Uh, I care plenty. It was months before I got my first 12 win run and arena drafting was a lot simpler during vanilla. Very impressive.
12 wins is indeed impressive that quickly or at all.
Oh, thanks guys! I guess I've just been watching too many streamers that make it look so easy, figured most half decent people get a 12 win run every so often.
Since that day, I've had some 1-3 win runs, and then the occasional 7-9 win. It got me thinking, I think I'm playing most decks as if they are attrition/control decks, and when I actually get a good version of that style is when I do well. But, when I get an aggro, tempo or midrange deck and play it that way, something inevitably goes wrong.
Also, I had the most ridiculous match against a priest. He goes turn 2 acidic swamp ooze. I drop a 3/2 of some kind (didn't have any relevant abilities). He then buffs it with velen's chosen and kills my dude. I coin out a 4/4, planning to drop a senjin the next turn which should kill the ooze since he can only bring it up to 3 health (I have no removal in hand). He drops a shadowboxer, heals his ooze, and kills my 4/4 with it (now at 5/1).
I play a sen'jin. He plays a darkshire alchemist to heal the ooze up to 5/6 and kills my senjin with it.
Obviously, if I had a removal spell of some kind it would have helped a lot, but I'm really surprised how poorly priest does overall in the arena when it can out-attrition everyone and really wrecks mages. Velen's chosen is a common class card, so you should see it pretty often and the tempo it gives you early on is so ridiculous. There was literally nothing I could do against that opening he had unless I thought coining out my 2 drop on turn 1 with no other 2 drop in hand, as a shaman, was somehow better then going 2/4/4.
Maybe it's just that I either play against priest early on, and the player is terrible anyway, or after 5+ wins and the priest has a good version of what a priest deck normally is. I've just seen some ridiculously powerful things that priests have done against me and am not sure if I've just been super unlucky or priests aren't that bad and most people just play them wrong.