My picks for cards to nerf:
Class Cards:
Savage Roar (maybe) - Either this card or Force of Nature, but not both. I think this card survives... meaning Token Druid still ok.
Force of Nature (likely) - Probably loses charge, since charge is always problematic, to compensate maybe minions stay on board, but would need to be cheaper or stronger minions.
Can't picture too many other class cards getting changed, but *maybe* warrior gets hit on Execute or Shield Slam, even like +1 mana cost or something. Having 4 cards that cost 1 and can remove basically anything (with easy to obtain conditions) is stupidly powerful.
Big Game Hunter (likely) - I have no good suggestions, but this guy has to be dealt with. Maybe he does 8 damage to minions with 7+ attack instead, so still works on almost all the same shit except Divine Shields and health buffs would stop him. Also Deathwing lives.
Knife Juggler (maybe) - Such an OP 2-drop. Should be looked at.
Alexstrasza (doubtful) - Enables so many combo decks, would be nice if they nerf it, but I don't see it happening. (Added it since it was mentioned above and seemed like a decent idea to me).
Arcane Golem (doubtful) - Just a very annoying addition to the aggro decks. There's plenty of charge minions to target, but this one would be most likely to see a change imo. I still doubt it happens. There's still Wolfrider/Bluegill/Leeroy as neutral charge minions, but Arcane Golem is the best bang for the buck. You can see it in face hunter, aggro druid, aggro shaman and Warlock (with PO+Faceless).
Abusive Sergeant (doubtful) - Such a versatile 1 drop but it only sees play in aggro and some warlock. Probably doesn't get nerfed, but I wouldnt be surprised if it sees a small change.
So that's my list & reasoning. It's only like 9 cards, and most I don't want changed too much.