

Definitely a good read.

Lifecoach's Ramp Druid with Y'Shaarj as a top deck seems kinda surprising. There are a lot of good battlecry minions in that deck that could get pulled out by Y'Shaarj (Mire Keeper, Druid of the Claw, Ancient of War, Azure Drake, Spellbreaker). I like Kolento's version without Y'Shaarj better, and it's interesting that he put in Dark Arakkoa even though he's not playing C'Thun. 6 Mana 5/7 Taunt is nothing to sneeze at.


Mr. Poopybutthole
Definitely a good read.

Lifecoach's Ramp Druid with Y'Shaarj as a top deck seems kinda surprising. There are a lot of good battlecry minions in that deck that could get pulled out by Y'Shaarj (Mire Keeper, Druid of the Claw, Ancient of War, Azure Drake, Spellbreaker). I like Kolento's version without Y'Shaarj better, and it's interesting that he put in Dark Arakkoa even though he's not playing C'Thun. 6 Mana 5/6 Taunt is nothing to sneeze at.
5/7 taunt. And it doesnt really matter if you lose battlecries when you're tossing them into play for free with a 10/10.


Yeah, edited to 5/7.

I guess that's true in you essentially get free bodies with your 10/10, it just feels bad from an efficiency standpoint.

edit: 10/10 + 5/5 for 10 mana is definitely better than a 5/10 + taunt for 7 mana, so Y'Shaarj is really the more efficient play.


Mr. Poopybutthole
Well keep in mind it's essentially only one creature. Because if a 10/10 sticks for a turn you've almost certainly won anyway.


Blackwing Lair Raider
As if entomb wasn't bad enough before its kinda ridiculously op in this expansion. You literally never can play your own k'thun because you'll just give them a second one. It should be like shadow caster and shuffle a 1/1 version of the minion into their deck.


This fatigue deck is great Gavin. I love when a control war outdraws me and thinks because he has 60 extra armor that's going to protect him. I didn't play justicar or medics til late, they loved that, rofl.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Many people at high ranks still do not know how to play control warrior vs control warrior. Its safe to assume no one in the bottom 75% of the population knows how to play the match up. Shit, I think I ended last month at rank 11 which said I was still in the top 12% of players so its safe to assume no one in the bottom 85% know how to play the match up.

Was this fatigue list posted somewhere? I love me some fatigue warrior.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Man I feel dumb, thought for sure I was playing a combo priest because they did practically nothing and played corrupted healbot so I played my golden monkey and it was an n'zoth deck


I'm salty about the 5/7 druid taunt, but not nearly as salty as I am over the Klaxxi Amber Weaver, a 4 mana, 4/5 card that gains +5 health when your C'thun hits 10/10. Its pretty easy to play C'thun cards on curve and get him to 10/10 by the time you hit 4 mana. It's nuts.

I got a golden N'Zoth from one of my initial packs, and have been trying to make some headway with a deathrattle rogue deck. I have a huge boner for it conceptually, but (at least the versions I've been playing) highlight what I think is the Rogue's biggest weakness in the new expansion: removal for big (high-health) creatures, and mass removal. The blade flurry nerf hurt bad, and rogues have no real options for mass removal. With the deathrattle deck, I try to make the most favorable trades possible each turn and still end up losing the board. Sap is ok, but is a rough play against minions with battlecries, and either way the other player can still play that card later. This deck is probably what inspired my intense hatred for the amber weaver.

Admittedly, I'm a still a huge scrub at this game, but currently as a rogue if the other player (1) floods the board; or (2) drops a high-health minion, getting back in the game can be hell. If anyone has some experience with a rogue n'zoth deathrattle deck and is doing well with it, I'd appreciate hearing why I'm wrong.


Mr. Poopybutthole
I'm salty about the 5/7 druid taunt, but not nearly as salty as I am over the Klaxxi Amber Weaver, a 4 mana, 4/5 card that gains +5 health when your C'thun hits 10/10. Its pretty easy to play C'thun cards on curve and get him to 10/10 by the time you hit 4 mana. It's nuts.

I got a golden N'Zoth from one of my initial packs, and have been trying to make some headway with a deathrattle rogue deck. I have a huge boner for it conceptually, but (at least the versions I've been playing) highlight what I think is the Rogue's biggest weakness in the new expansion: removal for big (high-health) creatures, and mass removal. The blade flurry nerf hurt bad, and rogues have no real options for mass removal. With the deathrattle deck, I try to make the most favorable trades possible each turn and still end up losing the board. Sap is ok, but is a rough play against minions with battlecries, and either way the other player can still play that card later. This deck is probably what inspired my intense hatred for the amber weaver.

Admittedly, I'm a still a huge scrub at this game, but currently as a rogue if the other player (1) floods the board; or (2) drops a high-health minion, getting back in the game can be hell. If anyone has some experience with a rogue n'zoth deathrattle deck and is doing well with it, I'd appreciate hearing why I'm wrong.
Shadow strike helps a lot with high health minions. Or plain old assassinate.


Shadow strike helps a lot with high health minions. Or plain old assassinate.
Agree completely. I've been tinkering with the deck and shadow strike was one of the first cards I threw in. I'm considering putting 2 Southsea Squidface and either one or two blade flurries in the deck if I can find cards to sub out, just to help deal with some of the decks that are able to flood the board easily--but I'm not sure how that'll work out yet.


Molten Core Raider
Gavin, I like your fatigue deck. Except I don't have Saraad, I used tentacles instead.

Because fatigue shenanigans are good? I dunno, but they did certainly do 10 damage in fatigue mode.