Necrath Evilcraft
Golden Knight of the Realm
Yoggs favorite troll seems to be add 3-4 minions to the board and cast doom and kill board control and put you into fatigue.
It's quite a fun deck to play! Been having a lot of fun with Shaman lately with this deck and the Shaman deck Kripp showcased recently.Haha, Frodan just beat StrifeCro then Ostkaka at seat story. Was pretty funny as it was a crazy Shaman deck he went 6-0 with
Thats awesome. I've yet to get a juicy faceless but it has won me at least 2 games now where I faceless enemy Ragnaros. I still await the dream of faceless an Ancestral'd Earth Ele / Cairne / SylvPlaying some of that control shaman, wasn't too consistent with it this morning, but omg, the swings are real. Had one game that was looking grim against darkshire pally, but I had a repented sylvanas on the board and he got me to 1 hp so I guess he figured he couldn't lose and still dropped tirion. And then I top decked elemental destruction. Came across a rather huge bug as casting the destruction stole his tirion, but didn't pop the divine shield. That ended up not mattering in the end, but a turn later I ancestral spirited and faceless'ed the tirion so I had 4 tirions on board and n'zoth in hand, lol.
GratsAnybody looking to hit legend right now I hit it with kolentos midrange hunter , it was probably my easiest legend since Force + Savage druid was around.
Mulligans are pretty simple, keep 1 and 2 drops as well as eagle horn and animal comp (can keep quickshot against warriors if you think they might be dragon as it handles that dumb 3-3 charge nicely). The abusive sergeant was good sometimes but i'm on the fence about it. I feel like another tracking instead of it might be better.
Meh, maybe I'm having a bad morning, but I went 2-3 with this deck at rank 15 then switched back to token yogg.Anybody looking to hit legend right now I hit it with kolentos midrange hunter , it was probably my easiest legend since Force + Savage druid was around.
Mulligans are pretty simple, keep 1 and 2 drops as well as eagle horn and animal comp (can keep quickshot against warriors if you think they might be dragon as it handles that dumb 3-3 charge nicely). The abusive sergeant was good sometimes but i'm on the fence about it. I feel like another tracking instead of it might be better.