

Trakanon Raider
I think Zoo is going to make a very strong comeback with Standard Mode. But I, for one, will not miss Imp-Losion in the slightest. Whoever thought 4 mana to deal 4 damage to a minion and summon 4 1/1 demons was a good idea should be fired.


Space Pirate
<Bronze Donator>
I think Zoo is going to make a very strong comeback with Standard Mode. But I, for one, will not miss Imp-Losion in the slightest. Whoever thought 4 mana to deal 4 damage to a minion and summon 4 1/1 demons was a good idea should be fired.
That's not what my imp-losion does, mine does 2 damage and summons 2 1/1 demon only.


Mr. Poopybutthole
I dont agree at all. A balanced meta means more options. Nothing is worse than losing out of nowhere because of a broken card or interaction. Or starting out behind the 8 ball and never getting a solid chance to compete. If there were competitive decks during those times, then there are plenty of competitive decks right now.
Yeah I wouldn't expect it to be a popular opinion. I don't want to sound like a CCG elitist or anything but I played Magic during the original combo winter of Academy, Mind Over Matter, and Memory Jar which was so broken it actually got an emergency ban. Unfortunately I got back into the game during the second combo winter of skullclamp and ravager affinity. Hell, I also played Battletech and Warlords. My standards for a deck actually unfairly wrecking a format are probably much higher than your average Hearthstone player. While I'm sure there are plenty of instances of me rageposting in this thread about matches against Undertaker and Patron, but the only deck I think was actually wrecking the format was vanilla miracle rogue, and in my opinion the Leeroy nerf was more than enough, they didn't need to follow it up later by also nerfing Gadgetzan.

I think Zoo is going to make a very strong comeback with Standard Mode. But I, for one, will not miss Imp-Losion in the slightest. Whoever thought 4 mana to deal 4 damage to a minion and summon 4 1/1 demons was a good idea should be fired.
A very strong comeback from already being a top tier deck? But yes, I think Zoo is probably going to lose the least amount of power with the standard rotation. Druid will probably be either gutted or barely touched, murloc paladin is only losing healbot so I expect it to be a pretty dominant deck post rotation, freeze mage will probably still be viable without scientists assuming the meta slows down a bit. Control warrior is losing some valuable cards, but the format is tentatively losing most of the worst matchups for control warrior so I expect to see it back near the top again. I think I already posted my thoughts but oh well.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
They aren't going to silently launch standard four days before the qualifying weekend of a championship tournament...


King Turd of Shit Hill
<Gold Donor>
Yeah, they've said "Spring" for the changes+expansion ever since they announced it.
Yeah. March may be a bit early but they've wanted changes(been working on it) for a while now. Let's see how they balance it but I'm ready for some new cards and strategies.

I also have about 5-10(hopefully) more packs of GvG before I get a legendary so need a little bit more time to earn them.


Mr. Poopybutthole
Why would you still be spending gold on GvG? Hell I wait longer than most to start saving gold and I'm already saving for the next xpac.


what Suineg set it to
The meta thing also discounts the fun of decks to play and play against. Even if it's 5 decks that are 20% each and well balanced, if a bunch of those are really obnoxious or infuriating then it seems a lot shittier than statistics might show.


<Bronze Donator>
Lol. Unstable Portal into Museum Curator into Ronin, combined with a a Roaring Torch from an Ethereal Conjuror for a lethal of Flamewaker + 3x Arcane Missiles + Roaring Torch. Poor Reno Lock. That guy had healed for 40 health already too


JunkiesNetwork Donor
They haven't released spoilers for a single card from the new expansion yet. Hell we don't even know what it's called. We debated GvG and TGT for at least a couple weeks beforehand. I can't imagine it drops today and that sucks because it's getting harder and harder to log in ever since they announced the upcoming changes.


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
I think people were hoping Standard would start even before the expansion, but no way that happens right before a tournament. The downtime is standard blizzard downtime across all games right? For Hearthstone it could be a minor download, or maybe an asset patch to prep for the expansion.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Best hope for today is they load in something that can be datamined to give some tease of new things to come.


marco esquandolas
<Bronze Donator>
They aren't going to silently launch standard four days before the qualifying weekend of a championship tournament...
If it's worth points don't they have to since points are only going to be from standard this year?


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
points aren't just from standard since last month awarded points and there have been tournaments since then that have given points. It's that when Standard is released all official road to blizzcon competition will be moved to that format exclusively.


Mr. Poopybutthole
jesus fucking christ I just remembered why i hate this faggoty game. trying to finish a daily but can't win for shit with discover grinder so I give up and switch to freeze mage. first goddamn match I get blown out by a fucking midrange paladin of all things, who gets a 100% perfect chow-juggler-muster-quartermaster god draw.


King Turd of Shit Hill
<Gold Donor>
Why would you still be spending gold on GvG? Hell I wait longer than most to start saving gold and I'm already saving for the next xpac.
Was rotating sets by getting legendaries. Since you get a legendary after about 40 packs, I was already about 15 packs into my GvG legend when they announced. I'm OCD on some things, and while I may never use the legend I get, I can always dust if I want. There is plenty of time for me to start building my gold pool for the upcoming set. They could even have a similar deal to last time which gave me most of the starting pool I wanted. Not worried about playing the new cards instantly even if it is fun.

TL;DR version- I'm OCD.


Mr. Poopybutthole
Fair enough.

Somebody forgot to hit rivendare with his hero power before he swiped me rofl. although maybe with the inconsistent way shit happens in hearthcards, they still might have double deathrattled anyway.



King Turd of Shit Hill
<Gold Donor>
Fair enough.

Somebody forgot to hit rivendare with his hero power before he swiped me rofl. although maybe with the inconsistent way shit happens in hearthcards, they still might have double deathrattled anyway.

That's just about perfect too. I always hope to get 4 before i suicide Baron off.


Mr. Poopybutthole
and now i just lost a game on turn 5 to a priest who went divine spirit x2 + inner fire on a deathlord. where do these retarded scrubs come from?


or lose a goddamn 1 in 5 on a fucking faggot avenge after the fucking faggot secret paladin won his fucking faggot 1 in 5 to get coghammer on the fucking faggot challenger in the first place.