It shits all over control which is just another reason to not even attempt the archetype. Not sure if it will help push even more aggro into the meta but is fun if you can last long enough to get it off. I really like dragon warr right now but have been trying to get a variant of Kripps priest deck to succeed. It's pretty solid if you don't get OTK decks. Feels bad to know you are going to lose unless you can a lucky combo turn before a deck dedicated to combo does.Yeah, saw mr yagut play it saturday night/sunday morning and have been seeing it more and more since. Most likely will get nerfed because they have nerfed every one of these types of decks.
Unless its control warrior, I think its going to be a good match up for me on c'thun warrior. I lost to it the first couple of times because I wasn't really expecting it and I was playing the match up like I would another warrior trying to get too much value when now I know its perfectly acceptable to execute their acolytes just to buy yourself more time. And now that I think about it that play won me a game I just played because he did the full 52 to me w/ 9 cards remaining in his deck on turn 10 or 11, but I had just gained 14 armor the turn before putting me at 57 health.It shits all over control which is just another reason to not even attempt the archetype. Not sure if it will help push even more aggro into the meta but is fun if you can last long enough to get it off. I really like dragon warr right now but have been trying to get a variant of Kripps priest deck to succeed. It's pretty solid if you don't get OTK decks. Feels bad to know you are going to lose unless you can a lucky combo turn before a deck dedicated to combo does.
Having real bad luck playing C'thun Warrior. Paladin just seems to rape me, though I might need to add another Brawl into the deck. Have seen some pretty good Paladin decks that appear to have answers for all situations.Unless its control warrior, I think its going to be a good match up for me on c'thun warrior. I lost to it the first couple of times because I wasn't really expecting it and I was playing the match up like I would another warrior trying to get too much value when now I know its perfectly acceptable to execute their acolytes just to buy yourself more time. And now that I think about it that play won me a game I just played because he did the full 52 to me w/ 9 cards remaining in his deck on turn 10 or 11, but I had just gained 14 armor the turn before putting me at 57 health.
Just gotta play it like against freeze mage and armor up almost every turn.
best part of that is when you switch to Shaman...and instantly pull 2 warrriors. After not seeing one for 5 games. RNG I know, but it always seems to work that way.Love this game.
Having real bad luck playing C'thun Warrior. Paladin just seems to rape me, though I might need to add another Brawl into the deck. Have seen some pretty good Paladin decks that appear to have answers for all situations.
Yeah, two brawls has been standard in control for awhile now. It is mandatory. I don't see too many paladins, but I think the matchup is the best for warrior its ever been.Why would you play control warrior without double brawl in the first place? N'zoth can be tuned to have a favorable match against control warrior but it's still a terrible deck for the meta atm.
sent a request if you haven't already finished it, never done the quest beforeI have the Play a Friend quest. Hit me up for a quick 80g Tortfeasor#1763