

Blackwing Lair Raider
For a new, ftp player they wouldn't be able to craft anywhere near that deck, 7 rares and 15 commons.

If you want actual, mostly ftp decklists Ritley I don't mind making some up, I'm about to head out for the day and can do it in the morning if no one does so before then. And by mostly ftp, I mean there will only be a few non-basic cards for you to craft.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
The comparison of base games plus expansions and DLCs isn't a good one. Games with expansions like WoW or EQ always included the base game and most expansions except for the most recent in one purchase. Imagine if in order to play EQ you had to buy all 90 expansions and the base game for $40 each.
Its definitely not perfect I know, but its just how I look at it. For me its like I've been playing it that whole time, in which case buying every expansion for those games when brand new would have cost as much. They will probably discount shit in the future or change some of the mechanics of the game to make it more forgiving of course.

At any rate, they need to make their money somehow (though they could dev this shit better for as much as they do make) so I just consider it the up front costs of playing. I'm not telling you to pony up for packs or GTFO, I get what you're saying and why you wouldn't want to drop cash for where you are with it. But realistically to play constructed you need to buy the adventure packs at the bare minimum for how the game works right now.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Is it just me or is the arena really difficult lately? I've had the shittiest, most soul crushing series of games over the past three days that I have ever experienced.


Molten Core Raider
For a new, ftp player they wouldn't be able to craft anywhere near that deck, 7 rares and 15 commons.

If you want actual, mostly ftp decklists Ritley I don't mind making some up, I'm about to head out for the day and can do it in the morning if no one does so before then. And by mostly ftp, I mean there will only be a few non-basic cards for you to craft.
Well the deck is 1200 dust altogether if you make a few sub's, his shitty legendary is worth 400, the maximum investment he needs to craft the rest is $20 in packs since you get a minimum of 40 dust worth.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Is it just me or is the arena really difficult lately? I've had the shittiest, most soul crushing series of games over the past three days that I have ever experienced.
I agree, but I was never particularly elite with it. It does seem far more competitive and random than it used to be. The card pool has created all kinds of crazy situations. I feel like most of the time you either get rolled or you're the one who snowballs out of control on your opponent.


<Bronze Donator>
7-0 with Mid-range Druid from 16 to 13 today to finish the 7 win quest.

I personally love Mounted Raptor, though I don't really see others play it on the ladder. I also run 1 idol 1 roots. I had Mounted Raptor spawn a Webspinner, which gave me Malorne vs a Mid-range Paladin today. That was pretty amusing.


Mr. Poopybutthole
depends on how much paladin you're seeing. mounted raptor is absolutely terrible against minibot, and innervate raptor is a much weaker play than innervate shade.


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
Got rank 9 with naga druid on day 2 and hovered there all yesterday. Only ~50 wins till golden. Living Roots is so good. I replaced the 2 Savage Combatants I raved about a while ago with 2 Drakes and replaced both Aspirants with Roots. The curve is much more forgiving and even a 2 or 3 damage nuke later can really help. Combo druid still better probably but I like the naga deck.


<Bronze Donator>
depends on how much paladin you're seeing. mounted raptor is absolutely terrible against minibot, and innervate raptor is a much weaker play than innervate shade.
I disagree on both points as Innervate Raptor vs mini-bot means you can hero power off the divine shield and you're going to be left with a minion while he isn't. Also a fair amount of the 1 drops are 2 attack minions. You also don't really want to attack shade into a mini-bot or knife juggler. Raptor is more an early game card, where shade is better vs control.


Golden Squire
Been playing some naga druid as well and can't imagine dropping aspirants there, the whole point (when you can) is to ramp to 5 to drop a naga then play whatever big thing next turn. Fun deck and not terrible, currently 56% w/r at around 100 games.


At rank 19 I came across a warrior who was magni and every single card he played was golden including the 6 legendaries he threw down........the fuck. I'm ashamed at the amount of money I've spent on this game and I'm lucky to have the normal legendaries I do.


Lord Nagafen Raider
At rank 19 I came across a warrior who was magni and every single card he played was golden including the 6 legendaries he threw down........the fuck. I'm ashamed at the amount of money I've spent on this game and I'm lucky to have the normal legendaries I do.
I think I started at rank 16? But I haven't played more than a few games yet this month.


Mr. Poopybutthole
I have a respectable chunk of gold cards but the amount of dust it would take to get a golden coin in even a single one of my decks is absolutely staggering.


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
Been playing some naga druid as well and can't imagine dropping aspirants there, the whole point (when you can) is to ramp to 5 to drop a naga then play whatever big thing next turn. Fun deck and not terrible, currently 56% w/r at around 100 games.
I wouldn't have thought to drop Aspirants but I've been watching a lot of streamers cut them and decided to give it a try too. Roots is a much stronger card. Aspirant usually never lives, or is only temporary ramp, and it's a dead card late whereas roots is useful at all times.

The deck isn't strictly a ramp deck, and you want board control above all else when playing your naga, otherwise she's useless if she dies for free.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Well the deck is 1200 dust altogether if you make a few sub's, his shitty legendary is worth 400, the maximum investment he needs to craft the rest is $20 in packs since you get a minimum of 40 dust worth.
Besides it being an extra $20, he also wouldn't get anywhere near 40 dust a pack unless he got another shitty legendary because he has no cards. When I say ftp, I think more along the lines of something like thisHunter - Deckbuilder - HearthPwnIt is naxx and 7 commons, 3 of which fit into both zoolock/hunter, I hate saying craft class commons, but explosive trap and glaivezooka are that good in face hunter. So you start with that and then you replace cards as you get the dust to craft them to resemble something closer to yours. First thing I'd recommend to a new "ftp" player to put in there is knife jugglers just because you can throw them into so many decks when starting out.


