11th isn't too bad, thought it would be the 2nd myself.
Cards already looking OP, but we all know how predictions go.
Kindly Grandmother: 4/3 worth of stats for 2 mana, works with N'Zoth, both the grandmother and big bad wolf are beasts, seems really good.
Fireland Portal seems like it is going to be very good in Tempo Mage... kill an enemy minion and summon a 5-cost. Can a card like this summon other class 5 drops? I forget the rules. But if so, that means Earth Elemental or Doomguard possible... also Leeroy and Nexus Champion Saraad. Here's a complete list, not too many losers:
Hearthstone Cards
Ivory Knight seems ok. Might not find a home right away. 6 Mana 4/4 but also get a spell and also heal for the cost of that spell... Lots of great spells you could select in the paladin class and the healing is a nice bonus even if not necessary since Paladin has the 20-point heal spell already. Question is, do you fit this into N'Zoth list anywhere? It's too expensive and doesn't fit aggro paladin. Is there a new deck that can be formed due to this card? Yogg Paladin?
Ethereal Peddler: 5 mana, 5/6, Rogue, Battlecry: Reduce the cost of cards for other classes in your hand by 2. Most likely fits into a Reno Rogue list for sure. Lots of ways to get other classes cards as Rogue but even a 5/6 for 5 is good enough.
All I see with Barnes is another way to get Malygos into the field for an OTK. Won't work if Malygos is already in your hand, so kinda risky. Also works extremely well with Deathrattles. The dream is to get a Ragnaros/Ysera/Y'Saarj. I think we'll see him often.
The Curator is interesting... 4/6 Taunt, draw 3 cards from deck. Might not fit anywhere, but lets look at possibilities:
Warrior: a Dragon, Finley, Fierce Monkey.
Renolock... Finley, Azure Drake, Kodo.
Shaman with Finley, Azure Drake, Kodo
Murlocs you might put in non-murloc decks: Corrupted Seer, Coldlight, Finley, Bilefin Tidehunter
Only Neutral Beast you'll find in a lot of decks is Kodo
Lots of Dragons that work.
Edit: Forgot about the 1 mana 2/2 beast for druid... will beast druid FINALLY become a deck? Mark of Ysaarj on turn 2 gives you a 4/4 for 3 total mana and draw a card.