Ok Hearthbros, got a question for you. I've finally built up enough dust to craft a legendary, so I'd like an opinion on what it should be.
Here's my choices in no particular order:
1. Ragnaros - He's popping up in quite a few decks, he's classic set, so no going away = good value long term. Downside is he seems to float in and out of the meta depending on many factors.
2. Sylvanas - Classic set so no going away. Included in tons of decks, especially nzoth decks. I have nzoth, but none of the legendaries to go with him to make nzoth decks really shine, so this would go towards that.
3. Emperor Vek'lor - Enables me to start playing many of the cthun decks, which I haven't really played so far due to not having him. Downside is that many c'thun decks aren't particularly strong in the current meta, but that may change. Plus I don't have nearly the legendaries to play c'thun warrior, druid I could come closer.
4. Fandral - Almost every druid deck has him included, and I'm enjoying druid quite a bit with the ramp effects, since I didn't play druid much pre-WOTOG. Downside is it's a class card so of limited use compared to neutrals of course.
5. Yogg'Saron - Seems like a fun card to have, I have the other 3 old gods, so completes that for OCD purposes. Downside is it only seems good in mage, hunter, and yogg druid, none of which are currently that good, although yogg druid is pretty fun to play IMO. (I've been playing a version of it without yogg).
6. Something else I'm not thinking of?
7. Don't craft anything and wait for the next adventure which is coming in a few months supposedly?
Thanks in advance bros