage, same as how I concede when I get matched against a warrior when im playing freeze mage. You can get another match or even two completed in the time it would have taken you to play out the freeze mage match, win or loss.
I should have done that earlier with my totem Shaman, since it doesn't run earth shock. I was dumb though, the loss was obvious and I still played it out.


<Bronze Donator>
did you craft most of your golden legendaries? Think I have only 4-5 and that includes the golden tink from early release promotion.
tbh I think I crafted 7 of them. I have 3200 dust that I could do so again, but I doubt I'm crafting anything anytime soon. MAYBE a regular Gormok, but nothing else.

Edit: I definitely disenchanted a regular and a golden Tinkmaster for full dust when they changed him though, and a regular Leeroy, though I'm insane and crafted a golden Leeroy like a retard. I still play the Leeroy in a few decks though.

I am a total lowbie scrub who sucks ass and evenmycollection is better than Slip's! Seriously though it's funny that he has no Mech Bear Cats at all, whereas I think I've opened a total of like 4 Golden ones on top of 2 or 3 regulars.

I have a Golden Hogger and Confessor. I really should nuke them but I don't have any pressing needs for card atm.

I will say I remember a few times how difficult it can be to craft the second version of an odd Epic. For instance I wanted to play with that super slow control Shaman that requires 2 Elemental Destructions. It's hard to part with that dust right there. Same for when I crafted both Preparations back when I thought Rogue was fun. I mean crafting an Ancient of Lore is easy, but making yourself craft, like, asecondNaga Sea Witch can be cringe worthy.

And yeah for the new guy, some of the first cards you craft should be strong Classic rares like Knife Juggler, Azure Drake, Defender of Argus, or Argent Commander. Knife Juggler is a god-tier card.
I think I might have DE'd some of those rares at the start of TGT to craft golden Justicar because I knew how good he was going to be and didn't want to craft a regular first and then maybe someday craft him golden. It's a big waste of dust if you do, so I try not to craft regular legendaries tbh. I probably DE'd almost all of those rares after thinking about it. I'm not really concerned with them though. I'll get them or I won't, none of them are cards I think I'll really play.


Lord Nagafen Raider
I've been on the wrong end of getting combo'd out as a Priest for a long fucking time. Rogueing the ladder down so easy right now.


When I'm playing my midrange paly I feel like hitting the concede button immediately everytime I come across a priest but stupidly I do not and waste the next 20+ minutes getting shit on.


<Bronze Donator>
Is there a good shaman ladder deck? Crafted two doomhammers to try out aggro shaman. Not only do I feel bad for playing aggro, the deck is incredibly inconsistent. I want my dust back(unless those cards are used elsewhere?).


Trakanon Raider
Now this is a proper reward. I had a regular common for 9 wins the other day... Lol this deck was ridiculous. Ethereal Conjurer is so insanely good it's hard to comprehend. I've only played 5 arenas since LoE (6-3, 7-3, 9-3, 10-3, 12-2) and I hadn't noticed any huge impacts from LoE until I got 2 of those bad boys. Sheesh! Obviously the rest of the deck is pretty good as well, but there's still quite a bit of mediocre as well and it was Ethereal Conjurer that either won or saved most of them in one way or another. Either through that 6 attack or thru a removal spell or a trigger for Antonidas, etc. Damn they good.


Trakanon Raider
Finally a decent Brawl the way we all imagined it would be. Or so the rules seem... Haven't played yet.


Trakanon Raider
This is probably the best brawl they've ever done.
Yeah I feel like it's what we all expected Brawls would be. They'd give us certain criteria from which to build decks and then we'd have to find a niche/theme that worked. There's quite a bit of creativity in this one. Murlocs are by far the worst imo, but the other 3 are all contenders. I wanna make an asshole freeze mage deck that never dies haha.


Mr. Poopybutthole
I've been doing dragon priest just to clear a 3 win quest. +1/+1 to basically every minion in my deck is absurd. normal secret paladin with the murloc bonus is basically unbeatable though.


Yeah, the bonuses are interesting I suppose. Still, a token deck of some sort should probably dominate before we are done here.

I got my free win with a random shaman murloc deck but that means nothing. I'm thinking a non-tribal deck might benefit more from a free 1/1 each round than from +1/+1 to each minion or 3 armor per spell. I might think on a token druid deck at home later.