<Bronze Donator>
I don't know whether to say fucking Warriors or fucking Druids. Back and forth game with me on Mid-range Druid vs a Control Warrior. He's up to fucking 55 health, I have Boom + boom bots and a 2/2 Shade at end of my turn. On his turn he plays Sylvanas and armors up to hit aforementioned 55 health.

How do you hit such a high life total that Force double Roar doesn't give you lethal with 12 attack on board. 5 of lethal, I yolo and go for it anyways but leave him at 10 and kill the sylvanas with the last boom bot and it steals a treant so I'm okay. He ends up clearing my board and dropping a Shieldmaiden. 50 damage not lethal problems.

I ended up winning a few turns later anyways thanks to Raven idol pulling me a Starfire to hit lethal. He had dropped a Deathwing after I killed the shieldmaiden which made shit look real bad. One of the wilder games I've had in a long time. I really don't know what's more ridiculous though, being on 55 health or having 50 damage, of which 38 was basically from hand.

Edit: I still don't really like Druid class design. I just completely run away with so many games, but then there are games where you auto lose because your hand is innervate innervate combo pieces and you just get run over. No other class feels so helpless (well, except old miracle but that's because the whole deck was literally built around 2 cards).


<Bronze Donator>
Besides it being an extra $20, he also wouldn't get anywhere near 40 dust a pack unless he got another shitty legendary because he has no cards. When I say ftp, I think more along the lines of something like thisHunter - Deckbuilder - HearthPwnIt is 7 commons, 3 of which fit into both zoolock/hunter, I hate saying craft class commons, but explosive trap and glaivezooka are that good in face hunter. So you start with that and then you replace cards as you get the dust to craft them to resemble something closer to yours.
To be honest, if you really want to start the game today, and play for free, you're going to have to disenchant shitty cards to make viable decks. You're going to have to forget getting a full collection anytime soon if ever in order to just get the cards you need to make one viable deck at a time, preferably with cards that fit in multiple viable decks.

Edit: I'd argue unless you want to wait a long long time or you're really good at arena the game isn't free to play anymore. You really need to just drop the money on the adventure modes. You'll do okay outside of that building a reasonable collection through arena, quests, and tavern brawl, but saving up enough gold to get the adventure modes on top of that is a huge mountain to climb. 9800 gold is pretty absurd. I know I've probably spent 2-3 times that gold amount on packs, and god knows how much on arena's (3400 ranked wins, 2600 arena wins), but I've been playing since right after the last beta wipe. I also paid cash for all the adventure modes, probably $100 on packs, have 2600 arena wins, and I'm still missing cards. Not many, and nothing really viable, but still. Granted I never disenchant a golden unless it's extra, but if I have the golden I always de the regular version. I have 14 Golden Legendaries, 22 Golden Epics, 84 Golden Rares, 120 Golden Commons (interesting to count, I never looked I just knew I had a decent amount). Spoiler below is cards I'm missing

Flame Leviathan
Bolvar Fordragon
Eadric the Pure
Prophet Velen
Trade Prince Gallywix
The Mistcaller
Al'Akir the Windlord
Wilfred Fizzlebang
Varian Wrynn
Eydis Darkbane
Fjola Lightbane
Tinkmaster Overspark
Gormok the Impaler
Elite Tauren Chieftain
Hemet Nesingwary
Mimiron's Head
Bolf Ramshield
The Beast
The Skeleton Knight

1x Mulch
2x Dark Wispers
2x Tree of Life
1x Steamwheedle Sniper
1x Stablemaster
1x Gladiator's Longbow
1x Spellbinder
2x Enter the Coliseum
1x Confuse
1x Shadowfiend
1x Cogmaster's Wrench
1x Poisoned Blade
1x Elemental Destruction
1x Siltfin Spiritwalker
1x Dreadsteed
1x Demonheart
1x Dark Bargain
2x Sea Reaver
1x Crush
1x Hungry Crab
1x Crowd Favorite
1x Mini-Mage
1x Recruiter
1x Clockwork Giant

2x Mech-Bear-Cat
2x Ball of Spiders
1x Spawn of Shadows
1x One-eyed Cheat
1x Target Dummy
1x Gnomish Experimenter
1x Goblin Sapper


Blackwing Lair Raider
Absolutely, disenchant shitty cards, but when you literally have no cards there aren't that many shitty cards to disenchant.

^And whats more disgusting about that control warrior is he'd need about another 30 effective health to survive the 2nd anyfin.


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
To be honest, if you really want to start the game today, and play for free, you're going to have to disenchant shitty cards to make viable decks. You're going to have to forget getting a full collection anytime soon if ever in order to just get the cards you need to make one viable deck at a time, preferably with cards that fit in multiple viable decks.
This topic comes back every so often. Definitely don't be afraid to dust cards. Even dust "good" cards for classes you have no intention to play. I chose to dust practically all priest/rogue cards when I first started simply because those classes never interested me. Also dust good "duplicates" where you'd never use more than 1 in a deck (Lay on Hands, Pyroblast, etc).

Even doing that, you should still not be adverse to paying money. It's far more efficient to buy the Adventures than grind gold for them.


<Bronze Donator>
Edited previous post to add some stuff, probably should have just made another post lol

Edit: Too many edits today, too many random thoughts. Fuck having 3400 ranked wins and only 1 golden portrait :s