Definitely a good read.
Lifecoach's Ramp Druid with Y'Shaarj as a top deck seems kinda surprising. There are a lot of good battlecry minions in that deck that could get pulled out by Y'Shaarj (Mire Keeper, Druid of the Claw, Ancient of War, Azure Drake, Spellbreaker). I like Kolento's version without Y'Shaarj better, and it's interesting that he put in Dark Arakkoa even though he's not playing C'Thun. 6 Mana 5/7 Taunt is nothing to sneeze at.
Lifecoach's Ramp Druid with Y'Shaarj as a top deck seems kinda surprising. There are a lot of good battlecry minions in that deck that could get pulled out by Y'Shaarj (Mire Keeper, Druid of the Claw, Ancient of War, Azure Drake, Spellbreaker). I like Kolento's version without Y'Shaarj better, and it's interesting that he put in Dark Arakkoa even though he's not playing C'Thun. 6 Mana 5/7 Taunt is nothing to sneeze at.