The variants that I have played that totally wrecked me are the ones that didn't maindeck deathwing2 and instead happily look to take him from Museum Curator.I was playing with that archtype last night and had some success but not sure its much better if at all than regular dragon. Was a little greedier though. Keep trying to find a spot for stupid deathwing2 in any deck and its not working not surprisingly. Did win a game with him against mid hunter when he couldn't remove or prevent lethal from a long ways away which was amusing.
I like it but I think Chillmaw in for one Thoughtsteal would be an improvement.So here's my current dragonzoth priest that I've been laddering with. Made a few unconventional choices but it's been working out surprisingly well so far.
Thoughtsteal in place of northshire. Northshire has been pretty consistently underperforming in this meta, and I'm not the only one cutting her. Thoughtsteal always gets some kind of value.
Minimal deathrattle package: a mistake a lot of people make is they think they need to cram their decks full of deathrattles to get an epic N'zoth turn. While a pure N'Zoth deck does need a higher deathrattle count, dragonzoth does not. N'Zoth bringing back nothing but Sylvanas is a plenty strong play, and I have the two curators. People cramming shade, Cairne, Deathwing, and god knows what else are focusing too much on N'Zoth and not enough on dragons. N'Zoth is just a powerful secondary win condition, which I think suits dragon priest very well because aside from Ysera, your other end game options are kind of weak. You have to combo Chromaggus with a power word shield to guarantee value, Nefarian's effect is generally worse than thoughtsteal, and the deck lacks circles and alchemists to get extra value out of Soggoth. The only thing I'd consider putting in is Chillmaw, but the list is so tight that I have absolutely no idea what I'd cut, and I don't really want to craft him anyway.
I like double entombs right now in this meta. So many N'Zoth decks, and removing 2 of their deathrattles while giving yourself 2 additional ones is great.If I was going to cut anything, it would probably be one of the entombs. Double entomb on top of pain and death is super greedy.
I just tried Sparkle's deck and was up against N'Zoth Dragon Paladin and those are the exact two cards that I entombed.I like double entombs right now in this meta. So many N'Zoth decks, and removing 2 of their deathrattles while giving yourself 2 additional ones is great.
Nothing I like more than entombing Tyrion and Sylvanas from a N'Zoth Paladin.![]()
Still op.Shaman - Deckbuilder - HearthPwn
Is the list I was using. It started as a deck I built when WotoG launched and just swapped some cards out for popular cards I see now. Actually meant to replace brann, he was in there because of what the deck originally was, I'll probably replace him with harvest golem tbh or the guy that mana cost reduces 1 each turn. Also think I'll try replacing the earth shock with stormcrack and see how that goes. Just realized when building the deck in deck builder there are only 3 neutral cards in that list! Argent squires are irreplaceable, but definitely could be 28 shaman cards and 2 argent squires.
It's hard to say, I have yet to find a N'Zoth list that I really like to accumulate experience withHow does it compare with regular NZoth priest with soul priests?