Emp Thau > Leeroy/PO/PO/Abu/Abu + Faceless = 36 damage turn. Reno lock.
Token lock. Two sea giants and Brann on board, Argus>Abu/Abu>Gormock = 36 damage turn. You also have the option of getting PO's mixed in to that instead of or in addition to an abusive or two.
I've pulled off both of these, but the Brann shit is way harder to set up. Reno with Leeroy/Faceless its actually not that hard to survive to such a turn with emp ticks on any of the key components. Usually don't manage an Emp tick on both PO's and Abu's though, but very commonly two or three of the four, and you don't even need an emp tick on the faceless or leeroy per se. If you have it on them too it just makes it easier. Also, that's doing OVER 30 in a turn, doing a straight thirty requires less set up.