

Mr. Poopybutthole
Yeah that's what will really kill wild, is that blizzard will probably never again make an attempt to balance it because 'its just wild' and it will become unplayable.


Molten Core Raider
Do you guys ever play someone who has no name at all? Even the last played field is blank?


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Do you guys ever play someone who has no name at all? Even the last played field is blank?
That's usually some sort of server connection shit I think. I used to get the UNKNOWN at times, esepcially if I had disconnected and managed to get back in or had to alt f4 due to some game crash/lockup shit.


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
I can almost guarantee that no. No full refunds. Should get full refund on nerfed cards though.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
They haven't said specifically what's getting reworked, lots of speculation about druid but who knows. I'm kinda with Fawe though, if they want to nerf the combo hit Force, not Roar. Of course I've been on an anti-charge crusade forever now.


Yeah, I see Wild being fine for a little bit but ultimately unplayable once someone figures out an incredibly overpowered deck or a couple of silly ones. That's their plan anyhow I imagine.

They need to be a bit careful though or it'll become win-trading land or something similar. Not that Blizz really cares I imagine but I wouldn't be shocked to see Ranked Wild getting no rewards a year or so down the road. Hell, that might be what they intend already.


marco esquandolas
<Bronze Donator>
Trump is having a pretty good stream going over decks and how the change is going to stir stuff up.


King Turd of Shit Hill
<Gold Donor>
Much needed change but I'm not sure how it will turn out. I agree with Wild eventually just falling to the wayside unless they get a lot more active policing. Who wants to play secret pally now? Imagine Wild being full of secret pally type decks while Blizzard doesn't really give a shit?

Personally I'm glad both Pally and Priest are getting fucked. With golden Lock achieved, I have lost my counter to all those shitty priest decks running around.


Space Pirate
<Bronze Donator>
Sounds interesting I guess.

I agree that Wild will probably just become a novelty at some point, but standard should be interesting with the card pool changing every year.

We all knew something like this would happen though.

Finally gonna see something other than shredder on turn 4 and boom on turn 7...heck, I finally will be able to play something other than shredder and doom.


Mr. Poopybutthole
Tentatively, except we don't know what the new set is going to do to the card pool. Druid seems like it's going to become largely unplayable without force roar, which is about where it was before Strifecro brought so much attention to the combo. Here's my own analysis of the ramifications of losing GvG and Naxx.

Druid - Barely touched. Aside from shades, the stuff they're losing is the same stuff everyone is losing, and Raptor should be a good enough shade substitute.

Hunter - Losing mad scientist will be bad, but otherwise the class isn't losing much.

Mage - Mage is getting absolutely buttfucked. All version of mage are losing mad scientist, tempo is losing portal and flamecannon, value mage is losing duplicate and echo. Freeze mage might still work without scientists, it was viable before Naxx and the format should be slowing down a bit.

Paladin - If anything, Paladin is getting buttfucked harder than mage. People may not remember but paladin was absolute shit tier until GvG came out with minibot, muster, and quartermaster. Secret will probably also be dead without minibot, muster, and avenge, even in a powered-down meta. The only thing my murloc paladin list is losing is healbot and belcher, so I suspect murloc otk will be about the only paladin list seen on the ladder unless the next expansion gives paladin some serious muscle to make up for losing minibot and muster.

Priest - Priest is getting hit hard. On top of the neutral stuff, they'll be losing lightbomb. Can't really tell how they'll be doing until we see the new meta unfold.

Rogue - With its namesake rotating out, oil rogue will be dead, but my Maly Miracle list will only be losing healbots. That may be enough to kill the deck, since rogue needs that healing pretty badly, but we'll see how it shakes out.

Shaman - as someone mentioned, the only thing aggro shaman is losing is crackle. I expect this will be a top tier deck in standard

Warlock - Zoo will be less sticky without the neutrals it's losing, but there will never at any point in Hearthstone be a time when Zoo isn't viable. Darkbomb and Implosion rotating out wrecks the more midrange style warlocks, so I suspect we'll see the return of the more traditional handlock to the ladder.

Warrior - Losing Shieldmaiden and especially Death's Bite fucking sucks. Death's Bite rotating out kills Patron dead imo, but Control warrior should be in a much better spot with so many troublesome neutrals rotating out. Control warrior may not be as ubiquitous as Zoo, since it does have bad matchups that can drive it out of the meta, but it will never be completely gone since so much of the deck is basic/classic.


I don't know how I feel about it either but I did expect it to go down this road. It's really only logical, the barrier of entry for the new player was getting to be absurd. I'd assume this is the standard progression of most TCG's though, no?
M:tG did it about two years after it originally launched (type 1 = any set, type 2 = basic + two most recent expansions) so there's, what, twenty years of prior on this one?


Molten Core Raider
I expect eventually there will be three formats once wild gets to crazy. Probably Wild, Restricted Wild, and Standard. Wild will just get to crazy in time.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Its pointless to speculate without the new expansion cards. For all we know there will be new mechanics that change everything or simply replacements for the tech roles things like healbot and loatheb were used for. I also wonder if its possible they might be considering buffs to some unplayable classic cards. I hope not, and its not historically something we have seen them do, but then again the game is pretty young. They could be thinking of buffing effects on shit like Priestess of Elune and Darkscale Healer to offset healbot for example. Which would probably be dumb and I doubt it will happen but I wouldn't put it past them.


Its pointless to speculate without the new expansion cards. For all we know there will be new mechanics that change everything
LOL, its still the same idiots making this game...

it's funny reading this thread tho. It amuses me


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
I expect there to be some buffs to cards for sure, though not to neutrals. I expect buffs to mainly target class cards.

Hunter, Warlock and Shaman have the worst Basic/Common class cards.

For minions, Hunter only has Highmane and Animal Companion, they need a lot of love. Maybe they revisit Buzzard, for example, maybe even Krush.

Warlock were notorious for primarily being a full neutral deck, until the expansions gave them OP as fuck class shit.

Shaman are a mess from Overload, but Fire Elemental is OP.

Prophet Velen could see an update, but if they change BGH maybe he'll be fine.

I can't wait to see what gets changed. It might get my desire to play back.


Mr. Poopybutthole
Yeah I'm assuming that 'They're going to re-evaluate some cards in the basic and classic sets. This includes class cards.' is going to be some minor changes at best.