Brawls where "dumb" RNG doesn't decide 95% of the games.Malygos into a Mind Blast, lmfao. If you hate this brawl I just don't know what you want in Brawl.
I enjoyed Idols of Azeroth, The Great Stone of Challenge, An Evil Exchange, Deal Your Fate, Decks Assemble!, Gift Exchange and Captain Blackheart's Treasure (not to say these did not have some flaws to them).The brawls I've enjoyed the most by far have been co-op vs mechazod, kel'thuzad vs rafaam, and rag vs nefarian. I didn't mind the shifter zerus brawl, it was much better than the dumbass unstable portal brawls since the card shifts again each turn and doesn't get a discount.
I liked those pretty well. Top 2, Crash Cart, Pick a Hand, and Battle of the builds were also enjoyable. Anything that actually made you build a deck was far better than random shit wins. I played something with coin on turn one this week and got Call of the Wild. He died two turns later. That's not really fun even for me.I enjoyed Idols of Azeroth, The Great Stone of Challenge, An Evil Exchange, Deal Your Fate, Decks Assemble!, Gift Exchange and Captain Blackheart's Treasure (not to say these did not have some flaws to them).
Was others that were alright and then a lot I found just annoying/boring.
Yeah, I'd still like to try one in a reno warrior, I just haven't played one since the expansion. 5 mana every time is just so much mana though. I feel like they really needed to make it cost 1 less each time its cast.Yeah I've wanted to try one but I've never been sure how to fit it in a deck. Only thing that comes to mind is Reno warrior, but that basically goes contrary to the entire design philosophy of control warrior. The problem with running one in super-heavy control lists is that when you go into the ultra late game against another control deck and you're playing the initiative game, you won't have the room in your hand to keep bringing it back, and it's too goddamn slow to rely on against faster decks.
Can we see the list? I've found tempo to be aweak matchup to warrior and I wanted to see what you had different.Right now I'm back to tried and true Tempo Mage. The current version has Yogg as its only high cost card. Azure Drake comes in second at 5. This means it curves out very well and has a ton of removal. It's very easy to get dream turns with Flamewakers and two or three cheap spells. It matches up very well against Warrior and Shaman which make up about two thirds of the Meta so it's in a really good spot to counter the meta.
I think 52 is the max it can do in one turn and they have to have saved both inner rages. Its 6 cards from hand for 52 damage or 5 cards and 44 damage so really only control warrior can possibly live through it. Lost to one w/ 44 damage, but won another that I was able to bran/+10 armor guy so I had ~80 effective health when he was forced to drop it and brawl/execute cleaned it up. Good to note the deck doesn't run brawl, and doesn't have much in removal so unless you can get over 60 health best to just try and rush them down asap.Warrior OTK is all over. Just got hit for 52 damage on one turn from an empty board and through a chillmaw! I've ran into it 4 times today now. Think I've only won one of them![]()
Yeah, saw mr yagut play it saturday night/sunday morning and have been seeing it more and more since. Most likely will get nerfed because they have nerfed every one of these types of decks.ya, I was seeing it streamed quite a bit this weekend by kolento, thijs, and savjz so not surprised to see it everywhere now